Staff Training Requirements Sample Clauses

Staff Training Requirements. The Contractor must choose a training practice model that fully operationalizes the values of family-driven, youth-guided, trauma- informed, permanency, strong involvement with home communities, and culturally and linguistically competent care. The training model must have an urgent focus on permanency practices and engaging and working with youth and families in their homes and communities towards successful and sustained reunification. The Contractor must provide training in accordance with licensing rules, Prison Rape Elimination Act, JRM 170, Staff Development and Training and SRM 103, Staff Qualifications and Training and any policies referenced or linked therein. a) All program staff will be trained to serve as a role model for mentoring appropriate social skills, emotional self-regulation, setting appropriate boundaries, prioritizing needs, negotiation skills, accessing local resources, hygiene and grooming preparation, food preparation and anger management. b) All program staff must be provided with quarterly trauma-focused program training to maintain a trauma-informed milieu and treatment environment. Trauma-focused programming must be based on an evidence-based, evidence-informed or promising practice treatment model.
Staff Training Requirements. The person listed in Section 1.0 as the AGENCY and agreement liaison, or their replacement, and all other AGENCY procurement staff must have attended the "Advanced Purchasing" course offered by the DIVISION through the Professional Development Center of the State Human Resources Division of the Department of Administrationand any other training course required by the DIVISION at a later date.
Staff Training Requirements. 1. Has comprehensive training regarding epidemiology, symptomatology, health risks, and potential exposure routes for all vectors/rDNA applications (including potential oncogenic expression) been provided to all staff participating in the study?: ☐Yes ☐ No 2. Have all staff involved on the trial with a reasonable potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens completed training via “Learning Exchange” (Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control) or other acceptable training source? ☐Yes ☐ No If a source other than Learning Exchange is utilized for this training please identify: Click here to enter text. 3. Briefly indicate your experience (include the PI and other key staff) with research involving this agent or other other gene therapy applications: Click here to enter text. 4. Contained Spill Response: Detail measures to be taken in the event of a spill of biohazardous material(s) occurring within a BSC (include required PPE, work methods, disinfectants to be utilized, etc.): Click here to enter text. 5. Response to Spills Outside of BSC (required for agent classified at BSL-2 or greater). Detail measures to be taken in the event of a spill of biohazardous material occurring in the general laboratory or clinical area outside of a BSC; include required aerosol settling time, PPE, work methods, disinfectants to be utilized, etc.: Click here to enter text. 6. Routine Cleaning/Disinfection of Surfaces, Equipment, and Facilities. Provide brief details regarding routine cleaning/disinfecting practices to be employed within the BSC, clinical areas where agent in administered, management of potentially-contaminated laundry, and (if applicable) patient toilet facilities in relation to the test agent: Click here to enter text.
Staff Training Requirements. 6.1 Qualified for the Work Completed‌ Under Proper Repair requirements your Representatives performing the work must be trained and qualified prior to commencing repairs.
Staff Training Requirements. A. Annual Synar Survey 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the National Synar Conference or other related national or state trainings/conferences related to tobacco and/or Synar. 2. A minimum of one staff member shall participate in all CSAP sponsored Synar related technical assistance webinars. 3. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention Provider’s Meeting. ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK (REVISED AUGUST 2021) B. Education Prevention Strategy Expansion 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention Provider Meeting. C. Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention Provider’s Meeting.
