Perspectives. We must look beyond certain triumphalist discourses of a globalized, Anglophone uniformity in order to understand better the complexity and diversity – linguistic, cultural, political – of the world in which we live. Xxxxxxxx et Xxxxxx, 2003, p. 14 Le titre ‘perspectives’ renvoie au double sens de ce terme. ‘Perspective’ signifie d’abord angle d’approche, point du vue : j’expose en effet ici l’ensemble des outils théoriques à l’aide desquels j’aborde les textes de Xxxxxxxxx dans cette étude. Mais ‘perspective’ peut également être compris dans le sens d’ouverture, d’horizon, de voie à explorer. Car la rencontre d’un appareil théorique quel qu’il soit avec un texte particulier est l’occasion de nouveaux questionnements, non seulement en direction du texte mais aussi des théories et des grilles de lecture utilisées. Ainsi, par exemple, si une ‘lecture postcoloniale’ de Monénembo permet un nouvel éclairage de son écriture, dans un mouvement de retour, une telle lecture peut mettre à jour les lacunes ou les points aveugles de cette approche théorique, et contribuer ainsi à la faire avancer. Par souci de clarté, j’ai choisi de présenter les perspectives théoriques dans des sous parties distinctes. J’y explicite chaque fois les possibilités de ces perspectives, mais aussi leurs limites et les problèmes qu’elles posent pour l’appréhension des textes africains francophones. Dans la pratique des études littéraires, les différentes approches théoriques et discursives exposées ici ne forment pas des ensembles séparés les uns des autres par des frontières qu’on pourrait tracer comme je semble le faire. Certes, les points de divergence existent, qu’ils soient historiques, idéologiques, géographiques ou linguistiques. Mais les points d’intersection sont tout aussi nombreux. Mes analyses des textes de Xxxxxxxxx montrent comment différents concepts développés, à diverses époques et en divers lieux, par différents discours et théories – postcolonialisme, francophonie littéraire, l’africanisme ou écritures migrantes – se rejoignent, se répondent et/ou se complètent pour la discussion d’un texte particulier.
Perspectives. The A-E shall prepare at least two rendered, color perspective drawings to illustrate the exterior design of each school.
Perspectives. Whenever researchers set out to investigate social or educational phenomena, our research designs inevitably contain some amount of error. Error can result in either an overestimation or underestimation of a respondent’s actual value on some metric or construct. There are many sources of error influencing observed values such as the survey instrument itself, characteristics of the respondents, conditions of survey administration, and inter-rater agreement. Qualitative researchers are quite concerned about error associated with rater judgments (Xxxxx, Xxxxxx and Xxxxxx, 1996). When coding open-response items, researchers make interpretations or judgments based on substantive criteria outlined in a conceptually organized codebook and score the data accordingly. Examining inter-rater agreement is important because it provides an estimate of the amount of error associated with researchers’ interpretations. Understanding and reporting such error, we believe, will add to the trustworthiness of a study’s findings.
Perspectives. A perspective is a fixed collection of views (editors, project explorers, etc) ac- cording to their aim. For example a Java perspective contains a navigator view, a source editor and normally a view showing the errors contained in the source being edited as shown in Figure 4, while a Web Design perspective might have a a different set of views like a page designer, a XML editor, etc. Only one perspec- tive can be active at a given time. Figure 4: Eclipse Perspective Concept
Perspectives. There will be no change in the performance forecasts for the first quarter of the current fiscal year announced on April 20, 2006 due to the above investment.
Perspectives. The application of vendor-specific software impedes harmonization of practices for intact data processing, particularly in the case of deconvolution as these tools differ in important parameters used for the generation a deconvoluted spectrum.12,13,17 Thus, the development of tools that are capable of handling multiple data formats, such as the data processing steps presented in this study, is an important development towards developing consistent practices in intact protein data processing. In addition, the performance of a m/z-based migration time alignment, as demonstrated here, may also facilitate automated processing of extracted ion peaks by defining the same integration window in all samples. As a result, in terms of throughput and accuracy, this would enable a fairer comparison between the XIC and deconvolution approaches to be performed.
