Payment Documentation Sample Clauses
Payment Documentation. As a prerequisite to payment for services, Service Provider shall invoice District for services performed and for reimbursable expenses authorized by this Agreement, accompanied by such records, receipts and forms as required.
Payment Documentation. 1. All payment requests must be submitted by the County on a quarterly basis, using a completed Navigators Project Quarterly Invoice, Attachment 3. The invoice and the deliverables noted below must accompany the invoice as outlined in the Quarterly Invoice, Deliverables and Payment Schedule noted on Page 4. Budget Plan, A1 - Attachment 1 Work Plan, A1 - Attachment 2 Navigators Project Quarterly Invoice, Attachment 3 Navigators Project Data Report, Attachment 4 Quarterly Progress Report, Attachment 5
2. The County shall have 60 days from the end of the Project Performance Period
3. Payments shall be on the basis of costs incurred.
4. Advance payment for the Allocation is not allowed. 11/15/2019 BUDGET / CAP Invoice for development of Budget Plan 12/31/2019 N/A 11/15/2019 WORK PLAN N/A 12/31/2019 N/A 4/30/2020 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT January, February, March 2020 5/30/2020 6/30/2020 7/31/2020 1ST ANNUAL BUDGET REPORT / ALL REMAINING SFY 2019-20 INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT April, May, June 2020 8/31/2020 9/30/2020 10/31/2020 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT July, August, September 2020 11/30/2020 12/31/2020 1/31/2021 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT October, November, December 2020 2/28/2021 3/31/2021 4/30/2021 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT January, February, March 2021 5/30/2021 6/30/2021 7/31/2021 2ND ANNUAL BUDGET REPORT / ALL REMAINING SFY 2020-21 INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT April, May, June 2021 8/31/2021 9/30/2021 10/31/2021 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT July, August, September 2021 11/30/2021 12/31/2021 1/31/2022 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT October, November, December 2021 3/31/2022 4/30/2022 4/30/2022 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ PROGRESS REPORT January, February, March 2022 5/30/2022 6/30/2022 7/31/2022 QUARTERLY INVOICES/ ALL REMAINING SFY 2021-22 INVOICE(S)/ April, May, June 2022 8/31/2022 9/30/2022 8/31/2022 QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT/ FINAL REPORTING DOCUMENTS/ FINAL DATA REPORTING CORRECTIONS April, May, June 2022 8/31/2022 9/30/2022 9/30/2022 ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE-OUT PERIOD INVOICE (FINAL) July, August 2022 10/31/2022 11/30/2022 *Based on 45 calendar days for DHCS’ Accounting and the State Controller’s Office, per the California Prompt Payment Act.
Payment Documentation. The timing, scope and format of the documentation that Grantee shall provide to the Alliance to request Grant funds is set forth in Exhibit 1. The Alliance reserves the right to request additional documentation as it deems necessary to validate the use of Grant funds, either before or after use by Grantee, and shall have the right at its sole discretion to withhold any payment pending any questions that it may have regarding the use of funds. The Alliance reserves the right to enter into a separate agreement with a third party to ensure that the covenants of this Agreement are met by the Grantee, including but not limited to those of sections 1, 3, and 6.
Payment Documentation. As a necessary precondition to any payment under this Master Contract, the City may require Design Professional to provide such certifications; lien waivers (in statutory form); and proofs of performance, costs, and/or percentage of completion as may be reasonably required by the City, to ensure that payment is then due and owing pursuant to the payment terms set forth in this Master Contract and/or any Project Order.
Payment Documentation. As a prerequisite to payment for services, Design Professional shall invoice District for services performed and for reimbursable expenses authorized by this Agreement, accompanied by such records, receipts and forms as required.