Staff Training Requirements. 1. Has comprehensive training regarding epidemiology, symptomatology, health risks, and potential exposure routes for the biological agent(s) used in this protocol been provided to all staff participating in the study?: ☐Yes ☐ No 2. Have all staff involved on the trial with a reasonable potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens completed training via “Learning Exchange” (Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control) or other acceptable training source? ☐Yes ☐ No If other training source than Learning Exchange is utilized please identify: 3. Briefly indicate your experience (include the PI and other key staff) with research involving this agent or similar biological agents in clinical trials or other human applications: Click here to enter text. 4. Response to Spills Outside of BSC (required for agent classified at BSL-2 or greater): Detail steps to be taken in the event of a spill of biohazardous material occurring in the general lab area outside of a BSC; include required aerosol settling time, PPE, work methods, and disinfectants to be utilized: Click here to enter text. 5. Routine Cleaning/Disinfection of Surfaces, Equipment, and Facilities: Provide brief details of routine cleaning/disinfecting practices to be employed within the BSC, clinical areas where agent in administered, and (if applicable) patient toilet facilities in relation to the test agent: Click here to enter text.
Staff Training Requirements. A. Annual Synar Survey 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the National Synar Conference or other related national or state trainings/conferences related to tobacco and/or Synar. 2. A minimum of one staff member shall participate in all CSAP sponsored Synar related technical assistance webinars. 3. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK (REVISED AUGUST 2021) B. Education Prevention Strategy Expansion 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention Provider Meeting. C. Tobacco Enforcement Program (TEP) 1. A minimum of one staff member shall attend the System Agency Annual Prevention Grantee shall: 1. Designate a Security Administrator and a back-up Security Administrator. The Security Administrator is required to implement and maintain a system for management of user accounts/user roles to ensure that all the CMBHS user accounts are current. 2. Establish and maintain a security policy that ensures adequate system security and protection of confidential information. 3. Notify the CMBHS Help-desk within ten (10) business days of any change to the designated Security Administrator or the back-up Security Administrator. 4. Ensure that access to CMBHS is restricted to only authorized users. Grantee shall, within 24 hours, remove access to users who are no longer authorized to have access to secure data. 5. In addition to CMBHS Helpdesk notification, Grantee shall submit a signed CMBHS Security Attestation Form and a list of employees, contracted laborers and subcontractors Grantee has authorized to have access to secure data. The CMBHS Security Attestation Form shall be submitted electronically on or before the 15th day of September and March 15th, to the designated folder in Globalscape EFT. 6. Attend System Agency training on CMBHS documentation. 7. System Agency requires all deliverables excluding the CMBHS deliverables be submitted within Globalscape EFT. Grantee is required to maintain access to Globalscape EFT for the term of this Contract.
Staff Training Requirements. The Contractor must choose a training practice model that fully operationalizes the values of family-driven, youth-guided, trauma- informed, permanency, strong involvement with the home communities, and culturally and linguistically competent care. The training model must have an urgent focus on permanency practices and engaging and working with families in their homes and communities towards successful and sustained reunification. The Contractor must provide 50 hours of training during a new hire’s first year of employment. The Contractor must provide a minimum of 40 hours within the first 30 calendar days of employment. Sixteen of the 40 hours must occur prior to direct care staff having contact with children. The remaining hours must be completed prior to the end of the first year of employment. a) Orientation must include topics identified in R400.4128, as well as the Child Protection Law, Mandated Reporting Requirements, Family/Child/Youth Engagement, interpersonal-communication, appropriate discipline, crisis intervention, effects of trauma, secondary trauma, MiTEAM Case Practice Model Overview, youth handling and de-escalation techniques and basic group dynamics. b) A minimum of 25 hours per year of staff development training must be provided to direct care staff following the first year of employment. c) All program staff must be provided with training on the topic of engaging youth and family to ensure ongoing development and support of knowledge and skills in this area. This does not have to be accomplished solely through traditional classroom or online training methods. d) All program staff must be provided with trauma-focused program training to maintain a trauma-informed milieu and treatment environment. Trauma-focused programming must be based on an evidence-based, evidence-informed, or promising practice treatment model. e) Based on the assessment of a staff persons identified training needs, annual training topics must be selected from, but not limited to, the areas identified in licensing rule R400.4128 and FOM 912: f) All program staff must be trained to serve as a role model to youth for appropriate social skills, prioritizing needs, negotiation skills, accessing local resources, hygiene and grooming preparation, food preparation and anger management.
Staff Training Requirements 

