Responsibilities of All Parties Sample Clauses

Responsibilities of All Parties. All parties agree to uphold policies and procedures found in the JVC Northwest Partner Agency and Site Supervisor Handbook and the JVC Northwest Jesuit Volunteer Handbook. If any party becomes aware of a policy violation contained therein, the party agrees to take immediate action in accordance with the JVC Northwest Partner Agency and Site Supervisor Handbook and the JVC Northwest Jesuit Volunteer Handbook. JVC Northwest reserves the right to construe and interpret any conflict or ambiguities between the JVC Northwest Partner Agency and Site Supervisor Handbook and the JVC Northwest Jesuit Volunteer Handbook policies. If any of the provisions of these policies are declared or determined by any governmental agency or court to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining portions, terms and provisions shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect.
Responsibilities of All Parties. All parties will: a. Cooperatively determine their mutual responsibilities in carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process in a performance based planning format and final form. Decide upon and adopt performance targets for this planning process in accordance with Federal and State requirements and guidance. b. Make provisions for cooperatively developing and sharing information related to the development of financial plans that support the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (“MTP”) and TIP. c. Ensure TxDOT, the Public Transportation Operator(s) and the MPO cooperatively develop a listing of projects that comprehensively address the transportation system within the MPO boundaries. Identified projects shall include both roadway and transit initiatives, including but not limited to investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities for which federal funds were obligated in the preceding fiscal year. d. Ensure that the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) will detail and document these responsibilities, deliverables and associated costs.
Responsibilities of All Parties. 4. Share available information, such as GIS layers, shapefiles, databases, and other applicable electronic data along common boundaries for the purpose of travel demand model development, calibration, and other analytical applications as requested, practicable, and subject to agency-level policies, procedures, and agreements. 5. Coordinate the collection and analysis of data regarding travel patterns to, through, and among adjacent MPAs. Examples include traffic counts, household surveys, “big data” acquisition (e.g., cell phone origin-destination data or travel speed data). 6. Share and coordinate the latest estimates, projections, and planning assumptions related to population growth, employment, land use, travel, transit, congestion, and economic activity for long-range planning applications, such as congestion management processes. 7. Exchange information and expertise in matters of mutual concern - this includes each agency ensuring the notification of, and participation in, meetings concerned with matters of mutual interest, and collaboration on projects and studies with other parties that share transportation corridors, service routes, and assets spanning MPA boundaries. 8. Coordinate with relevant State DOTs and MPOs concerning the collection of performance data, the selection of performance targets, the reporting of targets and actual achievement of performance related to those targets, for the applicable Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) performance measures. Specific performance management concerns for the UZA include, but are not limited to the following: a. Coordinating with relevant State DOTs and MPOs serving portions of the NHS network within the UZA, as indicated by FHWA’s Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability Table (xxxxx:// applicability/page04.cfm ), to ensure consistent use of reporting segments and travel time data sets to calculate travel time-based measures. b. Coordinating with relevant State DOTs and MPOs concerning a common data collection method to be used for the Percent of Non-SOV Travel measure in portions of the UZA containing the NHS network. c. Coordinating with relevant State DOTs and MPOs to establish single UZA targets that represent performance of the NHS network for each of the following measures: 1) Annual Hours of Peak Hour Excessive Delay (PHED); and 2) Percent Non-SOV Travel.
Responsibilities of All Parties. By entering into this Interlocal Agreement, the intent of the Parties is to assure effective and timely implementation of recommended actions and to adjust strategies as needed in the future to protect the Coastal Bend bays and estuaries. To that end, each of the Parties hereby agrees to: a. Determine how they will contribute toward the attainment of the Goals, including their individual goals and timeframes for achieving those goals. b. Where they deem appropriate, submit their conceptual action plans outlining the projects, initiatives, and strategies that it will undertake to achieve the Goals for the Texas bays, estuaries, watersheds and related properties.