Payment Documentation. All payment requests must be submitted by the Grantee using a completed Payment Request Form, Exhibit J. An approved Payment Request Form constitutes as a valid invoice for payment and must be accompanied by completed forms, as applicable, listed below: Project Costs Summary Form, Exhibit K; Labor Costs Summary Form, Exhibit L (Grantee staff and/or personnel); Equipment Costs Summary Form, Exhibit M; Services and Materials Costs Summary Form, Exhibit N; Report of Alternative Funding Form, Exhibit O; and, Project Certification Form, Exhibit S (prior to final payment). The Project Costs Summary Form, Exhibit K is completed by bringing forward the total expenditures from the Labor Costs Summary Form, Exhibit L, the Equipment Costs Summary Form, Exhibit M, the Services and Materials Costs Summary Form, Exhibit N. The Labor Costs Summary Form, Equipment Costs Summary Form, and Services and Materials Form are completed by itemizing all charges, documenting check numbers, amounts, dates, recipients, purpose of expenditures, and clearly identifying charges to Work Plan tasks and elements. RMC will consider the use of organizational records in lieu of the detailed listing on the specific exhibits, providing all the information required on the exhibits is contained in the organizational record. If organizational records are submitted, Grantee shall summarize information on the appropriate exhibit. The Labor Costs Summary Form, Exhibit L, is submitted with the Payment Request Form and is completed by listing the Grantee’s staff and or personnel, the dates and hours for the pay period, the pay rate, the check or warrant number, and the total dollars paid for the period of the reimbursement request. RMC will consider the use of organizational records in lieu of the detailed listing on the exhibit, providing all the information required on the exhibit is contained in the organizational record. If organizational records are submitted, Grantee shall summarize information on the appropriate exhibit. The Equipment Costs Summary Form, Exhibit M; is submitted with the Payment Request Form and is completed by listing the type of equipment that was used, the dates the equipment performed the work, the check or warrant number that paid for the use of the equipment, and the amount of the payment for the period of the reimbursement request. RMC will consider the use of organizational records in lieu of the detailed listing on the exhibit, providing all the information required on ...
Payment Documentation. For every month that the contractor gets paid under the contract the contractor shall complete and submit a Vendor Payment Report in a form approved by the in accordance with submittal instructions provided by the Authority. As provided elsewhere in this contract, the Authority may withhold all or part of any progress payment otherwise due the contractor if the contractor fails to submit the Vendor Payment Report Form and make prompt payment to its sub- contractors, suppliers and laborers.
Payment Documentation. Concurrently with the submission of each invoice or request for a progress payment under this contract, the Contractor shall provide a breakdown of the amounts paid to DBEs identified by the Contractor to participate in this contract. The breakdown shall be provided on the attached Monthly DBE Subcontractor Progress Report form. As provided elsewhere in this Contract, the County may withhold all or part of any payment otherwise due the Contractor if the Contractor fails to submit the Monthly DBE Subcontractor Progress Report form and/or make prompt payments to its subcontractors, suppliers, materialmen or laborers.
Payment Documentation. The following documents shall be presented by SUPPLIER to SUPPLIER's bankers to draw payment(s) against letter of credit where such payment(s) is (are) stipulated in the PURCHASE ORDER.
34.2.1 Advance Payment
1) Invoice for in original and two (2) copies.
2) Written, unconditional acceptance of the PURCHASE ORDER in one (1) original plus two copies.
3) Bank guarantee in the prescribed Performa of the amount equal to the advance payment in one (1) copy of original bank guarantee valid up to delivery of the material with a further claim period of six months or counter guaranteed/confirmed by Scheduled bank .
4) one (1) copy of the original performance guarantee in the prescribed Performa for 10% PURCHASE ORDER value valid up to completion period plus defect liability period issued or counter guaranteed/ confirmed by a Scheduled bank . The charges for counter guarantee/confirmation, if any, will be to SUPPLIER's account.
Payment Documentation. The Lessee must furnish Lessor with reasonably acceptable documentation of the Maintenance Contractor's work prior to any payment pursuant to this Section 4(d), which shall include, without limitation a representation and warranty by the Maintenance Contractor that all liens relating to the work in question have been discharged provided, however, that if required by the Maintenance Contractor, the Lessor shall use Maintenance Reserves as provided herein to pay deposits in advance of the completion of the work, provided such deposits are actually required by the Maintenance Contractor, are commercially reasonable and customary in the industry for work of the type in question. If any heavy maintenance or shop visit is to be accomplished by a vendor other than the Maintenance Contractor, such vendor must be approved by Lessor in writing prior to any such work commencing.