Sources and Methods of Evaluation. A. In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other university officials who have responsibility for supervision of the employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when an employee has a service assignment to the public schools.
B. Observation/Visitation. The employee, if assigned teaching duties, shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct classroom observation or visitation made in connection with the employee's annual evaluation. If the employee determines that this date is not appropriate because of the scheduled class activities, the employee may suggest a more appropriate date. Alternatively, if such classroom observation or visitation will be made, the employee shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the period (for example, a semester) over which no less than two (2) observations will be made.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other University officials who have responsibility for supervision of the employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a service assignment.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the Faculty Member may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate Supervisor, peers, students, Faculty Member/self, other University officials who have responsibility for supervision of the Faculty Member, and individuals to whom the Faculty Member may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when a Faculty Member has a service assignment to the public schools. Student Evaluations. Section 11.2(b) (Sources and Methods of Evaluation) will go into effect on the first day of the Fall 2010 Semester.
(1) Student evaluations are a regular part of faculty evaluation. Therefore, each Fall and Spring Semester, Faculty will ensure that student evaluations (using the standard University form) are administered for every course and every section taught. Such student evaluations, including narrative comments, will be provided to the Department Chair/Director so as to be included in the material considered for the Faculty Member’s annual evaluation.
(2) Considerations for Fair and Equitable Treatment.
a. Faculty Members will have the right to rebut student evaluation comments and feedback by preparing a written rebuttal. There will be no limit to the length of the rebuttal. The rebuttal will be attached to the student evaluations in the Faculty Member’s master evaluation file. The rebuttal should address extenuating circumstances and other factors that might clarify how comments and numerical ratings should be interpreted by Supervisors.
b. No personnel action will be taken on the basis of student narrative comments that have not been corroborated by evidence other than student evaluations.
c. Written comments from students will be considered in the context of other information submitted by the Faculty Member about teaching performance.
d. Beginning with the 2018–2019 Academic Year, Faculty are required to submit at least one example of teaching quality in addition to the standard university teaching assessment material. Examples should be consistent with indicators identified in the Tenure and Promotion guidelines, such as outcome assessment data, peer review observations, syllabi, assessment samples, etc. Acceptable supplemental examples may also be outlined in Department/Unit bylaws.
e. Summaries of student evaluations, including the narrative comments, will be provided to the Faculty Member at least fourteen...
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. (a) In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the faculty may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, faculty member /self, other university officials who have responsibility for supervision of the faculty member, and individuals to whom the faculty member may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when a faculty member has a service assignment to the public schools.
(b) Observation/Visitation. The faculty member, if assigned teaching duties, shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct classroom observation or visitation made in connection with the faculty member’s annual evaluation. If the faculty member determines that this date is not appropriate because of the scheduled class activities, the faculty member may suggest a more appropriate date. Alternatively, if such classroom observation or visitation will be made, the faculty member shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the period (for example, a semester) over which no less than two (2) observations will be made.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. (a) Each department Chairperson, or comparable administrator in an academic unit who is responsible for an employee’s annual assignment, shall also be responsible for evaluating the employee.
(b) In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other University officials who have responsibility for supervision of the employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when an employee has a service assignment to the public schools.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. (a) Each employee shall prepare an annual activity report.
(b) In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee shall consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other University officials who have responsibility for supervision of the employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, e.g., public school officials when an employee has a service assignment to the public schools.
(c) Observation/Visitation. The employee, if assigned teaching duties, shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct classroom observation or visitation made in connection with the employee's annual evaluation. If the employee determines that this date is not appropriate because of the scheduled class activities, the employee may suggest a more appropriate date. If classroom observation or visitation will be considered in an employee’s annual evaluation, no fewer than two (2) observations shall be made.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. (a) In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the faculty may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, faculty member /self, other university officials who have responsibility for supervision of the faculty member, and individuals to whom the faculty member may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when an faculty member has a service assignment to the public schools.
(b) Observation/Visitation. The faculty member, if assigned teaching duties, shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct c lassroom o b s e r v a t i o n or v i s i t a t i o n made in connection w i t h the faculty member's annual evaluation. If the faculty member determines that this date is not appropriate because of scheduled class activities, the faculty member may suggest a more appropriate date. Direct classroom observations shall not occur during the last two (2) weeks of the semester.
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. A. In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other university officials who have responsibility for supervision of the employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a service assignment, including public school officials when an employee has a service assignment to the public schools.
B. Observation/Visitation. The employee, if assigned teaching duties, shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct classroom observation or visitation made in connection with the employee's annual evaluation. If the employee determines that this date is not appropriate because of the scheduled class activities, the employee may suggest a more appropriate date. Alternatively, if such classroom observation or visitation will be made, the employee shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the period (for example, a semester) over which no less than two (2) observations will be made.
(1) An employee whose overall annual evaluation of teaching effectiveness for the previous calendar year was no less than satisfactory (i.e. 3) may in the employee's sole and absolute discretion elect to have direct classroom observation or visitation to assess the employee's teaching effectiveness of the employee's performance of the employee's annual assignment of instruction. The employee shall select the time(s), location(s) and course(s)
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. In preparing a faculty’s evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, information from the following sources:
Sources and Methods of Evaluation. In preparing the annual evaluation, the person(s) responsible for evaluating the employee may consider, where appropriate, 2288 2289 information from the following sources: immediate supervisor, peers, students, employee/self, other University officials who have responsibility for supervision of the 2290 employee, and individuals to whom the employee may be responsible in the course of a 2291 service assignment. 2292 2293 (2) Observation/Visitation. The employee, if assigned teaching duties, shall be 2294 notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date, time, and place of any direct classroom 2295 observation or visitation made in connection with the employee's annual evaluation. If the 2296 employee determines that this date is not appropriate because of the scheduled class 2297 activities, the employee may suggest a more appropriate date. Classroom visitation 2298 without prior notice, for non-evaluative purposes, may be made with permission of the 2299 employee. 2300 (3) Employee Assistance Programs. Neither the fact of an employee's 2301 participation in an employee assistance program nor information generated by 2302 participation in the program, shall be used as evidence of a performance deficiency 2303 within the evaluation process described in this Policy, except for information relating to 2304 the employee's failure to participate in an employee assistance program consistent with 2305 the terms to which the employee and the University have agreed. 2306 2307 (4) Proficiency in Spoken English. Where applicable, employees must, to be 2308 involved in classroom instruction, be proficient in the oral use of English. No employee 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 shall be evaluated as deficient in oral English language skills unless proved deficient in accordance with the appropriate procedures and examinations established by Section 1012.93, Florida Statutes, for testing such deficiency.
(a) No reference to an alleged deficiency shall appear in the annual evaluation or in the personnel file of a faculty member who achieves a satisfactory examination score determining proficiency in oral English ( "50" or above on the Test of Spoken English).
(b) Faculty who score at a specified level on an examination established by law for testing oral English language skil...