Scholarship Sample Clauses
Scholarship. Faculty Members are entitled and expected to engage in scholarship (as defined in Article 1.1(n)), to show scholarly integrity therein, and to disseminate the results of their scholarship or exhibit the results of their creative work. It is the responsibility of the Employer to provide reasonable resources for the conduct of scholarly activity and its dissemination.
Scholarship. The standard of scholarship requires a working commitment to inquiry and research and to creative achievement. The University obligation for the generation of new knowledge and practices imposes a responsibility for creativity, whether in inquiry and investigation, writing, design and production, or in the performing and fine arts. In the best of scholars and the best of teachers, creative inquiry is joined with effective classroom teaching.
Scholarship. The institution recognizes the value of continuous involvement in scholarly activity to effective instruction in the faculty member’s discipline. Each faculty member shall engage in scholarship activity consistent with the evaluation criteria in Article 8.
Scholarship. A requirement for tenure or for promotion to any rank is evidence of scholarly activity and achievement, or creative work in the performing and fine arts, and recognition of one's work by academic peers. Evidence of scholarship or its equivalent includes:
(i) a commitment to continuing growth in the Member's academic discipline, and to intellectual and/or artistic pursuits generally, receipt of research and publication grants and academic research activity which has resulted in the presentation or publication of findings in a credible academic forum.
(ii) imaginative and innovative contributions in the performing and creative arts such as commissioned works, publication of artistic and literary works and musical compositions, presentations, performances and shows presented in a credible artistic forum.
(iii) publications and/or presentations in a credible professional forum including the publication and/or airing of research-dependent works of Journalism in a credible journalistic forum;
(iv) scholarship in teaching, including research, publications and academic presentations or workshops on teaching within universities and/or scholarly disciplines;
(v) publications, including textbooks and case studies, which may not result from original research but which constitute valuable or creditable additions to the discipline.
(vi) scholarly activity derived from the Member's expertise and recognition by one's peers including: book reviews, principal editorship of a journal, the refereeing of manuscripts and proposals for publishers, periodicals, and research agencies, and service as external examiners on graduate theses.
Scholarship. Significant research, scholarship and/or creative/artistic activities may require more concentrated effort to complete than a faculty member’s normal workload would allow, such as meeting a grant deadline, publication or other dissemination opportunity, dissertation deadline, etc. Assigning additional ELU for scholarly activities is not automatic, but shall be determined by the Director in consultation with the Xxxxxxx (or designee). Any additional ELU awarded shall be proportional to the anticipated additional effort required (equivalent to approximately 35 hours for the term). A faculty member receiving additional ELU loading under this provision will report on the outcome(s) of work performed for the additional loading as part of the Faculty Professional Annual Report (FPAR).
Scholarship. Research, publications in librarianship or other areas, scholarly presentations and exhibits, or earning advanced degrees are examples of NTT Librarian Faculty scholarship. For NTT Librarian Faculty, the standards and criteria for scholarship will be less in scope than required of tenured or tenure-track faculty. Examples of NTT Librarian Faculty scholarship may include, but not be limited to, 1) authoring Open Educational Resources
Scholarship. The scholarship can be paid to the student of Mevlana Exchange Programme up to three times of monthly scholarship amount that is being paid to the undergraduate students as per the Law no.5102 on Granting Scholarship and Loan to the Higher Education Students.
Scholarship. NTT's will be expected to engage in scholarly activities consistent with department criteria and negotiated workload. Original research focused on the scholarship of discovery, application, or integration will be encouraged; however the scholarship of pedagogy and engagement will be generally more suitable for NTT faculty. Lecturers and Senior Lecturers will be expected to contribute to the understanding and practice of teaching undergraduates and, in some cases, to disseminate their contributions by conference presentations, etc. However, the standards and criteria will be less in scope than required of tenured or tenure-track faculty.
Scholarship. (a) The essentials of the scholarship component are as set out in Articles 5.4 and 8.6.
(b) Achievement in scholarship, including research and creative professional work may be evidenced by the following:
(i) Published work such as books, monographs, articles, conference papers, reviews or scholarly research expressed in media other than print;
(ii) Academic, creative, professional and pedagogical contributions and activities including development of subject expertise;
(iii) Unpublished writings and work-in-progress;
(iv) Theses and other material prepared or written under the Faculty Member’s direct supervision;
(v) Adjudication of scholarly works and editorial work;
(vi) Public lectures, seminars and formal colloquia;
(vii) Design of pedagogical tools and resources for teaching and research at the post-secondary level including specialized websites for research and study purposes;
(viii) Research projects including participation in funded research (electronic or otherwise);
(ix) Research grants and contracts awarded, name of granting body, research title, amount of award and date awarded;
(x) Awards and other honours received; and
(xi) Any other materials that the member would like considered
Scholarship. Scholarly papers published in peer-reviewed journals • Peer-reviewed Book Chapters or Books