Salary Anniversary Dates Sample Clauses

Salary Anniversary Dates. Workers who are rejected during the probationary period and revert to their former classification shall return to the salary anniversary date held in the former class unless otherwise determined by the Human Resources Director. The salary anniversary date for a worker shall not be affected by a transfer, downward reclassification or a demotion. A permanent worker accepting provisional employment in a higher or different class in the County Classified Service, who reverts to the former classification, shall retain the salary anniversary date in the former class on the same basis as if there had been no such provisional appointment. Salary range adjustments for a classification will not set a new salary anniversary date for workers serving in that classification. Upon recommendation of the appointing authority and approval by the Human Resources Director, provisional, temporary and extra-help workers shall be advanced to the next higher step in the salary schedule upon completion of the periods of service prescribed in this Section, provided that their service has been satisfactory. Also, continuous service in provisional, temporary, or extra-help capacity shall be added to service in a regular established position for the purpose of determining a worker's salary anniversary date, eligibility for salary increases, as well as vacation and sick leave accrual. However, such service may not be added if it preceded a period of over 28 consecutive calendar days during which the worker was not in a pay status, except by approval of the Human Resources Director or except when the worker is absent from his/her position by reason of an injury or disease for which he/she is entitled to and currently receiving Workers' Compensation benefits.
Salary Anniversary Dates. Each employee's anniversary date for step increase purposes shall be established based on the date on which the current step was attained, and the next date shall be based on the required number of months at that step. Anniversary dates shall be adjusted by the full amount of any unpaid leave of absence of fifteen (15) calendar days or longer except as otherwise required by law or this Agreement. 12.7.1 For employees below the top step in the range, time served toward a step increase shall be credited by retaining the current salary anniversary date except in the following situations: a. Promotions resulting in a ten percent (10%) or more pay increase; b. Demotions or downward reclassifications to a step below the top step of the range of the lower classification; c. Re-employment. 12.7.2 In each of the foregoing situations the employee shall receive a new salary anniversary date as of the date of the action and be eligible for a step increase after twelve (12) months provided he/she is below the top step of the range. 12.7.3 Employees who are promoted or reclassified upward and who have been at the top step of their former classification will receive a new anniversary date in all cases where they are placed at a step lower than the top step in a new range. 12.7.4 The following table indicates the effect of these provisions: Action Pay Increase Employees Below Top Step before increase Employees at Top Step before increase Promotions and reclasses Less than 10% Retain SAD New SAD if below top step in new range Realignments lateral exc for top step EE’s Retain SAD If at top step more than 12 months, 5% increase, new SAD. If less than 12 months, no increase, retain SAD Promotions and reclasses 10% or more New SAD New SAD if below top step in new range
Salary Anniversary Dates. Each employee's anniversary date for step increase purposes shall be established based on the date on which the current step was attained, and the next date shall be based on the required number of months at that step. Anniversary dates shall be adjusted by the full amount of any unpaid leave of absence of fifteen (15) calendar days or longer except as otherwise required by law or this Agreement. 11.7.1 For employees below the top step in the range, time served toward a step increase shall be credited by retaining the current salary anniversary date except in the following situations: a. Promotions resulting in a ten percent (10%) increase or more b. Demotions or downward reclassifications to a step below the top step of the range of the lower classification c. Re-employment 11.7.2 In each of the foregoing situations the employee shall receive a new salary anniversary date as of the date of the action and be eligible for a step increase after twelve
Salary Anniversary Dates. Permanent and probationary unit members serving in regular established positions shall be considered by the appointing authority on their salary anniversary dates for advancement to the next higher step in the salary schedule for their respective classes as follows. A step shall be defined as 5.74%, and all references to a "step" in this agreement are understood to equate to 5.74%. All increases shall be effective at the beginning of the next full pay period. All paid time off shall be computed as hours worked for the purpose of this section. (1) After completion of one thousand forty (1040) regular hours satisfactory service in the lowest step of the salary schedule, and upon recommendation of the appointing authority, the unit member shall be advanced to the next higher step in the salary schedule for the classification. If a unit member is appointed at a step higher than the first step of the salary range for that classification, the first merit increase shall be after completion of two thousand eighty (2080) regular hours of satisfactory service. (2) After the completion of two thousand eighty (2080) regular hours satisfactory service in each of the salary steps above the lowest, and upon recommendation of the appointing authority, the unit members shall be advanced to the next higher step in the salary schedule for the classification until the top of the range is reached. (3) Upon recommendation of the appointing authority and approval by the Human Resources Department Director, unit members may receive special merit increases at intervals other than those specified in this Section. The Human Resources Department Director's decision shall be final. (4) If a unit member completes the one thousand forty (1040) or two thousand eighty (2080) hours in the middle of a pay period, the unit member shall be eligible for an increase as follows: -- if the merit increase period is completed during the first week of a pay period the increase will be made effective with the start of the then current pay period. -- if the merit increase period is completed during the second week of a pay period the increases will be made effective with the start of the next pay period. Each unit member shall be considered for salary step increases according to the date of that unit member's appointment, or the revised salary anniversary date. If a unit member begins service later than the first business day of a biweekly pay period, or has changes which would cause the salary annive...
Salary Anniversary Dates. Each employee’s anniversary date for step increase purposes shall be established based on the date on which the current step was attained, and the next date shall be based on the required number of months at that step. Anniversary dates shall be adjusted by the full amount of any unpaid leave of absence of fifteen (15) calendar days or longer except as otherwise required by law or this Agreement. 11.7.1 For employees below the top step in the range, time served toward a step increase shall be credited by retaining the current salary anniversary date except in the following situations: a. Promotions resulting in a ten percent (10%) increase or more.
Salary Anniversary Dates. Workers who are rejected during the probationary period and revert to their former classification shall return to the salary anniversary date held in the former class unless otherwise determined by the Court Executive Officer. The salary anniversary date for a worker shall not be affected by a transfer, downward reclassification or a demotion.