Responsibilities of All Parties. (a) All Counties hereby designate XXXXXX as the Administrative Coordinator for the purpose of carrying out this Interlocal Agreement. The Administrative Coordinator shall provide support services to the District Medical Examiner’s Office including, but not limited to, risk management, human resources, and legal. Any costs and expenses incurred by the Administrative Coordinator will result in a fee to XXXXXX of five (5) percent of the operating expenses for the services provided to the Medical Examiner’s Committee, and included in the annual budget, except where otherwise provided in this Agreement. Any significant litigation costs incurred by the Administrative Coordinator will be considered separately by the District Medical Examiner Committee. (b) Each of the DISTRICT 5 COUNTIES and SEMINOLE shall pay XXXXXX, as Administrative Coordinator, for its proportionate share of the annual budget based on the populations of the respective counties, with such payment to be made quarterly, in advance (October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1) of each year. (c) If an emergency requiring exceptional services of the Medical Examiner occurs in any county of a party to this Agreement, that party may request services from any other party, including the use of medical examiner investigators. (d) In the event of emergency or unbudgeted expenses, the District Medical Examiner’s Committee shall provide for and fund a necessary budget amendment based on the same proportionate share of the annual budget based on the population of the respective counties.
Responsibilities of All Parties. By entering into this Interlocal Agreement, the intent of the Parties is to assure effective and timely implementation of recommended actions and to adjust strategies as needed in the future to protect the Coastal Bend bays and estuaries. To that end, each of the Parties hereby agrees to: a. Determine how they will contribute toward the attainment of the Goals, including their individual goals and time frames for achieving those goals;.
Responsibilities of All Parties. Each party to this Agreement will be responsible for compliance with the following requirements of the CDBG program: a. County Wide Applications for Housing and Planning Activities 1) The county will adopt a required Citizen Participation Plan, and provide to its citizens information and opportunities to comment as required by the State in developing an application and substantially changing projects activities; 2) The County must identify its community development and housing needs, including the needs of very low and low income persons, and activities to be undertaken to meet such needs. The County must include all incorporated cities in its assessment; 3) The County must an Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan which calls for replacement of demolished or converted very low/low income housing units and provision of necessary relocation assistance; and, 4) The County must take actions to affirmatively further fair housing.
Responsibilities of All Parties. Each party to this Agreement shall be individually responsible for compliance with the following requirements of the CDBG program: a) adopting a required Citizen Participation Plan, and providing to its citizen's information and opportunities to comment as required by the State in developing an application and substantially changing project activities; b) identifying its community development and housing needs, including the needs of low and moderate income persons, and the activities to be undertaken to meet such needs; and c) adopting a required Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan which calls for replacement of demolished or converted low/moderate income housing units and provision of necessary relocation assistance; and, d) taking actions to affirmatively further fair housing. Furthermore, each party shall provide documentation to Fremont County demonstrating its compliance with the requirements specified in the Paragraph 3 and Fremont County shall retain such documentation and other required records and documents for the period of time specified by the State. Version 1- 17
Responsibilities of All Parties. 4. Share available information, such as GIS layers, shapefiles, databases, and other applicable electronic data along common boundaries for the purpose of travel demand model development, calibration, and other analytical applications as requested, practicable, and subject to agency-level policies, procedures, and agreements. 5. Coordinate the collection and analysis of data regarding travel patterns to, through, and among adjacent MPAs. Examples include traffic counts, household surveys, “big data” acquisition (e.g., cell phone origin-destination data or travel speed data). 6. Share and coordinate the latest estimates, projections, and planning assumptions related to population growth, freight and goods movement, employment, land use, travel, transit, congestion, and economic activity for long-range planning applications, such as congestion management processes and equity data relating to compliance for Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Executive Order on Environmental Justice. 7. Exchange information and expertise in matters of mutual concern - this includes each agency ensuring the notification of, and participation in, meetings concerned with matters of mutual interest, and collaboration on projects and studies with other parties that share transportation corridors, service routes, and assets spanning MPA boundaries. 8. Coordinate with applicable State DOTs and MPOs concerning the collection of performance data, the selection of performance targets, the reporting of targets and actual achievement of performance related to those targets, for the applicable Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) performance measures. Specific performance management concerns for the UZA include, but are not limited to the following: a. If required by FHWA and FTA, coordinate with applicable State DOTs and MPOs serving portions of the NHS network within the UZA, as indicated by FHWA’s Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability Table (xxxxx:// q_applicability/page04.cfm ), to ensure consistent use of reporting segments and travel time data sets to calculate travel time-based measures. b. If required by FHWA and FTA, coordinate with applicable State DOTs and MPOs concerning a common data collection method to be used for the Percent of Non-SOV (Single Occupancy Vehicle) Travel measure in portions of the UZA containing the NHS network. c. If required by FHWA an...
Responsibilities of All Parties. The Parties mutually agree as follows: