Responsibilities of the Partners Sample Clauses
Responsibilities of the Partners. 4.1 The Partners shall coordinate their activities in the area of HEP data preservation and long-term analysis in accordance with this Collaboration Agreement, and in particular Article 2.
4.2 Any contribution by a Partner shall be set out in an Annex to this Collaboration Agreement.
4.3 As the Collaboration develops, new directions may evolve that will also be described in further Annexes.
Responsibilities of the Partners. Each of the Partners undertakes to the others to: make its Contribution to the Project in accordance with the Project Plan and budget allocation agreed; fully and strictly respect national and international best standards and rules relative to medical confidentiality, medical ethics and medical research applicable to the Project; notify the other Parties immediately if it receives any notice or request from the Stichting LSH-TKI; carry out the tasks allotted to it in the Project Plan and provide the human resources, materials, facilities and equipment that are designated as its responsibility in the Project Plan; use all reasonable endeavours to obtain all regulatory and ethical licences, consents and approvals necessary to allow it to make its Contribution to the Project and carry out the tasks allotted to it in the Project Plan; and ensure that its employees and students (if any) involved in the Project: observe the conditions attaching to any regulatory and ethical licences, consents and approvals; keep complete and accurate records of all research, development and other work carried out in connection with the Project and of all Results and observations, signed by the people who obtained each Result or made those observations, and countersigned by an employee of that Partner who is not a member of the research team but who understands the work. Although each of the Parties will use reasonable endeavours to carry out the Project in accordance with the Project Plan, no Party undertakes that any research will lead to any particular result.
Responsibilities of the Partners. Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, the following provisions shall govern the services to be rendered by each Partner pursuant to the terms of this Agreement:
(a) The Managing Partner shall manage, or cause to be managed, the affairs of the Partnership in a prudent and businesslike manner. The Managing Partner shall act as a fiduciary hereunder and in good faith in the performance of its obligations hereunder, but shall have no liability or obligation to the Partners or the Partnership for any decision made or action taken in connection with the discharge of its duties hereunder if such decision or action is (i) not a direct violation of, or in excess of the authority granted by, the provisions of this Agreement and (ii) made or taken in good faith and in the best interests of the Partnership, irrespective of whether the same may be reasonably prudent or whether bad judgment or negligence (excluding gross negligence) was exercised or involved in connection therewith.
(b) Ardee shall fulfill its obligations specified in Section 12.03 hereof in a prudent and businesslike manner. Ardee shall act as a fiduciary hereunder and in good faith in the performance of its obligations hereunder, but shall have no liability or obligation to the Partners or the Partnership for any decision made or action taken in connection with the discharge of its duties hereunder if such decision is (i) not a direct violation of, or in excess of the authority granted by, the provisions of this Agreement and (ii) made or taken in good faith and in the best interests of the Partnership, irrespective of whether the same may be reasonably prudent or whether bad judgment or negligence (excluding gross negligence) was exercised or involved in connection therewith.
Responsibilities of the Partners. 5.1 The Partners shall, on a best effort basis, contribute to the Study.
5.2 Any specific agreement on a contribution to the Study by a Partner may be set out in an Annex to this MoC.
Responsibilities of the Partners. The Partners will:
a) offer the courses as described in the implemented Programme;
b) provide adequate course descriptions for the annual publication of course offerings and course schedules of the Programme;
c) safeguard the quality of the Programme, as offered in their institution;
d) fulfil the necessary formal requirements for accreditation of the Programme in their home country;
e) cooperate in activities to maintain the quality of the Study Programme;
f) take formal and legal responsibility for the students enrolled in the Programme at their institution according to the applicable national laws and their respective internal regulations;
g) accept at least 5 exchange students within the Programme annually. The University of Vienna will (with financial means of the Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (10.000 euros max), financial means of the Abteilung für Nederlandistik and financial means provided by the Nederlandse Taalunie):
a) coordinate the development and implementation process of the Programme;
b) provide the technical means and support for the Virtual Platform DCC of the Programme;
c) provide the technical means and support for the website presenting the Programme;
d) provide access and use of all DCC virtual courses for the Partners during the term of this Agreement;
e) provide the financial means for the Joint Programme Coordinator;
f) coordinate the enrolment strategies concerning the virtual courses on the Virtual Platform DCC of the Programme. The University of Olomouc will:
a) coordinate the accreditation process of the Programme in the countries of the participating Partners;
b) coordinate a regular student and staff evaluation of the Programme;
c) coordinate a Central Students’ Information Office;
d) coordinate contacts in the professional field. The University of Wrocław will:
a) coordinate an alumni network, including regular updates of professional occupations of alumni of the Programme under this Agreement;
b) coordinate a newsletter, keeping the Partners, staff and students informed on all running matters concerning the Programme under this Agreement;
c) coordinate the public relations for the Programme under this Agreement, including enrolment campaigns;
d) coordinate structural contacts with networks of Dutch Studies, both within the Central European Region as well as in the Low Countries.
Responsibilities of the Partners. 4A Jammerbugt Kommune
Responsibilities of the Partners. A. Pre-construction
1. FBO will be responsible for raising all funds needed to plan, design, engineer and construct the Park.
2. FBO will be responsible for the submission of the fully realized Park in the form of a Master Site Plan.
a. Upon completion of the Master Site Plan it will be made a part of and incorporated into this Agreement.
b. The Park may be constructed in phases over a period of time. See Section 16.
