SEARCH PROCEDURES. Appointments for a period of one (1) year or more approved for search shall be advertised by the University on its website and in one (1) or more nationally-distributed print and/or electronic media selected so as to provide broad exposure to the position for potential applicants.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. Any disputes arising from the outcome of a search process will be immediately referred by the complainant (or the Union on his/her behalf) to the Labour Management Relations Committee, who will examine and make findings regarding the fairness of the process. The LMRC shall render its findings within 10 working days from the date the matter was referred to it. This deadline may be extended up to 5 working days by the LMRC. The grievance timelines will commence at the date the LMRC issues its findings.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. The search process is guided by the principles of fairness and transparency as per Article
SEARCH PROCEDURES. 5.1 Public announcements of the vacancy shall normally be for a forty-five (45) day period and shall consist of a notice of vacancy containing at least the following: title of the position, date the position is to be filled, filing deadline, location of assignment, job description and hiring criteria as developed pursuant to section 4 and application procedures. Timely review of the public announcement by discipline specific faculty, appropriate Administrator shall occur prior to distribution. Distribution of the notice of vacancy shall be a District Office responsibility. 5.2 If a vacancy occurs unexpectedly and the normal recruitment time lines will cause a hardship or delay in the start of classes, the College President may request a 30 day emergency recruitment. 5.3 All vacancy notices must also clearly state that interested persons are to submit their applications to the District Human Resources Office. After the filing deadline, all applicants for the position will be notified in a timely manner of the status of their applications. All correspondence to applicants will come from the District Human Resources Office. 5.4 If at the end of the recruitment period, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources believes that the applicant pool lacks sufficient applications he/she will immediately notify the College President. He/she or his/her designee will consult with the department chair/divisional representatives and subject area faculty. After such consultation, the College President will make a decision to extend the filing deadline, re-advertise the position, re-designate the position as full time temporary, cancel the recruitment for the position, or take any other action arrived at through consultation.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. 10.2.1 If the school has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a search of a student or a student’s possessions will uncover evidence that the student has violated, or is violating, either the law or the rules of the school, the school official may search the student and the student’s pockets, pocketbook, book bag, desk, locker, vehicle or any other similar location within the student’s control. When requested by school officials, the SRO shall be present for the search in order to protect the safety of all persons involved in the search. If the search uncovers evidence of criminal misconduct, the evidence may be held for or turned over to the SRO.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. A flow chart, which sets forth the search procedures provided in this section of the Agreement, is attached as Appendix A. 7.4.1 The personnel needs of each Department shall be reviewed by the Department at least once a year. The review shall take into consideration University and departmental long- range goals, projected enrollments in the Department, curriculum requirements and the number of sections needed. Normally, such review and requests shall occur in conjunction with Departmental budget requests. Requests to fill a vacancy shall be submitted to the appropriate Academic Xxxx/Director who reviews and approves the Departmental request and forwards it to the Xxxxxxx/Vice President. 7.4.2 Within ten (10) working days after the Xxxxxxx/Vice President certifies that a position is to be filled, the Xxxxxxx/Vice President shall authorize a candidate search by the Department. The search shall conform with the Affirmative Action Plan of the University provided the Affirmative Action Plan does not conflict with Article 7 of this Agreement. The appropriate Academic Xxxx and the Department shall mutually agree on a timetable for the receipt of the Department recommendation(s). 7.4.3 Once the Xxxxxxx/Vice President “certifies” that a faculty position is to be filled, the Department Personnel Committee shall determine the basic qualifications for each position to be filled including academic credentials and experience in the appropriate discipline. The Department Personnel Committee shall then forward its recommendation to the Department Chair. The Department Chair shall forward the recommendation of the Department Personnel Committee, along with his/her own, if different, to the appropriate Academic Xxxx/Director who may modify the required basic qualifications in his/her discretion. In addition, a Request for Personnel Form along with the appropriate EEO Forms must be submitted. If the department’s recommendation as to the basic qualifications for the position is approved by the appropriate Academic Xxxx/Director, he/she shall recommend approval to the Xxxxxxx/Vice President. If the Academic Xxxx /Director’s recommendation is approved by the Xxxxxxx/Vice President, he/she shall recommend approval to Human Resources who shall post the position in appropriate professional journals and local and regional newspapers. Applications are sent to the appropriate Academic Xxxx/Director or the Department who will screen the applicants and select candidates to be invited f...
SEARCH PROCEDURES. This should include: ▪ clear identification of the roles and responsibilities of health and social care staff and the police – including searching for drugs and weapons ▪ where appropriate, arrangements for searching in mental health, learning disability and high-security settings.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. Internal, or internal/external When a search is to be undertaken the Xxxx shall inquire of the Vice-President (Academic) whether the search is to be internal or both internal and external. If a tenure track position is available the President may authorize an internal and external search.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. If the school official has reasonable suspicion for suspecting that a search of a student or a student's possessions will uncover evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school, the school official may search the student and the student's pockets, pocketbook, book bag, desk, locker, vehicle or any other similar location within the student's control while on school property. When requested by school officials, the SRO shall assist with the search. If the search uncovers evidence of criminal misconduct, the evidence will be turned over to the SRO as soon as possible.
SEARCH PROCEDURES. 1. The decision to search a building should be a joint decision between the police and management of the target facility. A building representative, who is familiar with the building and contents, may be utilized to provide assistance �o the search team. 2. The search of the target facility may be conducted after the expiration of any reported detonation time, if any. If the caller did not give a specific time of detonation, officers should wait a sufficient amount of time before conducting any search. 3. First, the Operations Manager should obtain verbal consent to search of the building from a building management representative. Next, a Patrol Sergeant shall be placed in charge of each search team. 4. The Patrol Sergeant shall form a search team(s), depending on the building size. Each team will consist of at least two people. 5. The search should always begin on the exterior of the building. The search should focus attention on trash receptacles, dumpsters, drainage systems, parked cars, electrical junction areas, etc. 6. While interior searches are discouraged, interior searches should be directed to public areas, such as restrooms, stairwells, elevator shafts, closets, etc. 7. The physical environment should not be changed in the area to be searched. Light switches, thermostats, etc. should not be tampered with. Search teams should utilize flashlights in their search. 8. A comprehensive pre-planned, orderly search should take place: a. The search team will decide how the building will be searched; how each room will be divided, and to what height the searching sweep should extend. b. The first searching sweep will cover all items on the floor up to the selected height. c. Additional searching sweeps will extend the search to pictures of items hanging on the walls, bookcases, air conditioning vents/ducts, light fixtures, etc. d. After searching and exiting from a secured room, the officer will close the door, indicating, "search completed".