Outcomes to be achieved. The anticipated outcomes of this program, the outcomes as identified in the Exhibit A-2 and Exhibit A-3 Work Plans, and those services described above are:
a. Parenting Support and Education: Parents receive client visits (in-person, telephonic or video conferencing sessions).
b. Developmental Screening: Infants and children are screened for developmental milestones, including cognitive, vision, hearing speech, language, psychosocial issues, and other special needs, as appropriate.
c. Parent Support and Education: Clients successfully complete service..
d. Parenting Support and Education: Clients enroll in early learning services upon case closure..
e. CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP), shall report on a., b., and d. above in addition to - Parenting Support and Education; Perform joint client visits with HVP Early Learning Liaison and/or HVP home visitation contractor (in-person, telephonic or video conferencing sessions).
Outcomes to be achieved. The anticipated outcomes of this program, the outcomes as identified in the Exhibit A-1, Work Plan, and those Services described above are:
a. Parenting Support and Education: Parents receive client visits (in-person, telephonic or videoconferencing sessions).
b. Developmental Screening: Infants and children are screened for developmental milestones, including cognitive, vision, hearing speech, language, psychosocial issues, and other special needs, as appropriate.
c. Parenting Support and Education: Clients successfully complete service.
d. Parenting Support and Education: Clients enroll in early learning services upon case closure. Clients are given information on how to access support services that include but not limited to early learning services, Help Me Grow, and childcare.
e. Increase percentage of children growing up in a health and safe environment by reducing children ages 0-5 who are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke at home.
Outcomes to be achieved. The CAS worker considers whether woman abuse is occurring within the family, and what effect this has on the mother and child(xxx) at every stage of the assessment/investigation. In the event that woman abuse is occurring the threat the perpetrator of woman abuse presents to the safety of the child(xxx) and the mother is reflected in the investigation plan, and safety strategies are discussed with the mother.
Outcomes to be achieved. In consultation with the VAW worker as needed, the CAS worker considers the threat the perpetrator of woman abuse presents to the safety of the child(xxx) and the mother when doing the safety and risk assessment. The CAS worker refers the mother to appropriate VAW services for support. The mother receives information and support in implementing options that will increase her safety and help her protect and care for her children, including exercising legal measures that are intended to hold the abusive partner accountable. CAS and VAW agree on what information should be shared and documented in order to avoid increasing the risk of harm to the mother and child(xxx). CAS and VAW agree on their respective roles and responsibility where they both have ongoing involvement with the family.
Outcomes to be achieved. During the course of involvement in Custody and Access proceedings, both sectors work to ensure that information about the following is brought to the attention of the court and its officials: the role of the perpetrator in harming or as a risk of harm to the child the effect of woman abuse on the parenting capacity of both parents. Where possible and as is appropriate, CAS and VAW participate in Custody and Access proceedings by, for example, providing professional opinion, testifying, etc, in order to contribute to a legal decision that is in the best interest of the child.
Outcomes to be achieved. The child(xxx) has ongoing contact with both parents, whenever possible, in a manner that ensures the safety of both the child(xxx) and their mother. Where possible and appropriate, F&CS and VAW participate in custody and access proceedings by, for example, providing professional opinion, testifying, etc., in order to ensure that information about the following is brought to the attention of the Court and its officials: o The behavior of the person who has perpetrated abuse and the risk of harm that is posed to the child(xxx). o The effect of woman abuse on the parenting capacity of both parents. 6.2 Collaborative actions we agree to take CA#1. In consultation with the VAW worker, collateral service providers (where appropriate) and both parents, the F&CS worker assesses access plans to ensure the safety of the child(ren) and the mother. CA#2. Where appropriate, VAW agencies and F &CS will support the woman through any custody and access proceedings in Family Court, which may include referrals to Legal Aid, Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP), Victim Services Unit, Victim Services of Waterloo Region, Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Outreach, Criminal Injuries Compensation. In addition, the VAW worker may assist the woman in preparing to present her situation to her legal counsel. CA#3. Wherever possible, the F&CS and/or VAW workers will provide court support or seek others to provide this support before, during and immediately following court proceedings to ensure the safety and representation of the woman and her child(ren). CA#4. VAW and F&CS agree to ensure there is ongoing communication between the mother, the VAW worker and the F&CS worker throughout the custody and access proceedings, particularly whenever there are any significant changes made to access that may impact the safety of the child(ren). CA#5. Recognizing that during a time of separation and court proceedings there can be increased risk, it is essential that there is an ongoing assessment of the safety of the woman and child(xxx) throughout the court process. Intersection point # 7:
Outcomes to be achieved. The anticipated outcomes of this program, the outcomes as identified in the Exhibit A-4, Work Plan, and those Services described above are:
a. Parenting Support and Education: Parents receive client visits (in-person, telephonic or video conferencing sessions).
b. Developmental Screening: Infants and children are screened for developmental milestones, including cognitive, vision, hearing speech, language, psychosocial issues, and other special needs, as appropriate.
c. Parenting Support and Education: Clients successfully complete service.
d. Parenting Support and Education: Clients enroll in early learning services upon case closure.
Outcomes to be achieved i. Engagement and outreach to minimum of 100 unique homeless individuals from city of Milpitas annually; especially targeting outreach towards referrals from City Law Enforcement and other City referral sources;
Outcomes to be achieved. 3.1. The Council and Board are committed to working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.
3.2. In order to maximise the safeguarding of children, effective working between partners, the Board and the scrutiny panel is essential in order to avoid duplication of work and to ensure there are not strategic or operational gaps in safeguarding policies, services or practice.
3.3. This protocol is intended to contribute towards building public confidence in the safeguarding services on the Island.
Outcomes to be achieved. The anticipated outcomes of this program, the outcomes as identified in the Exhibit A-4, Work Plan, and those Services described above are:
a. Parenting Support and Education: Parents receive client visits (in-person, telephonic or video conferencing sessions).
b. Developmental Screening: Infants and children are screened for developmental milestones, including cognitive, vision, hearing speech, language, psychosocial issues, and other special needs, as appropriate.
c. Parenting Support and Education: Clients successfully complete service.
d. Parenting Support and Education: Clients enroll in early learning services upon case closure. Clients are given information on how to access support services that include but not limited to early learning services, Help Me Grow, and childcare.