Program Standards Sample Clauses

Program Standards. 1. The CLC will be developmentally appropriate for its participants and varied to maintain student and parent participation. Each CLC will include programming in at least three of the following program areas for each Program Cycle. a. Mathematics and science education activities; b. Arts and music education activities; c. Entrepreneurial education programs; d. Tutoring services and mentoring programs; e. Programs that provide after-school activities for limited English proficient students that emphasize language skills and academic achievement; f. Recreational activities including those involving physical activity; g. Telecommunications and technology education programs; h. Expanded library service hours; i. Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy; j. Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled, to allow the students to improve their academic achievement; and k. Drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, and character education programs. 2. Each CLC will be evaluated in the following areas after each Program Cycle according to the Standards as outlined in Appendix A to this Agreement. Provider understands that the ability to meet the required Standards is directly correlated to future continuation, as well as funding levels. a. Overall Attendance.
Program Standards. CCPS recognizes that each after‐school program is unique with varying missions and philosophies and that they serve wide and diverse populations, ethnicities, age ranges, interests, and values. These standards are intended to suggest and offer a strong foundation for quality programming. Provider shall abide, meet and/or exceed the SACC standards as listed herein. 1) Program Designs are to be aligned with research included in the standards for high‐quality SACC programs. Providers should reference the National Association for Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the Florida Afterschool Network for further information. 2) Provider agrees to meet with the School Principal/Designee, Site Administration Team, and the Site Supervisor/Program Director to have all academic resources approved before use. 3) Strong Vision, Management, and Collaboration
Program Standards. The PROVIDER agrees to comply with the OMB Chapter II, Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards as it is applicable and as it relates to its particular agency in the utilization of funds, the operations of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the authorizing legislation as amended. Under Uniform Guidance Cost Principles, common or joint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans. The PROVIDER also agrees to comply with the sections of the Code of Federal Regulations relevant to the program(s) covered under this grant agreement, as well as all State Instructional Bulletins and policies, as amended. The COUNTY agrees to give the PROVIDER copies of the applicable circulars, laws and regulations under which these funds are granted, as requested by the PROVIDER.
Program Standards. GRANTEE agrees to comply with OMB Circulars Numbers X-00, X-00, X-000, X- 000, X-000, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 00 XXX 00), XXXX C-10 (Implementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), and/or Super Circular 2 CFR Chapter I and II, Parts 200, 215, 220, 225, and 230, as these circulars are applicable and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents as amended, and Chapter 509 of the STATE’s Policies and Procedures Manual. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-21, A-87, or A-122), and/or Super Circular 2 CFR Chapter I and II, Parts 200, 215, 220, 225, and 230, common or joint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans.
Program Standards. In order to remain in the Program and eligible to seek a rebate payment on behalf of an FPL customer offered under the Program (each such rebate shall be referred to as a “Rebate Payment”), Participant agrees to comply with and be bound by the applicable program standards for the Program that Participant is approved to participate, including any modifications to the Program which may from time to time be amended by FPL at its sole discretion (the “Program Standards”). Any changes to the Program Standards shall be effective upon the earlier of FPL posting such amendment on its web site at or receipt by Participant pursuant to Section 8.11. Any capitalized terms used in this Contract and not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Program Standards. The Participant’s eligibility to remain in the Program and seek a Rebate Payment on behalf of an FPL customer is conditioned upon the Participant: (i) performing each installation in compliance with (A) the specifications of the manufacturer or distributor of the equipment and/or materials used in connection with any work and (B) in compliance with any applicable act, statute, law, regulation, permit, building code, license, ordinance, rule, judgment, order, decree, directive, guideline or policy (collectively, “Applicable Laws”); (ii) successfully completing any orientation regarding the Program requirements which may be required by FPL, as a prerequisite to participation in the Program; (iii) submitting a minimum number of qualifying installations during any twelve month period to be determined at the sole discretion of FPL; and (iv) following the terms of the Contract and Program Standards, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof.
Program Standards. Grantee agrees to comply with OMB Circulars Numbers X-00, X-00, X-000, X-000, X- 133, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 00 XXX 00), XXXX C-10 (Implementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), and/or Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 (for new funding since 12-26-2014), as these circulars are applicable and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs, and the maintenance of records, books, accounts, and other documents as amended, and Chapter 509 of the State’s Policies and Procedures Manual (Exhibit C). Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-21, A-87, or X- 000), xxx/xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx 0 XXX 200, common or joint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans.
Program Standards. ARC shall conduct all aspects of the Child Care Programs, including ARC's program planning and purchase and handling of food and programmatic materials, in accordance with DPR adopted Qualitative Standards ("Qualitative Standards") and amendments thereto.
Program Standards. 1. The CLC will be developmentally appropriate for its participants and varied to maintain student and parent participation. Each CLC will include programming in at least three of the following program areas for each Program Cycle, including at least one type of academic enrichment programming and at least two additional types of services, programs and/or activities that contribute to overall student success. i. Mentoring programs ii. Remedial educational activities iii. Tutoring services iv. Service learning programs v. Activities that enable students to be eligible for credit recovery vi. Literacy education programs vii. Mathematics education programs viii. Arts and music programs ix. Counseling programs x. Financial literacy programs xi. Environmental literacy programs xii. Nutritional education programs xiii. Regular, structured physical activity programs
Program Standards. During the term of this contract Agency must: A. PROGRAM OPERATIONS
Program Standards. Programmer agrees to cooperate with Licensee in the broadcasting of programs in a manner consistent with the standards of Licensee, as set forth below: 1. Political Programming and Procedures. At least 90 days before the start of any primary or regular election campaign, Programmer will coordinate with Licensee’s management employee the rates Programmer will charge for time to be sold to candidates for public office and/or their supporters to make certain that the rates charged conform to all applicable laws and the Station’s policy. Throughout a campaign, Programmer will comply with all applicable laws and rules concerning political broadcasts and will promptly notify Licensee’s management employee of any disputes concerning either the treatment of or rate charged a candidate or supporter.