Salary Overpayments Sample Clauses

Salary Overpayments. It is understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the College immediately upon becoming aware of any suspected salary overpayment. In the interests of minimizing any financial hardship, the College agrees that it will recover salary overpayments at the same rate as they were paid. The parties agree that this clause will constitute the written assignment required of the employee for repayment.
Salary Overpayments. In the event a Unit employee is erroneously overpaid by the City, repayment must comply with California State law.
Salary Overpayments. The College shall have the right to deduct any salary overpayment to a faculty member from compensation due to that faculty member. Should said condition occur, the employee shall be notified, in writing, of the amount in question. The repayment schedule shall be developed by mutual agreement. In no case shall repayment be sought if the overpayment occurred more than two (2) years prior to the date of ratification.
Salary Overpayments. 46.1 A salary overpayment is any payment in respect of salary, allowance or leave, whether the overpayment is by accident or otherwise, to which the employee is not entitled. 46.2 In the event that an employee has received a salary overpayment, the Agency will recover the overpayment in accordance with this clause. 46.3 Where a salary overpayment has occurred, the Agency will advise the employee in writing, as soon as practicable, of the: (a) pay period(s) in which the overpayment occurred; and (b) nature of the overpayment; and (c) gross and net components of the overpayment; and (d) process for recovery of the overpayment; and (e) proposed recovery rate. 46.4 The Agency and the employee will agree on a reasonable recovery rate having regard for all of the circumstances prior to any recovery being made. Where agreement cannot be reached clause 46.6 will apply. 46.5 Any such agreement may include recovery of the salary overpayment by the Agency: (a) as a lump sum; or (b) by payroll deduction from salary
Salary Overpayments. When a salary overpayment error has been discovered, the Payroll Branch will notify the employee and AALA in writing of the amount and circumstances related to the overpayment and will recommend a suggested method of recovery of the over payment. a. For cases in which the amount and circumstances are such that is probable that the employee was unaware of a salary overpayment, $200 per pay period will be the normal limit on repayment deductions. However, in such cases the repayment may be accelerated upon termination of paid status or may be larger than $200 per pay period if necessary to recover the full overpayment. b. The employee and AALA may request consideration of alternative methods for recovery of over-payments that the time frame for recovery does not exceed the period of time during which the over-payment occurred. If no request is made for an alternative method of recovery within ten calendar days, the recovery shall commence effective with the next pay period using the method recommended by the District in its written notice to the employee.
Salary Overpayments. In the event a Unit member is erroneously overpaid by the City, the member will be notified in writing of the amount of the overpayment and will be provided with an explanation of the circumstances which led to the overpayment. The notification will also contain a proposed repayment schedule and shall give the member a specific period of time to dispute the overpayment or request an alternative repayment schedule. Any such alternative repayment plan must be acknowledged in writing by the member and the authorized Department representative. If the member does not dispute the overpayment or request an alternative repayment schedule in the specified time period, the Department will commence payroll deductions to recoup the amount of the overpayment in accordance with the proposed repayment schedule. The biweekly deduction amounts shall not exceed the biweekly amounts that were overpaid to the member unless the member agrees in writing to an increased amount. (For example, if a member was overpaid $50 biweekly, the repayment will occur at a rate of no more than $50 biweekly).
Salary Overpayments. Except as set forth in Article XIII, (Leaves) Section 12.0 (c), when a salary overpayment error has been discovered, the Payroll Branch will notify the employee in writing of the amount and circumstances related to the overpayment and will recommend a suggested method for recovery of the overpayment. a. For cases in which the amount and circumstances are such that it is probable that the employee was unaware of a salary overpayment, a minimum of three hundred dollars ($300) per pay period will be deducted. If the overpayment amount exceeds $7,200, the recovery per pay period shall be the overpayment amount divided into 24 installments. b. The employee may request consideration of alternative methods for recovery of overpayments provided that the time frame for recovery does not exceed the period of time during which the overpayment occurred. If no request is made for an alternative method of recovery within ten (10) calendar days, the recovery shall commence effective with the next pay period using the method recommended by the District in its written notice to the employee. c. When the amount and circumstances are such that the employee knew or should have known that there was an overpayment, the recommended recovery payment will be as much as the entire amount. In such cases, however, the District will work out a suitable recovery payment schedule with the employee which may be as much as the entire amount within one pay period.
Salary Overpayments. For cases in which the amount and circumstances are such that it is probable that the employee was unaware of a salary overpayment, the normal limit on repayment deductions will be $200 per pay period or twelve (12) equal installments whichever is greater. However, in such cases the repayment may be accelerated upon termination of paid status. Where the amount and circumstances are such that the employee knew or should have known that there was an overpayment, the recovery payment may be as much as the entire amount. In such cases, however, ECRA will notify the employee and work out a suitable recovery payment schedule which may be as much as the entire amount within one pay period. Recovery of temporary disability overpayments is handled separately from the above repayment provisions.
Salary Overpayments. Except as set forth in Article XIII, (Leaves) Section 12.0 (c), when a salary overpayment error has been discovered, the Payroll Branch will notify the employee in writing of the amount and circumstances related to the overpayment and will recommend a suggested method for recovery of the overpayment. Once the Payroll Administration Branch and the employee have come to a mutual agreement that an overpayment exists, the Branch and the employee will make repayment arrangements which may include repayment deductions. For cases in which the employee disagrees that the overpayment is correct, the employee can decline automatic deductions with the understanding that the employee will be subject to civil litigation to enforce the repayment. For cases in which the employee does not decline automatic recoupment within 30 days of notification, two hundred dollars ($200) per pay period will be the normal limit on repayment deductions unless an alternative amount is agreed upon or a higher amount is required to recoup the repayment within three (3) years.
Salary Overpayments. An overpayment is any payment in respect of pay, allowance or leave, whether the overpayment is by accident or otherwise, to which the employee is not entitled.