Related to Salary Anniversary Dates

  • Anniversary Dates Except as may otherwise be provided for in deep class resolutions, anniversary dates will be set as follows:

  • Anniversary Date A regular employee’s initial date of current employment with the Employer as a regular employee shall be her anniversary date for the purpose of determining benefits and for the purpose of determining increment anniversary date. (Reference Article 6.05 - Superior Benefits and Article 12.03 - Increments).

  • SALARY RATES Section 12.1 The following shall apply to full-time employees including so called TPL A and B: A. Effective the first full pay period of July 2017, employees who meet the eligibility criteria provided in Section 2 of this Article shall receive a one percent (1%) increase in salary rate. B. Effective the first full pay period of July, 2017, employees who meet the eligibility criteria provided in Section 2 of this Article shall receive an additional one percent (1%) increase in salary rate due to the realization of the FY’18 tax revenue trigger threshold. C. Effective the first pay period of July, 2018, employees who meet the eligibility criteria in Section 2 of this Article shall receive a two percent (2%) increase in salary rate. D. Effective the first pay period of July, 2019, employees who meet the eligibility criteria in Section 2 of this Article shall receive a two percent (2%) increase in salary rate. Section 12.2 Employees who receive a "Below" rating on their annual EPRS evaluation shall not be eligible to receive the salary increases provided in Section 1 of this Article, nor any step increases. Employees who receive a "Below" rating will have their performance reviewed on a monthly basis in accordance with Article 24A of this Agreement and will become eligible for the salary and step rate increase previously denied effective upon the date of receiving a "Meets" or "Exceeds" rating. Section 12.3 The salary rate for new employees hired, reinstated or re-employed on or after July 1, 1990 shall be Step 1 for the job group of his/her position except in cases where a new employee is hired by a Department/Agency at a salary rate, approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer, above Step 1. A. Under the terms of this Agreement, an employee shall advance to the next higher salary step in his/her job group until the maximum salary rate is reached, unless he/she is denied such step rate by his/her Appointing Authority. An employee shall progress from one step to the next higher step after each fifty-two (52) weeks of creditable service in a step commencing from the first day of the payroll period immediately following his/her anniversary date. B. In the event an employee is denied a step rate increase by his/her Appointing Authority, he/she shall be given a written statement of reasons therefore not later than five (5) days preceding the date when the increase would otherwise have taken effect. Time off the payroll is not creditable service for the purpose of step rate increases. Section 12.5 Whenever an employee paid in accordance with the salary schedules provided in Appendix A of this Agreement receives a promotion to a higher job group, the employee's new salary rate shall be calculated as follows: 1. For employees who are below the maximum step within their current job: a. Determine the employee’s current salary rate and step within his/her current job group; then b. Find the salary rate of the next higher step within the employee’s current job group; and c. Multiply the employee’s current salary rate by one and three one- hundredths (1.03); then d. Compare the higher of the resultant amounts from b) or c) above to the salary rates for the higher job group into which the employee is being promoted. e. The employee’s salary rate shall be the first rate in the higher job group that at least equals the higher of the resultant amounts from d) above. f. In the event the application of the above formula results in a salary that is less than the amount the employee would receive had he/she been promoted to the next lower grade, the employee’s salary upon