Related to Staff Training Requirements

  • Training Requirements Grantee will: A. Authorize and require staff (including volunteers) to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS. B. Appropriately budget funds to meet training requirements in a timely manner, and ensure staff and volunteers are trained as specified in the training requirements listed at xxxxx:// and as otherwise specified by DSHS. Grantee shall document that these training requirements are met. C. Follow the appropriate DSHS POPS by funding opportunity (as per Section I: General Requirements for All Grantees) for training and observation requirements.

  • Staffing Requirements Licensee will be in full compliance with the main studio staff requirements as specified by the FCC.

  • Testing Requirements 12.1. Workplaces - 12.2. On workplaces where the value of the Commonwealth’s contribution to the project that includes the building work is at least $5,000,000, and represents at least 50% of the total construction project value or the Commonwealth’s contribution to the project that includes the building work is at least $10,000,000 (irrespective of its proportion of the total construction project value) the following minimum testing requirements must be adhered to.

  • Child Abuse Reporting Requirements A. Grantees shall comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. B. Grantee shall use the Texas Abuse Hotline Website located at xxxxx:// as required by the System Agency. Grantee shall retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.

  • Screening Requirements Extendicare shall ensure that all prospective and current Covered Persons are not Ineligible Persons, by implementing the following screening requirements: a. Extendicare shall screen all prospective Covered Persons against the Exclusion Lists prior to engaging their services and, as part of the hiring or contracting process, shall require such Covered Persons to disclose whether they are Ineligible Persons. b. Extendicare shall screen all Covered Persons against the Exclusion Lists within 90 days after the Effective Date and on an annual basis thereafter. c. Extendicare shall implement a policy requiring all Covered Persons to disclose immediately any debarment, exclusion, suspension, or other event that makes that person an Ineligible Person. Nothing in Section III.G affects Extendicare’s responsibility to refrain from (or its liability for) billing Federal health care programs for items or services furnished, ordered, or prescribed by excluded persons. Extendicare understands that items or services furnished by excluded persons are not payable by Federal health care programs and that Extendicare may be liable for overpayments and/or criminal, civil, and administrative sanctions for employing or contracting with an excluded person regardless of whether Extendicare meets the requirements of Section III.G.

  • Credentialing Requirements Registry Operator, through the facilitation of the CZDA Provider, will request each user to provide it with information sufficient to correctly identify and locate the user. Such user information will include, without limitation, company name, contact name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, email address and IP address.

  • Operating Requirements Any operating and technical requirements that may be applicable due to Regional Transmission Organization, Independent System Operator, control area, or the Connecting Transmission Owner’s requirements, including those set forth in the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement. Operating Requirements shall include Applicable Reliability Standards.

  • Monitoring Requirements This Schedule sets out the contract management requirements which are applicable to the delivery of the Services.

  • Listing Requirements The Company shall not be obligated to deliver any certificates representing any shares until all applicable requirements imposed by federal and state securities laws and by any stock exchanges upon which the shares may be listed have been fully met.

  • Basic Requirements To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program, all of the following basic requirements must be met, as well as any applicable additional requirements: • The primary address for your PayPal account must be in the United States. • The item must be a physical, tangible good that can be shipped, except for items subject to the Intangible Goods Additional Requirements. Transactions involving items that you deliver in person in connection with payment made in your physical store, may also be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program so long as the buyer paid for the transaction in person by using a PayPal goods and services QR code. • You must ship the item to the shipping address on the Transaction Details page in your PayPal account for the transaction. If you originally ship the item to the recipient’s shipping address on the Transaction Details page but the item is later redirected to a different address, you will not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. We therefore recommend not using a shipping service that is arranged by the buyer, so that you will be able to provide valid proof of shipping and delivery. • The shipping requirement does not apply to eligible transactions involving items that you deliver in person; provided, however, that you agree to provide us with alternative evidence of delivery or such additional documentation or information relating to the transaction that we may request. • You must respond to PayPal’s requests for documentation and other information in a timely manner as requested in our email correspondence with you or in our correspondence with you through the Resolution Center. If you do not respond to PayPal’s request for documentation and other information in the time requested, you may not be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. • If the sale involves pre-ordered or made-to-order goods, you must ship within the timeframe you specified in the listing. Otherwise, it is recommended that you ship all items within 7 days after receipt of payment. • You provide us with valid proof of shipment or delivery. • The payment must be marked “eligible” or “partially eligible” in the case of Unauthorized Transaction claims, or “eligible” in the case of Item Not Received claims, for PayPal’s Seller Protection program on the Transaction Details page. • In the case of an Unauthorized Transaction claim, you must provide valid proof of shipment or proof of delivery that demonstrates that the item was shipped or provided to the buyer no later than two days after PayPal notified you of the dispute or reversal. For example, if PayPal notifies you of an Unauthorized Transaction claim on September 1, the valid proof of shipment must indicate that the item was shipped to the buyer no later than September 3 to be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, whether your claim is eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program. PayPal will make a decision, in its sole discretion, based on the eligibility requirements, any information or documentation provided during the resolution process, or any other information PayPal deems relevant and appropriate under the circumstances. To be eligible for PayPal’s Seller Protection program for a buyer’s Item Not Received claim, you must meet both the basic requirements and the additional requirements listed below: • Where a buyer files a chargeback with the issuer for a card-funded transaction, the payment must be marked “eligible” for PayPal’s Seller Protection on the Transaction Details page. • You must provide proof of delivery as described below.