PENSION AGREEMENT. The Company has adopted the Embarq Pension Component of the CenturyLink Combined Pension Plan (referred to herein as the "Retirement Pension Plan") and except as provided in Section 3 R below, agrees to include Eligible Employees covered by this Agreement as Members of such Retirement Pension Plan in accordance with the Pension Agreement below. Said Pension Agreement shall be continued without modification for the life of this Agreement; provided, however, the Company (and for this purpose only "Company" shall include EMBARQ Corporation) retains the right to make such changes in the Retirement Pension Plan, in its sole discretion, as may be required to obtain a ruling from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that the Retirement Pension Plan qualifies under Section 40 1 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and that the Trust implementing the Retirement Pension Plan is exempt from taxation under Section 501 (a) of said Code, to satisfy any applicable state or federal statute, regulation, ruling, court decision or other law applicable to said Retirement Pension Plan, or to administer said Retirement Pension Plan in an orderly and efficient manner. Except as provided in Section 3 below, any such action taken by the Company in its sole discretion with respect to the Retirement Pension Plan shall apply to all similarly situated employees of the Company in a uniform manner. The Company pays all contributions to the Retirement Pension Plan. Nothing within this Agreement shall constitute an amendment to the Retirement Pension Plan, which is subject to its terms and conditions. In the event of an inconsistency between this Agreement and the Retirement Pension Plan document, the terms of the Retirement Pension Plan document shall govern. Administration of the Embarq Pension Component of the CenturyLink Combined Pension Plan and benefit disputes are not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure set forth in this Agreement.
Section 1: Embarq Pension Component of the CenturyLink Combined Pension Plan The Company agrees to provide to Members, who are Eligible Employees as defined by the Embarq Pension Component of the CenturyLink Combined Pension Plan (the "Retirement Pension Plan"), pension benefits in the form of a Retirement Allowance hereinafter specified in this Agreement effective November 1, 2017, subject to the terms and conditions of the Retirement Pension Plan. All terms defined in the Retirement Pension Plan shall ha...
PENSION AGREEMENT. Consistent with the provisions of the preceding Agreement in this reward, and in order to enable compliance with the law, the Company is authorized to make required changes in the Pension Plan now in effect to comply with current law.
PENSION AGREEMENT. The Pension Agreement between VARTA Gerätebatterie GMBH and the Executive dated May 17, 1989 including the supplement of July 1, 1999, which was assumed by the Company, shall continue and remain in full force and effect.
PENSION AGREEMENT. 23.01 The Pension Agreement between the parties is supplemental to this Agreement. Effective December 31, 2014 the normal retirement age shall be sixty-two (62) and the basic pension shall be forty-seven dollars and ninety cents ($47.90) per month per year of service not exceeding forty (40) years. Early retirement will be a supplement of fifteen (15) dollars x years of credited service, not exceeding thirty (30) years, less Old Age Security payable and less CPP payable (subject to the provisions of early retirement).
23.02 All employees hired after January 1, 2012 will be enrolled in a defined contribution pension plan as set out in the Defined Contribution Retirement Pension Plan for Employees of Community First Union. The employer shall contribute an amount equal to four percent (4%) annually of each eligible employee’s base wages to the pension plan. Employees may contribute in one percent increments up to an amount equal to six and one half percent (6.5%) of their base wages to the plan. The employer will match employee contributions greater than four percent (4%) to a maximum of six and one half percent (6.5%).
PENSION AGREEMENT. 9.1 No pension scheme applies to the Employee.
1. The Employee will have a compulsory pension insurance in accordance with the provisions set out in the articles of association and pension regulations of Stichting Pensioenfonds DSM Nederland unless special circumstances, at the employer’s discretion, so oppose. In that case it will be laid down in writing that the employer and the employee have not concluded a pension agreement, or have concluded a different pension agreement and what this pension agreement entails. In all other cases the contents of the pension agreement have been laid down in the pension regulations of the Stichting Pensioenfonds DSM Nederland.
2. The employee has to pay a pension contribution. This contribution is 5.5% of the amount on which the annual income as referred to in Article 2, paragraph i, plus the bonus for working on public holidays, is based, in excess of the amount of the tax-free allowance which applies to the relevant calendar year, as included in the pension regulations referred to in paragraph 1. The pension contribution is deducted at the moment that the salary component on which it is based is paid, with account being taken each calendar month of one-twelfth of the tax-free allowance referred to in the first sentence of this paragraph.
3. In the period in which, by virtue of the provisions of Article 42, paragraph 3, continued salary payment takes place, the pension contribution to be paid (and the entitlements accrued) is based on the aforementioned salary components that would have been received if the normal activities had been performed.
PENSION AGREEMENT. Effective November basic pension of per month per year of credited service to September per month per year of credited service October to September per month per year of credited service October to September and per month per year of credited service on and after October Supplementary Pension per month multiplied by years of service. year Certain. Minimum guarantee of years. Where an employee is to receive Pension information, such employee shall be accompanied by a Union representative, unless the employee requests otherwise. Future of the Pension Plan in the event of Wind-up of the Company In accordance with the present rules of the plan, the pension assets will be used to provide benefits for pensioners and members as determined by the Company in the consultation with its independent actuary, in accordance with the following sequence of priority: The provision of benefits for those already receiving their pension, i.e.: present pensioners. The provision of pensions for those who are entitled to normal or postponed retirement benefits, those members at age or over who are eligible for retirement but who have not retired as of the date of the termination of the plan or the wind-down of the Company. The provision of early retirement benefits for those members who are to early retire under the plan. The provision of the amount of vested pension benefits for each member, the amount of pension benefits in respect of who have attained age and completed ten years of continuous The provision of any coverage in cash in proportion to the length of credited service or seniority held by all employees. Alternatively, by mutual agreement between the Union and the Company, the Company will use the assets to finance any new retirement plan or under which the employees participating in this plan shall be entitled to pensions. If the Company becomes wound-up or bankrupt, the assets of the trust will be applied for the benefit of pensioners and members in an equitable manner determined by the liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy of the Company in consultation with an actuary. As a registered and qualified plan, the Bargaining Unit Pension Plan to all the required statutory provisions relative to wind-down and dispersal of ALL NOTED HEALTH LIFE AND WELFARE PLANS INCLUDING PENSION PLAN WILL BE PAID BY THE COMPANY AFTER THE PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEE HAS WORKED TWELVE (12) WEEKS IN THE PREVIOUS TWELVE (12) MONTHS.
PENSION AGREEMENT. The parties to this agreement have provided for a pension signed by the parties. No matter respecting the pension plan shall be subject to the grievance procedure established in the collective agreement. APPENDIX "G" RULES FOR ADMINISTRATION CONCERNING EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME WORK The following procedures will be applied in all departments for logging overtime hours.
PENSION AGREEMENT. The Pension Agreement as amended effective May 1, 1984 is hereby made a part of this Agreement and attached hereto marked Exhibit “B”. In addition, the parties have adopted and hereby incorporate into the Collective Bargaining Agreement the Preferred Schedule for the National Integrated Group Pension Plan Rehabilitation Plan as agreed to by the parties on January 26, 2010 and which is contained in a separate document.
PENSION AGREEMENT. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING: Between Long Beach Public Transportation Company and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1277, AFL-CIO: It is hereby understood and agreed that those portions of the Agreement between the parties specifically enumerated under Article 17 entitled "Pension Agreement", are hereby amended as follows:
1. Said Agreement shall be incorporated by reference as part of the labor contract.
2. Amend the Agreement to provide for full pension benefits for all years of service including those in which leaves of absence for any purpose (including sick leave) have not exceeded one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days of absence from active employment.