Four Day Work Week. 26 1. If a holiday falls on an employee's first or second scheduled day 27 off, the preceding work day will be observed as that employee's holiday, or the 28 employee may choose to bank the holiday leave hours.
29 2. If a holiday falls on an employee's third scheduled day off, the 30 following workday will be observed as that employee's holiday, or the employee may 31 choose to bank the holiday leave hours.
1 3. If a holiday falls on the employee’s first, second or third day off, 2 the employee and immediate supervisor can mutually agree upon the day that will be 3 observed as that employee’s holiday or the employee may choose to bank the
5 4. Holidays accumulated in this manner must be utilized by June
Four Day Work Week. During the non-student attendance summer period, the Board will allow an adjusted schedule (i.e., four, ten hour days, etc.) provided it meets the needs of the district. Employees’ days and hours may be staggered. Overtime will be paid for all hours worked over forty (40) for employees on an adjusted schedule. Employees involved in these adjusted schedules shall receive two (2) fifteen (15) minute breaks per day, plus an unpaid lunch.
Four Day Work Week. Standard work days may be adjusted during the summer for 13 the purpose of allowing a four (4) day work week.
Four Day Work Week. Employees working on a scheduled four (4) day work week shall be assigned three (3) rest days in each seven (7) days. The rest days shall be consecutive as far as possible consistent with the establishment of regular relief assignments and the avoidance of working an employee on an assigned rest day. Preference shall be given to Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then to Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Four Day Work Week. In lieu of the normal work week as defined in Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this Article, an employee may request a work week composed of four (4) consecutive days of relatively equal length, followed by three (3) consecutive days off, or reasonable variations thereof. If the agency determines its own needs may appropriately be met by such requested schedule, it may request approval of any such schedule under Personnel Rule 303.300. Nothing herein precludes the parties from negotiating four (4) day work week schedules in Agency or Local Supplementary Agreements. The negotiation of nine (9) day work schedules shall be appropriate for agency and/or local supplementary negotiations in those instances where supplemental agreements contain such provisions. In other instances the parties may by mutual agreement negotiate nine (9) day work schedules in agency and/or local supplementary agreements.
Four Day Work Week. The Board reserves the right to establish and utilize a four (4) day, up to a 10 hours per day work week schedule. The normal workday for full- time permanent unit employees shall be no longer than ten (10) consecutive hours (including a one-half (½) hour unpaid lunch period for school personnel and including a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period for county-level personnel). At the discretion of the supervising administrator, employees working six (6) or more hours per day on the four (4) day work week may have three (3), ten (10) minute paid breaks per day.
1. No work week will include both weekend days as a workday for any employee except on a voluntary basis. A schedule may indicate Sunday as the first day of the work week or Saturday as the last day of the work week.
2. For purposes of this section, at such time as a vacancy exists or a new shift/work week becomes available, volunteers will be solicited from all applicable employees prior to the filling of the position(s).
3. Where more volunteers are available than open positions, seniority and qualifications shall prevail among the applicable employees.
4. Where there are no volunteers or not enough volunteers to fill the opening(s), the position(s) will be filled in reverse seniority order.
5. In the event that the Board implements this four (4) day work week in an entire department, and this creates a serious medical and/or personal problem, substantiated by a Board selected physician or acceptable written explanation as determined by the Superintendent (designee), on any employee within the department, the Board shall strive to reasonably accommodate the employee’s individual needs.
6. In the event that the majority of employees at a location wish to request the consideration of a four (4) day work week, but the immediate supervisor is opposed to it, a representative of the staff will be allowed to present the request to the Director without any reprisal.
Four Day Work Week. The teacher work day will be 9 hours. The workday is 9 hours and a thirty-minute duty free meal break; total 9 hours and 30 minutes.
Four Day Work Week. The District will have the right to establish a four-day work week provided that the total number of hours per week of Teacher duty time will not be increased, and Teachers' preparation time shall not be decreased from the current practice. The District will meet and confer with EMR before implementing a four-day work week.
Four Day Work Week. The District may establish a four (4) consecutive day work week which will consist of any combination of up to ten (10) hours per day. Time and one-half (1 ½) shall be paid for the fifth (5), sixth (6), and seventh (7) day worked.