Responsibility of parents to Sample Clauses
Responsibility of parents to ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled • attend open meetings for parents • let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn • ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy • inform school of student absences and reasons for absences in a timely manner • treat school staff with respect • support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and assist your child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control • not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school • abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours • advise Principal if your student is in the care of the State • keep school informed of any changes to student’s details, such as student’s home address and phone number.
Responsibility of parents to attend open evenings for parents • let the school know if there are any problems that may affect my child’s ability to learn • inform school of reason for any absence • treat school staff with respect and tolerance • support the authority and discipline of the school enabling my child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control • abide by school’s policy regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours.
Responsibility of parents to attend open evenings for parents • let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn • inform school of reason for any absence • treat school staff with respect and tolerance • support the authority and discipline of the school enabling your child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control • abide by school’s policy regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours • advise Principal if your child is in the care of the state or you are the carer of a child in the care of the state • inform school if your child’s living arrangements change and provide details of new home address and phone number
Responsibility of parents to. ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled advise the school as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school and reason/s why (e.g. child is sick) attend open meetings for parents let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy treat all school staff with respect support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and assist your child to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self-control not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours advise principal if your child is in out-of-home care keep school informed of any changes to your contact details or your child's details, such as home address, email address and phone number ensure the school is aware of any changes to your child's medical details.
Responsibility of parents to ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled attend open meetings for parents let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy inform school of student absences and reasons for absences in a timely manner treat school staff with respect support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and assist your child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours advise Principal if your student is in the care of the State keep school informed of any changes to student’s details, such as student’s home address and phone number.
Responsibility of parents to ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled
Responsibility of parents to ensure your child attends school on every school day for the educational program in which they are enrolled • advise the school as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school and reason/s why (e.g. child is sick) • attend open meetings for parents • let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn • ensure your child completes homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy • treat all school staff with respect • support the authority of school staff thereby supporting their efforts to educate your child and assist your child to achieve maturity, self- discipline and self-control • not allow your child to bring dangerous or inappropriate items to school • abide by school’s instructions regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours • advise principal if your child is in out-of-home care • keep school informed of any changes to your contact details or your child's details, such as home address, email address and phone number • ensure the school is aware of any changes to your child's medical details • design and implement engaging and flexible learning experiences for individuals and groups of students • inform parents and carers regularly about how their children are progressing • design and implement intellectually challenging learning experiences which develop language, literacy and numeracy • create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments • support personal development and participation in society for students • xxxxxx positive and productive relationships with families and the community • inform students, parents and carers about what the teachers aim to teach the students each term • teach effectively and to set high standards in work and behaviour • clearly articulate the school’s expectations regarding the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and the Student Dress Code policy • ensure that parents and carers are aware that the school does not have personal accident insurance cover for students • advise parents and carers of extra-curricular activities operating at the school in which their child may become involved (for example Program of Chaplaincy Services, sports programs) • set, xxxx and monitor homework regularly in keeping with the school’s homework policy • contact parents and carers as soon as possible if the school is concerned about the child’s school work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality • notify parents of an unexplai...
Responsibility of parents to attend open evenings for parents let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn inform school of reason for any absence treat school staff with respect and tolerance support the authority and discipline of the school enabling your child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control abide by school’s policy regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours advise Principal if your child is in the care of the state or you are the carer of a child in the care of the state inform school if your child’s living arrangements change and provide details of new home address and phone number
Responsibility of parents to. ensure your child attends school regularly attend open evenings for parents let the school know if there are any problems that may affect your child’s ability to learn inform school of reason for any absence treat school staff with respect and tolerance support the authority and discipline of the school enabling your child to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self- control abide by school’s policy regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours advise Principal if your child is in the care of the state or you are the carer of a child in the care of the state inform school if your child’s living arrangements change and provide details of new home address and phone number
Responsibility of parents to attend school functions • let the school know if there are any problems that may affect my child’s ability to learn • inform school of reason for any absence • treat school staff with respect and tolerance • support the authority and discipline of the school enabling my child to achieve maturity, self discipline and self control • abide by school’s policy regarding access to school grounds before, during and after school hours.