Secondary Class Size. Students will be equitably distributed among the various classes to which a secondary teacher is assigned. In no event will the number of students per class exceed the student maximum per day (see Article VI-A, 2-3) divided by five (5) plus ten percent (10%). Homeroom, special education and music will continue to be governed by the total student maximums only.
Secondary Class Size. The District and the Association agree that class size will be maintained to meet the following standards: The following class loads shall be maintained: • Classes in grades 6-8 should not exceed 30 students. • Classes in grades 9-12 should not exceed 32 students.
Section 13.3.1 The daily load for teachers of grades 6-8 shall not exceed one-hundred fifty (150) students. The daily load for teachers of grades 9-12 shall not exceed one-hundred fifty-five (155) students. Exceptions must be approved by the Labor Management process. Full remedies in Section 13.3.4 will be applied retroactively.
Section 13.3.2 Each middle and high school building shall receive thirty (30) minutes per FTE classroom teacher per week of assistant time. This time may be used for instructional assistants, theme readers, or other direct help to relieve work load as determined annually by building staff. Individual secondary teachers may choose to exceed the class loads for specific periods without triggering remedies in order to have smaller numbers in other periods, as long as their total contractual daily load limit is not exceeded. Impact of special education students on general education classrooms: When possible, IEP and 504 identified students will be assigned in a manner that results in an equitable apportionment among general education teachers at each school, with special consideration for the nature and extent of the disability in order to meet individual student needs. Buildings will develop a process to review individual teacher concerns regarding equitable distribution of students. When a teacher believes that the number of high needs students will impact the class, a meeting with the administrator and teacher will take place to review the supports needed.
Secondary Class Size. It is recognized that secondary class sizes will vary depending on master schedule demands, class balance and student needs. For teachers teaching 5 out of 6 classes, relief at secondary starts at five (5) students over daily totals specified below; remedy calculated at $10.00; $2.00 added for each student over five (5) (ex: seven (7) students over trigger equals $14.00 per count day). For individual sections equal to five (5) students over target, remedy calculated at $10.00; each additional student equal to $2.00 per count day). For teachers teaching 4 out of 5 classes, relief at secondary starts at four (4) students over daily totals specified below; remedy calculated at $10.00; $2.00 added for each student over four (4) (ex: six (6) students over trigger equals $14.00 per count day). For individual sections equal to four (4) students over target, remedy calculated at $10.00; each additional student equal to $2.00 per count day). The target daily aggregate for secondary classes are as follows: Course Target 1.0 FTE = teaching 5/6 classes Target 1.0 FTE = teaching 4/5 classes Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Reading, World Languages, World Language Exploratory, and Health 29:1 145 daily total 150+ eligible for relief 29:1 116 daily total 120+ eligible for relief Band & Orchestra 40:1 200 daily total 205+ eligible for relief 40:1 160 daily total 164+ eligible for relief Choir 50:1 See CBA below 50:1 See CBA below Middle School PE 35:1 175 daily total 180+ eligible for relief 35:1 140 daily total 144+ eligible for relief High School PE 40:1 200 daily total 205+ eligible for relief 40:1 160 daily total 164+ eligible for relief Other Classes Not Listed Above 31:1 155 daily total 160+ eligible for relief 31:1 124 daily total 128+ eligible for relief
Secondary Class Size. 1. The Board will maintain reasonable maximum class size in all secondary schools.
2. The Board agrees that no teacher's student load will exceed a maximum of 155, except in the physical education, instrumental and vocal music departments, Contacts/Teacher Cadet Program. Individual classes will not exceed a maximum of 34 except in the physical education, instrumental and vocal music departments, Contacts/Teacher Cadet Program. Mutually agreed upon exceptions will be allowed to accommodate special techniques and/or programs. In the event the maximum is exceeded by one or two students, extra pay at the rate of $8.00 per student per five (5) days will be paid until such time as the class enrollment drops to or below the maximum student count. In the event the maximum is exceeded by three (3) through nine (9) students, the extra pay rate shall be $9.50 per student per five (5) days until the overage drops below three (3). In the event the maximum is exceeded by ten (10) students or more, the extra pay rate shall be $10.50 per student per five days until the overage drops below ten (10). Administration will have a grace period of ten (10) days at the beginning of first semester and ten (10) days at the beginning of second semester to level class loads before the above language becomes operative. Payment for all class count overages will be paid at the first full payroll period following the end of each marking period.
3. Health, physical education, instrumental and vocal music classes averaging fewer than 31 students per section may be combined with other classes exceeding 31 students per section to a maximum teacher load of 155. Physical education, instrumental and vocal music classes averaging 31 or more students per section may be combined with other classes averaging a maximum of 31 per section even if the total student load exceeds 155.
4. In 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade English classes, the Board agrees that no teacher's student load will exceed a maximum of 145. Individual English classes will not exceed a maximum of 31. The documents found in Appendix X may be used for overage compensation calculations. Those who teach English and another academic discipline, will have their English classes capped at 31 and limited to an average of 29. The maximum student count of 145 in English and 155 in other areas will be computed on a fractional basis. Example: A teacher with two (2) English and three (3) Social Studies classes will have no more than a total of ...
Secondary Class Size. W.5.a Grades 6-12 regular classrooms shall not exceed 28 students
Secondary Class Size. It is recognized that secondary class sizes will vary depending on master schedule demands, class balance and student needs.
Secondary Class Size. 1. The Board will maintain reasonable maximum class size in all secondary schools.
2. The Board agrees that no teacher's student load will exceed a maximum of 155, except in the physical education, instrumental and vocal music departments, Contacts/Teacher Cadet Program. Individual classes will not exceed a maximum of 34 except in the physical education, instrumental and vocal music departments, Contacts/Teacher Cadet Program. Mutually agreed upon exceptions will be allowed to accommodate special techniques and/or programs. In the event the maximum is exceeded by one or two students, extra pay at the rate of $8.00 per student per five
Secondary Class Size. 45.2.1 Total secondary class load per teacher shall not exceed one hundred fifty (150) students in any school day and no single class shall exceed thirty-two (32). Band and choir may be exceptions to these class size limits except where safety is a concern. Physical Education will have a class size limit of 38 per period for Secondary Fitness.
45.2.2 Secondary class sizes will be monitored on the ninth school day of each semester or trimester during the school year. If it is determined that an employee's total class size or single class size exceeds the limit during the monitoring, students will be transferred from that employee's student list until the class size is in compliance with this Article.
Secondary Class Size. 6.8.1 The District and the Association agree that class size will be maintained to meet the following standards: The following class loads shall be maintained: Grade/Course Student Count 6 26 average Middle School electives, PE and mixed grade level classes 29 average or 32 per class 7 to 8 29 average or 32 per class 9 to12 29 average or 32 per class* High School CTE 26 average or 29 per class Secondary music classes are traditionally large classes and are exempt from these class size limitations
Secondary Class Size. The District and the Association agree that class size will be maintained to meet the following standards. The following class loads shall be maintained: • Classes in grades 6-8 should not exceed 30 students. • Classes in grades 9-12 should not exceed 32 students.
SECTION 13.3.1 The daily load for teachers of grades 6-8 shall not exceed one-hundred fifty (150) students. The daily load for teachers of grades 9-12 shall not exceed one-hundred fifty-five (155) students. Exceptions must be approved by the Labor Management process. Full remedies in Section 13.3.4 will be applied retroactively.