3. FBO and its contractors and subcontractors will cause a Bike Skills Park to be constructed utilizing best materials and best practices, performed in a workmanlike manner, and suitable for the intended purpose of creating a safe recreational facility open to the public, and of the nature specifically set forth in Exhibit A.
4. FBO will have sole responsibility for contracting with design professionals and contractors to perform the work.
a. All design, plan development, and construction will conform to Coconino County building codes and Community Development, Building Division requirements.
5. FBO will be responsible to obtain all appropriate permits, attend any required pre-application meetings, and submit all plans, designs and construction documents prior to commencement of any construction to CCPR and Community Development, Building Division.
6. CCPR is the owner of the property and will have approval authority of all pre- construction materials in coordination with the County Community Development Department.
7. CCPR will coordinate with FBO on any pre-construction site preparation, CAD drawings, as built documents, or any information which will aid in the planning and design of the Park.
Responsibilities of the Partners. Article
3.1. Engagement of the Partner By signing this agreement, the Partner commits to the following:
1. Submitting the main initiatives being developed by the Partner, contributing to Human- Wildlife coexistence to the ENCOSH platform, namely:
2. Submitting all the initiatives within two (2) months after the start of the Agreement and submit any new initiatives to be developed, as soon as possible, the latest every six (6) months;
3. Complying with the established guidelines regarding submission and review of the initiatives, as defined in the following link, through the online form available at: xxxxx://;
4. Replying as soon as possible to the comments and questions made by members of the platform about your initiative (e.g, section comments);
5. Making regular updates on the initiatives, namely in what concern relevant data and new results, may they be positive or negative, the latest every six (6) months;
6. Disseminating the platform to the Partner’s network working on Human-Wildlife interactions, and inviting them to contribute to the ENCOSH Platform, namely by submitting initiatives, making comments or using platform tools.
Responsibilities of the Partners. The Corps, the Service and the Corporation mutually agree that:
A. Once the Center is completed, the primary POC for the Center will be the Director. This position will be the facility leader and make final decisions concerning programming, scheduling, contractor coordination for O&M of the facility. All Partner and agency information and matters regarding or relevant to the Center must be made available to the Director.
B. Project coordinators for the Partners will work together to plan strategies and implement activities that further the purpose of this MOA.
C. POC’s for the Partners will meet periodically with project coordinators to discuss and evaluate the activities conducted under the MOA and explore enhancements to the program.
D. Partners will continue to share interpretive and educational training opportunities.
E. Partners will cooperate in the development of educational programs, publications, and special events that meet common management goals.
F. Partners will explore opportunities to enhance the O&M of visitor center facilities and exhibits that promote all partners.
G. Partners will cooperate to provide and continually improve interpretive and educational products and services associated with visitor facilities to better serve the public.
H. Partners will pursue challenge cost share agreements, grants and other funding opportunities and agreements, for the purpose of promoting initiatives that serve to educate the public more efficiently and effectively.
I. The Corps and Service will combine summer/seasonal staffing to meet the program and scheduled daily duties and to meet the needs of a seven-day operation that accommodates the public during the highest visitation from March 1 to October 31 (recreation season). Yearly program evaluation could result in a need for operation amendment.
J. An annual work plan will be produced and signed by all partners.
K. Activities under this agreement will be dependent upon funding and personnel availability.
Responsibilities of the Partners. 1. AHRQ research staff will be invited to review and comment on the ongoing BCSC collaborative research projects in their areas of expertise and will be invited to work with the BCSC staff responsible for maintaining the BCSC data infrastructure to develop collaborative BCSC-AHRQ projects to advance AHRQ research objectives, including, although not necessarily limited to, analyses for the National Healthcare Quality Report and the National Healthcare Disparities Report. NCI will be invited to review and comment on AHRQ projects related to the BCSC and to work with AHRQ staff to develop collaborative projects. AHRQ is responsible for continued funding of its related research, evaluation, and dissemination projects, but NCI may opt to contribute towards projects of mutual interest.
2. The BCSC collaborative research projects covered under this agreement will be conducted through NCI grants U01CA86082, U01CA86076, U01CA70040, U01CA70013, U01CA69976, U01CA63740, U0163736, and U01CA63731. (A copy of the BCSC Request for Applications is attached as Appendix A.) Responsibilities associated with the administration of these grants will be carried out by the NCI BCSC Program Director and the NCI Grants Management Office. NCI will appoint an individual who AHRQ designates or recommends as the AHRQ BCSC collaboration advisor to serve as a member of the BCSC steering committee. AHRQ will provide additional experts to attend the BCSC meetings and to advise the BCSC Program Director, or the grantees as deemed appropriate by the AHRQ BCSC collaboration advisor in consultation with the BCSC Program Director.
3. The NCI BCSC Program Director, in cooperation with the AHRQ BCSC collaboration advisor, will monitor the status of collaborative research projects as they progress. The NCI BCSC Program Director will provide the AHRQ BCSC collaboration advisor and AHRQ’s legal advisor in the Office of General Counsel, when needed, with an advance copy and an opportunity to comment within 3 weeks, on any substantive communication with the grantees pertaining to the statutory confidentiality protections applicable to identifiable collaboration data described in this agreement. The AHRQ BCSC collaboration advisor, with advanced consultation with the NCI BCSC Program Director, may communicate directly with the grantees on scientific matters. All grantees and NCI and AHRQ agency staff who work with the BCSC data will be given copies of the AHRQ confidentiality provision, 42 U.S.C. 299c-3...