Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave Sample Clauses
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave a) An employee who has worked for the City of Salisbury on a continuous basis for twelve (12) months or more prior to the expected date of birth or adoption shall be entitled to twelve (12) weeks at 100% of their ordinary rate of pay.
b) Normal incremental advancement within salary classifications shall continue during periods of paid maternity leave taken under this clause.
c) Employees may access paid maternity or adoption leave entitlements at half pay where requested by an employee and approved by the supervisor.
d) For part-time employees, the paid portion of the leave will be at the proportional pro-rata rate of pay.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave i) A staff member with twelve (12) months or more continuous service prior to the expected date of birth or adoption shall be entitled to sixteen (16) weeks at 100% of their ordinary rate of pay, plus twelve (12) weeks at 50% of their ordinary rate of pay.
ii) The sixteen (16) weeks at full pay may be taken as thirty two (32) weeks at half pay and the twelve (12) weeks at half pay may be taken as six (6) weeks at full pay, where requested by a staff member and agreed by the supervisor.
iii) A staff member with less than twelve (12) months continuous service prior to the expected date of birth or adoption shall, for each month of continuous service, be entitled to one (1) week at 100% of the ordinary rate of pay plus one (1) week at 50% of their ordinary rate of pay.
iv) Staff members who have changed their employment fraction to full-time or part-time in the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of commencement of maternity or adoption leave, will be paid their paid maternity or adoption leave on a pro-rata basis according to the average number of contracted hours per week over this twelve (12) month period.
v) All leave accruals and superannuation contributions during the period of paid maternity or adoption leave at half pay will be on a pro rata basis.
vi) If requested by the staff member, any paid proportion of maternity or adoption leave may be paid as a lump sum.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave.
4.2.1. For the life of this Agreement, and in accordance with Mater policy, eligible Medical Officers will be entitled to paid maternity leave as follows:
(a) 14 weeks paid maternity leave which may be taken at half pay for double the period of time;
(b) 14 weeks paid adoption leave for the primary carer of the adopted child which may be taken at half pay for double the period of time;
(c) Eligibility, notice requirements and other related information is detailed in Mater’s Parental Leave Policy.
4.2.2. At the nominal expiry date of this Agreement, i.e. 30 June 2015, a Medical Officer’s entitlement to paid maternity leave will be as follows:
(a) 12 weeks paid maternity leave which may be taken at half pay for double the period of time;
(b) 12 weeks paid adoption leave for the primary carer of the adopted child which may be taken at half pay for double the period of time;
(c) Eligibility, notice requirements and other related information is detailed in Mater’s Parental Leave Policy.
4.2.3. For the sake of clarity, leave accrual whilst on leave at half pay will accrue at half pay.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. 4.2.1 In accordance with Mater Policy, eligible Employees (Full time and Part time Employees who have completed twelve (12) months’ continuous service with Mater at the expected date of birth, or (in the case of adoption, the day of placement or expected date of placement of the child) will be entitled to paid maternity leave (pro rata for part time employees) as follows:
(a) Fourteen (14) weeks paid maternity leave, and
(b) Fourteen (14) weeks paid adoption leave for the primary carer of the adopted child.
4.2.2 In determining eligibility for paid maternity and adoption leave, Medical Officers who have completed service with the Department of Health immediately prior to commencing employment with Mater will have their service recognised to ensure they are not disadvantaged.
4.2.3 Leave may be taken at half pay for double the period of time by the employee agreeing that for the duration of the leave their current ordinary hours will be deemed to be halved and leave will accrue accordingly.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. [AGREEMENT]
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. 25.1 Paid maternity leave and paid adoption leave applies in accordance with this clause. This clause applies to employees who commence an absence on maternity leave or adoption leave on or after the date of approval by the Commission of this Agreement.
25.2 Subject to this clause, an Employee who has completed twelve (12) months continuous service immediately prior to the birth of the child, or immediately prior to taking custody of an adopted child (as applicable), is entitled to: sixteen (16) weeks paid maternity or adoption leave (as applicable) (“the applicable maximum period”). “Adopted child” means a child under 16 years of age.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. 25.1 Paid maternity leave and paid adoption leave applies in accordance with this clause. This clause applies to employees who commence an absence on maternity leave or adoption leave on or after the date of approval by the Commission of this Agreement.
25.2 Subject to this clause, an Employee who has completed twelve (12) months continuous service immediately prior to the birth of the child, or immediately prior to taking custody of an adopted child (as applicable), is entitled to: sixteen (16) weeks paid maternity or adoption
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. This clause shall be read in conjunction with clause 44 of this Agreement.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. 4.6.1 An employee who applied for and was granted maternity leave or adoption leave commencing on or after the date of operation of the Enterprise Agreement will, in respect of the whole or part of leave occurring on or after the date of such operation, be entitled to the benefits provided by this clause as if this clause was in force at the time of having commenced to take such leave.
4.6.2 Subject to this clause, an employee, other than a casual employee, who has completed 12 months continuous service immediately prior to the birth of the child, or immediately prior to taking custody of an adopted child (as applicable) is entitled to 16 weeks paid maternity or adoption leave (as applicable) (the applicable maximum period”) “Adopted child” means a child under 16 years of age.
Paid Maternity and Adoption Leave. 4.2.1 Eligible Employees, that is, Employees other than casual Employees, with twelve (12) months continuous service at the expected date of birth/adoption, will be entitled to a period of twelve (12) weeks paid maternity/adoption leave in accordance with Mater policy (pro rata for part time Employees).
4.2.2 Leave may be taken at half pay for double the period of time by the employee agreeing that for the duration of the leave their current ordinary hours will be deemed to be halved and leave will accrue accordingly.
4.2.3 Notice requirements and other related information is detailed in the Mater policy which may be amended by Mater from time to time.