Rest Pauses Sample Clauses
Rest Pauses. Every employee shall be entitled to a rest pause of not less than 15 minutes' duration within each period of 4 ordinary hours of work at a time to be agreed between the employer and the employee. Notwithstanding the above, at the discretion of the employer and having regard to the employee's health and welfare as well as taking into account peak periods of work load, the period of the 2 rest pauses may be combined into one 30 minutes rest pause, to be taken in the first part of the day.
Rest Pauses. All employees shall receive a rest pause of ten minutes duration in the Employer’s time in the first and second half of their daily work. Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times so as not to interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary. It is agreed that rest pauses will not be eliminated, but where agreed between Employer and majority of employees on site, and subject to this local agreement being ratified by the Branch Secretary of the Industrial Organization, periods of work may be re-arranged so that there is less disruption to certain work by moving the rest pauses.
Rest Pauses. 4.4.1 Every full time Employee shall be entitled to a 15 minute paid rest pause during the first and second halves of the day each to be taken at such times and in such manner as not to interfere with the continuity of the Employer’s business.
4.4.2 By agreement between the Employer and the Employees such rest pauses may be combined into a single rest pause
4.4.3 Part time and / or Casual Employees are entitled to a fifteen minute paid rest pause within any work period of five (5) continuous hours or more, provided such Employees shall be entitled to a second fifteen minute rest pause where the work period is eight hours or more.
Rest Pauses. (a) A rest pause of ten minutes each forenoon and a rest period of 10 minutes each afternoon shall be allowed to each employee working ordinary day hours.
(b) A rest pause of ten minutes during the first part of the shift shall be allowed each employee working deemed shiftwork hours.
(c) Rest pauses shall be taken at such times as may be mutually arranged between the company and the employees concerned and may be staggered to suit the particular work requirements of each section so that appropriate and full levels of work output may be maintained.
(d) Rest pauses shall be counted as time worked and shall be paid for as such.
Rest Pauses. (i) Full-time teachers are entitled to a paid tea break of ten (10) minutes duration per day, which will be included as part of their ordinary hours. Where it is impracticable to take the tea break on a daily basis the break may be averaged over a one week period.
(ii) Part-time and casual teachers will be entitled to the tea break as provided in clause 5.2.1
Rest Pauses. (a) A full time employee shall be entitled to a rest pause of 10 minutes duration in the employer’s time in the first and second portion of daily work.
(b) A part time or casual employee shall be entitled to a paid rest pause after three continuous hours duty, provided that such employees who are engaged to work more than 6.5 hours in any one engagement shall be entitled to rest pauses as for a full time employee. Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with the continuity where continuity of work is necessary.
(c) The employer may substitute in lieu of the foregoing, after having regard to the employee’s health and welfare as well as taking to account peak workload periods, one rest pause of 20 minutes in the first part of the working day.
Rest Pauses. 15.1 Employees who work a minimum of 4 consecutive ordinary hours but less than
7.6 consecutive ordinary hours will receive a rest pause of 10 minutes duration. Employees who work a minimum of 7.6 consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any 1 day will receive a rest pause of 10 minutes duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.
Rest Pauses. (a) An employee working four hours or more on any engagement will be entitled to a paid rest period of 10 minutes.
(b) Provided that an employee working for seven hours or more will be entitled to two such paid rest periods of 10 minutes each unless the employee agrees to forego one of these rest periods.
(c) All rest periods must be uninterrupted.
Rest Pauses. An Employee who works a 12-hour shift in accordance with this Agreement is entitled to one rest pause of 20 minutes duration in the Employer's time. This may be taken as 2 x 10-minute rest pauses as mutually agreed with the Employer. All rest pauses will be taken at a time to suit the convenience of the Employer and so as not to interfere with the continuity of work where continuity, in the opinion of the Employer, is necessary.
Rest Pauses. (i) Full-time employees shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes duration in the first half and the second half of each day worked.
(ii) Employees other than full-time who work a minimum of four (4) consecutive ordinary hours but no more than six (6) consecutive ordinary hours on any one day shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes duration. Employees who work in excess of six (6) consecutive ordinary hours (excluding the meal break) on any one day shall receive a paid rest pause of ten (10) minutes duration in the first half and the second half of the period worked.
(iii) Such rest pauses shall be taken at such times as will not interfere with continuity of work where continuity is necessary.
(iv) Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the employer and the employees agree the rest pauses may be combined.