Teacher Load Sample Clauses

Teacher Load. Under normal circumstances, full-time teachers shall not be required to teach beyond the normal number of teaching periods for such teachers as determined by the 2011-2012 school term with the exception that effective the 2017-2018 school year, elementary school special subject teachers’ (music, art, foreign language, P.E.) work load restrictions shall be governed by the Side Letter of Understanding regarding Elementary Special Subject Teachers’ Work Load (attached to this Agreement). If such teachers are required to teach in excess of the regular 2011-2012 work load, they shall be compensated on a pro-rata basis of their annual base salary.
Teacher Load. 1. Teacher Load - High School a. No high school teacher shall be assigned more than five (5) majors or their equivalent, nor be required to teach more than three (3) separate preparations per day. If the three-preparation limit is exceeded as a result of scheduling difficulties, a teacher thusly affected will be relieved of supervisory duties. In any event, no high school teacher shall be scheduled less than 45 consecutive minutes per day of unassigned preparation time.” b. Any high school teacher assigned to teach one of the following classes will be assigned no more than four (4) classes: a science class with multiple labs per cycle; or an English class involving composition work. c. All high school teachers shall be given a thirty-minute, duty-free lunch period per day as provided in Article XV (TEACHERS’ DAY AND YEAR) Section 9. d. An individual teacher’s student load will not exceed an average of thirty
Teacher Load. 1. Whenever practical within the limitations of existing staff, course offerings and teacher and pupil assignments and schedules, a secondary teacher will not be required to have more than three (3) teaching preparations at any one time. 2. Secondary teachers with more than three (3) preparations shall be given special consideration in non-teaching supervisory period assignments. No secondary teacher with more than three (3) preparations shall be assigned to a non-teaching student supervision period for more than two (2) consecutive years without mutual agreement between the teacher and appropriate administrator. 3. A preparation (secondary) shall be defined as a course title or grade level title such as English - 7 or English - 8. It is a separate preparation if English – 7, for example, has different levels.
Teacher Load. 1. Ratios shall not exceed: a. Forty (40) classroom teachers per 1,000* FTE after excluding Administration, special education teachers, vocational education teachers, teachers paid in whole or part through Federal funds, and ESP teachers. b. Five (5) E.S.P. teachers per 1,000* FTE. "E.S.P." are defined as physical education, music, art, guidance, visiting teachers, librarians, and nurses. 2. If a classroom teacher (not including teachers of "specials" except general music) at the elementary level is assigned over twenty-four (24) students, or a high school teacher is assigned over six (6) class periods or over three (3) xxxxx, xxx teacher shall have the right to a meeting between the affected teacher, the Association, and the Superintendent or designee to review the assignment and its reasons. 3. No high school teacher will be assigned seven (7) classes unless (a) requested by teacher or (b) the teacher is involuntarily assigned and compensated at one-seventh (1/7th) of the base. 4. No middle school teacher will be assigned eight (8) classes unless (a) requested by a teacher or (b) the teacher is involuntarily assigned and compensated at one- eighth (1/8th) of the base.
Teacher Load. 7-1 All secondary teachers shall, in addition to their lunch period, have at least four unassigned periods on a 4 day school week and have at least five unassigned periods on a 5 day school week. Secondary teachers assigned a semester schedule without a daily conference period shall be compensated accordingly. Part-time teachers must work at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the work day to be allowed a prep period. 7-2 Secondary school teachers shall not be required to teach more than two (2) subject matter areas. 7-3 Teacher participation in such extra-curricular activities as clubs, theatricals, musicals, and similar events, for which no compensation is offered, shall be voluntary. 7-4 Teachers shall have a duty free lunch period of not less than thirty (30) minutes without interruption. 7-5 The Association President will appoint a calendar committee. The Association calendar committee will prepare a calendar proposal for the next school year to be presented to the board for approval by first regularly scheduled board meeting in March. Final determination will rest with the Board.
Teacher LoadThe Board and Union recognize the educational importance of class size and its impact on student performance. Using past performance as a guide, the Board and Union will monitor class sizes and maintain student-teacher ratios to enhance learning.
Teacher Load. Every effort shall be made to adhere to the class sizes and teacher loads specified as recommended by the 60 New York State Department of Education: 1 Kindergarten (per section) 25 - 30 pupils 2 1 - 5 25 - 30 pupils 3 6 - 8 125 - 150 pupils 4 9 - 12 125 - 150 pupils 5 High School Counseling Maximum of 400 students 6 Middle School Counseling Maximum of 425 students 8 Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education. Study halls will have a maximum of 30 students.
Teacher LoadWhenever possible, Teachers in academic subject areas should not be assigned more than 140 students for instructional purposes.
Teacher Load. A. Both parties agree to a uniform length of the service day at seven (7) hours and forty
Teacher Load. A. Teachers in grades six (6) through twelve (12) inclusive shall be entitled to one (1) preparation period for each school day which shall be scheduled, as nearly as reasonably possible, on the basis of one (1) per school day. The preparation period shall be equivalent in length to a classroom teaching period. Except in cases of emergency or unusual circumstances, teachers shall not be required to perform other duties during preparation periods. In the event that teachers are required to perform other duties during preparation periods, they shall receive, over and above their basic salary for their services, the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) for each such preparation period. It is understood that any double block fill-in will be compensated accordingly (2x). B. The committee will provide a minimum of five (5) preparation periods per week for all elementary classroom teachers. Prep time for teachers at the Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx School, Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx School and the Millville Elementary School will be forty-five (45) consecutive minutes in duration. Except in cases of emergency or unusual circumstances, teachers shall not be required to perform other duties during preparation periods. In the event that teachers are required to teach a class period during their regularly scheduled preparation time due to the lack of availability of a regularly scheduled instructor or substitute, said teacher(s) shall receive over and above their regular salary, the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) for each class period taught. It is understood that any double block fill-in will be compensated accordingly (2x). The Committee will ensure that all non-classroom teachers shall be provided with an equitable number of preparation periods as provided to classroom teachers. C. The Committee and the Association agree in principle to the following regarding class size: 1. Class size is an important factor in achieving optimum teaching effectiveness. 2. The Committee recognizes the need to maintain class sizes at a level which provides an optimum teaching-learning atmosphere. The Committee will attempt to keep elementary class/subject size at no more than twenty-five (25) students and class/subject size at the secondary level at no more than thirty (30) students. If classes in the above areas exceed the accepted limits, the Committee will make every effort to hire certified instructors. In addition, the teacher of a class that exceeds the maximum class size guidelines may submit a formal requ...