promotion shall be increased to the next higher step in the grade the employee is being promoted into. 2. For employees who are at the maximum step within their current job: a. Determine the employee’s current salary rate and step within his/her current job group; then, b. Multiply the employee’s current salary rate by one and three one- hundredths (1.03); then, c. Compare the resultant amount from b) above to the salary rates for the higher job group into which the employee is being promoted. d. The employee’s salary rate shall be the first rate in the higher job group that at least equals the resultant amount from c) above. A. Salary rates of full time employees are set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement, which is attached hereto and is hereby made a part of this Agreement. B. The salary rates set forth in Appendix A shall remain in effect during the term of this agreement. Salary rates shall not be increased or decreased except in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. C. Employees shall be compensated on the basis of the salary rate for their official job classification. Section 12.7 A regular part-time employee shall be entitled to the provisions of this Article in the proportion that his/her service bears to full-time service. A. An employee entering a position within a bargaining unit covered by this Agreement from a position in an equivalent salary grade in a bargaining unit not covered by this Agreement shall be placed at the first step-in-grade up to the maximum of the grade, which at least equals the rate of compensation received immediately prior to his/her entry into the bargaining unit.

  • Vesting Dates The ISOs shall vest as follows, subject to earlier vesting in the event of a termination of Service as provided in Section 6 or a Change in Control as provided in Section 7:

  • Starting Salary All bargaining-unit positions will be hired at a starting salary commensurate with their experience. It is expected that those salaries will typically be within 20% of employees within that unit at a similar rank and/or experience level. In exceptional cases, bargaining-unit positions may be hired at a salary above that range contingent on extraordinary experience and extramural funding.

  • Salary Scale The salary scale applicable to Employees shall be set out hereinafter in the Wage Schedule.

  • Base Salary and Bonus As compensation for the Executive's services under this Agreement, the Executive shall receive and the Company shall pay a weekly base salary set forth on Exhibit A. Such base salary may be increased but not decreased during the Term or Renewal Period in the Company's discretion based upon the Executive's performance and any other factors the Company deems relevant. Such base salary shall be payable in accordance with the policy then prevailing for the Company's executives. In addition to such base salary, the Executive shall be entitled during the Term or Renewal Period to a performance bonus set forth on Exhibit A and to participate in and receive payments from, at the Company's election, other bonus and other incentive compensation plans, if any, as may be adopted by the Company.

  • Anniversary Fee An anniversary fee, fully earned and non-refundable as of the Effective Date equal to Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) per annum (the “Anniversary Fee”), which is due and payable on the earlier to occur of (i) each anniversary of the Effective Date, (ii) the termination of Agreement, or (iii) the occurrence of an Event of Default; provided, that no more than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) in the aggregate shall be required to be paid as the Anniversary Fee hereunder during the term of this Agreement;

  • Salary and Bonus Awards of stock, stock options, and stock appreciation rights. Use the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with respect to the fiscal year in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (Revised 2004) (FAS 123R), Shared Based Payments.

  • Pay Dates Pay dates shall be on the fifteenth (15th) and the last day of each month.