Professional Membership Sample Clauses
Professional Membership. 46.1 All food service managers will be members of the School Nutrition Association. Membership will be owned and paid for by MCCSC. Managers will be required to attend one State Association sponsored training session per year. The corporation will pay registration fees for attendance at the selected workshop or conference. Certification fees where applicable will be the responsibility of the manager.
Professional Membership. The district will pay as part of the administrators’ contract the membership dues to a choice of one state or national professional or curriculum association.
Professional Membership. The Department at its discretion, may reimburse employees up one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) per calendar year for membership(s) in relevant professional groups.
Professional Membership. If an Employee is required as a condition of employment to join a professional organization, the Employer shall pay any dues related to the required membership. Funding will be provided by the applicable department.
Professional Membership. 1. The Board shall provide for reimbursement for membership in professional organizations and/or associations which will contribute significantly to the professional growth and development of an Administrator/Supervisor and enhance his or her services to the district.
2. Membership in specific organizations and/or associations shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the annual reimbursement to each Administrator and Supervisor shall not exceed the cost of membership in the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association plus $300 per member.
3. The Board shall reimburse the Administrator/Supervisor the local share of dues paid to the PASA in the amount of $100. This will settle any issues related to the October 10, 2008 memorandum related to this issue.
4. Additional memberships that qualify unit members for scholarships or monetary awards may be approved at the superintendent’s discretion.
Professional Membership. The Principal of Truckee Elementary School shall endeavor to maintain and improve her professional competence, by subscription to and reading of appropriate periodicals, maintenance of membership in appropriate professional organizations, and attendance at professional meetings at the local, state and national levels [The expense of such subscriptions, memberships including, but not limited to ACSA/CASBO dues shall be paid by the District with prior approval of the Superintendent Chief Learning Officer or his designee.] The District will contribute $1,000.00 towards such subscriptions, periodicals and memberships to professional organizations with prior approval from the Superintendent Chief Learning Officer.
Professional Membership. The Superintendent shall be entitled to membership, at the Board’s expense for professional dues in the following professional associations: NJASA, AASA, and the County Administrators Association and/or other organizations deemed important by the Superintendent and the Board. (Attached as Exhibit E.) The Superintendent also shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred for attendance at professional conferences up to $ , and similar expenses which s/he may incur while discharging the duties of Superintendent in accordance with P.L. 2007, c. 53, The School District Accountability Act and affiliated regulations. (N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12 and N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-7, et seq.). Such reimbursement shall comply with all applicable provisions of state and federal statutory and regulatory provisions and guidance, and with board policy. The Superintendent shall be entitled to attend the annual NJSBA/NJASA/NJASBO Workshop and Convention, NJASA TECHSPO, and the NJASA annual Spring Leadership Conference, (list any additional state or national conferences here . Reimbursement or payment for such expenses shall be made in accordance with P.L. 2007, c. 53, The School District Accountability Act and affiliated regulations, and Board policies which amount shall not exceed $ . The Superintendent may attend the “New Jersey School Administrator Residency Program” (SARP) sponsored by the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, at Board expense. The Board shall pay all fees and costs associated with the completion of the residency program and the mentoring program as required by the SARP… The Board shall pay all costs and fees associated with any state-mandated continuing education.
Professional Membership. (a) As a condition of this Appointment, the Expert is required to maintain membership in good standing of their professional bodies to the same level while holding appointment as an Expert under this Agreement.
Professional Membership. The district will provide membership to the appropriate professional organization (AWSP or WASA) that best fits with the nature of the employee’s role in the district.
Professional Membership. The District agrees to pay the professional dues and subscriptions necessary for Xx. Xxxxxxxx to participate in National, Regional, State, and Local associations and organizations necessary and desirable for his continued professional participation, growth and advancement, and the good of the District. Such dues will include but are not limited to the annual ICMA dues and Washington City Managers Association dues.