Perspectives. Ideally, a consensus decision reflects mutual understanding, agreement to support a decision and commitment to take action for the benefit of the group. (Source: UofM Extension)
Perspectives. ◼ No t e 1 The contents of many settlements are collected and published by the Workplace Directorate Branch of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. The Workplace and Employee Survey, however, contains the most comprehensive and uniform list of settlement provi- sions. Several Statistics Canada surveys such as the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, and the Labour Force Survey also contain information on several well-known provisions. Policies to reduce risk of accidents, injuries and disease in the workplace. This also includes stress. Provisions to ensure that no one is denied employment or promotion for reasons unrelated to their ability (for exam- ple, sex, race or disability). Policies ensuring that pay is related to the skills required to do the job regardless of who does it, and also that the pay for jobs with similar skills will be the same. Various provisions giving workers job protection in the event of automation or new production methods or products. The hiring of a person or company from outside the busi- ness, under contract, to perform a specific task. Contract- ing out may affect career advancement and may even result in layoff. Policies allowing employees to receive education and train- ing to meet the requirements of their position and, in some cases, to advance their career. A cost-of-living allowance clause provides pay increases at specified periods during the life of a contract in line with increases in the consumer price index. ◼ Re f e r en c xx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx X. 2002. “Unionization and fringe benefits.” Perspectives on Labour and Income (Statistics Canada, catalogue 75-001-XIE). August 2002 online edition. Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx X. 2003. “Unionization and the grievance system.” Perspectives on Labour and Income (Sta- tistics Canada, catalogue 75-001-XIE). August 2003 online edition.
Perspectives. This paper case study concerns one specific control strategy (Primary energy control). Other strategies based on dynamic tariffs and the dynamic CO2 content of electricity or even HHP control based on marginal CO2 content of electricity are of interest. These analyses could give an accurate sizing and added value of HHP to building renovation. Likewise, the study of the electrical grid stress reduction due to a correct HHP sizing and control strategies can uncover important externalities, like avoided electric grid investment costs, avoided peak power plants, etc. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. ADEME (2023) Base xxxxxxx v19.0. Available at: xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxx.xx/datasets/base-xxxxxxx(r). Xxxxxxx, X. et al. (2022) ‘Electrical hybrid heat pumps assisted by natural gas boilers: a review’, Applied Energy, 322(June), p. 119466. Available at: xxxxx:// Xxxxxx, X. (2022) ‘ENERTER database’. Available at: xxxxx:// Xxxxxxxxxx, M., Xxxxx, X. and Xxxxxx, X.X. (2021) ‘Influence of sizing strategy and control rules on the energy saving potential of heat pump hybrid systems in a residential building’, Energy Conversion and Management, 235. Available at: xxxxx:// EDIBATEC Association (2023) EDIBATEC database. Available at: xxxxx:// EN 12831-1 (2017) ‘Energy performance of buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load - Space heating load, Module M3-3’. AFNOR. EN 14511 (2022) ‘Air conditioners; liquid chilling packages and heat pumps for space; with electrically driven compressors’. AFNOR. IEA (2019) ‘Perspectives for Clean Energy Transition. The Critical Role of Buildings.’, International Energy Agency, p. 117. IEA (2020) 2020 Key Energy Statistics. Available at: xxxxx:// Xxxxx, X. (2022) Observatoire : Bati Etude. Available at: xxxxx:// Ministère de la Transition Ecologique (2021a) Arrêté du 4 août 2021 relatif aux exigences de performance énergétique et environnementale des constructions de bâtiments en France métropolitaine et portant approbation de la méthode de calcul prévue à l’article
Perspectives. The knowledge base of primary mathematics teacher education (Pabo), the area in which this study takes place, can be distinguished in two ways from other fields in teacher training. In the first place the nature of the mathematical knowledge requires a constructive commitment and much effort to become ‘owner’ of the specific insights and procedures. Furthermore, the developments over the last thirty years in this area at the Dutch Pabos led to an approach of integrating subject matter, pedagogical content matter and school practice (Goffree, 1979; Goffree & Xxxx, 1995; Xxxxxxx & Xxxx, 1999). However, such an approach does not lead naturally to student teachers’ integration of theory and practice. That will perhaps happen if student teachers can use a ‘rich’ learning environment, for example the multimedia interactive learning environment MILE. Further research should show how student teachers link theory and practice if they have such a learning environment at their disposal; further study will also express the quality of their activities. Next, as mentioned in section 2.3.4, we will elaborate further on the role of theory in mathematics teacher education.