SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. The Subcontractor shall furnish all of the materials and perform all the Work described in the specifications and shown on the drawings for the project entitled: title of project shown on documents prepared by Architect - Engineer firm name, for the specification sections here described: list all sections- for this subcontract only- by number and name. The Subcontractor shall comply with all laws, codes and regulations applicable to the Work. Not used. The Subcontractor shall remain an independent agent for the duration of this subcontract, shall not become an employee of the State of Maine, and shall assure that no State employee will be compensated by, or otherwise benefit from, this subcontract.
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. Subcontractor shall adequately furnish and secure all labor, material, taxes, services, equipment, tools, materials, storage, permits, licenses and inspections, shop drawings/submittals as required by the Contractor, and safety equipment in order to provide and perform complete, fully functional Work. Subcontractor shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the performance of Subcontractor’s Work, including but not limited to immigration, environmental, tax, social security, unemployment, insurance, safety and workers’ compensation requirements. Subcontractor shall perform all Work in a timely manner so as not to delay Contractor, the Project, or the work of others at the Project site. Subcontractor shall protect the work of others and property at the Project site from damage caused by Subcontractor’s operation and shall be responsible to immediately correct and repair any damage, at its cost, should any occur. Subcontractor is fully responsible for, and shall ensure, the safety of persons and property in connection with its COLONIALWEBB CONTRACTORS CO 0000 XXXXXX XXX RICHMOND, VA 23228 Work. Subcontractor shall not create or allow, and shall promptly report to Contractor and be fully responsible for, any unsafe conditions relating to its Work and shall comply with all applicable safety laws, regulations, and ordinances. Subcontractor agrees to comply with the safety requirements and protocols stated in Contractor’s companywide safety programs, including without limitation, Contractor's Safety Manual. Subcontractor further agrees to comply with the Project’s site specific safety program. Subcontractor agrees to comply with all safety requirements and protocols established by the Owner or General Contractor for the Project. Subcontractor also agrees to prepare for, attend and participate in all Project programs and meetings addressing safety issues, including orientations sessions, tool box safety training meetings, compliance reviews and jobsite inspections by Contractor’s Safety Inspector. Unsafe performance and/or lack of adherence to the safety program can result in immediate action by Contractor, Prime Contractor or Owner which may include but is not limited to removal of Subcontractor’s personnel, cessation of Subcontractor’s work, suspension of payment, and termination of Subcontractor. Equipment furnished by the Lessor shall be safe for ordinary use and shall confirm to all the requirements of the ...
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1 OBLIGATIONS The Contractor and Subcontractor are hereby mutually bound by the terms of this Subcontract. To the extent the terms of the prime contract between the Owner and Contractor apply to the work of the Subcontractor, then the Contractor hereby assumes toward the Subcontractor all the obligations, rights, duties, and redress that the Owner under the prime contract assumes toward the Contractor. In an identical way, the Subcontractor hereby assumes toward the Contractor all the same obligations, rights, duties, and redress that the Contractor assumes toward the Owner and Architect under the prime contract. In the event of an inconsistency among the documents, the specific terms of this Agreement shall govern.
3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES The Subcontractor agrees to furnish its best skill and judgment in the performance of the Subcontract Work and to cooperate with the Contractor so that the Contractor may fulfill its obligations to the Owner. The Subcontractor shall furnish all of the labor, materials, equipment, and services, including but not limited to, competent supervision, shop drawings, samples, tools, and scaffolding as are necessary for the proper performance of the Subcontract Work.
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. 4.1 Responsibilities The Subcontractor shall furnish its best skill and judgment in the performance of the Subcontract Work and shall perform its work to the satisfaction of the Contractor, the Owner and the Architect/Engineer, so the Contractor may fulfill its obligations to the Owner. The Subcontractor shall furnish all of the labour, materials, equipment, and services, including but not limited to, competent supervision, shop drawings, samples, tools, and scaffolding as are necessary for the proper performance of the Subcontract Work. The Subcontractor shall be responsible for taking field dimensions, providing tests, obtaining required permits, ordering of materials and all other actions as required to meet the Schedule of Work.
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1 OBLIGATIONS The Constructor and the Subcontractor are hereby mutually bound by the terms of this Agreement. To the extent the terms of the prime agreement apply to the Subcontract Work, then the Constructor hereby assumes toward the Subcontractor all the obligations, rights, duties, and redress that the Owner under the prime agreement assumes toward the Constructor. In an identical way, the Subcontractor hereby assumes toward the Constructor all the same obligations, rights, duties, and redress that the Constructor assumes toward the Owner and Design Professional under the prime contract.
3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES The Subcontractor shall furnish its diligent efforts to perform the Subcontract Work in an expeditious manner and to cooperate with the Constructor so that the Constructor may fulfill its obligations to the Owner. The Subcontractor shall furnish all of the labor, materials, equipment, and services, including but not limited to competent supervision, shop drawings, samples, tools, and scaffolding as are necessary for the proper performance of the Subcontract Work, all of which shall be provided in full accord with and reasonably inferable from the Subcontract Documents. The Subcontractor shall provide the Constructor a list of its proposed subcontractors and suppliers, and be responsible for taking field dimensions, providing tests, obtaining required permits related to the Subcontract Work and affidavits, ordering of materials, and all other actions as required to meet the Progress Schedule.
3.3 INCONSISTENCIES AND OMISSIONS The Subcontractor shall examine and compare the drawings, specifications, other Subcontract Documents, and information furnished by the Owner relative to the Subcontract Work. Such examination and comparison shall be solely for the purpose of facilitating the Subcontract Work and not for the discovery of errors, inconsistencies, or omissions in the Subcontract Documents nor for ascertaining if the Subcontract Documents are in accordance with Laws. The Subcontractor shall not have liability for errors, omissions, or inconsistencies discovered under this subsection unless the Subcontractor knowingly fails to report a recognized problem to the Constructor. Should the Subcontractor discover any errors, inconsistencies, or omissions in the Subcontract Documents, the Subcontractor shall promptly report such discoveries to the Constructor in writing as outlined in the prime agreement. Following receipt of written notice, the Construc...
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. 3.1 Lower Tier Subcontractors Subcontractor will bind all lower tier subcontractors to the articles of this Subcontract indicated by an asterisk (*) before the paragraph number.
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Subcontractor shall be responsible for reviewing the site and being familiar with all existing site conditions affecting the services required under the specifications contained herein.
B. Subcontractor shall ensure that the person or persons performing the work referenced herein shall be fully informed of the scope and standards of service required and all such areas in which the services are to be performed, and shall clearly communicate all updates to site plans and scope of work to said personnel promptly upon receipt from USM.
C. Subcontractor shall perform all services necessary and provided for herein in a safe and professional manner and comply with all applicable federal and/or state OSHA regulations and guidelines, and local codes or ordinances (including noise or time restrictions regulated by State, City or Neighborhood ordinances or requirements).
D. Vendor shall commence performing the lot sweeping and trash pick upon the dates determined by Rite Aid and set forth by USM, Inc. in the frequency as stipulated in Exhibit B. and confirmed on USM supplied Work Orders.
E. Vendor shall perform all of its services in such a manner so as not to unreasonably interfere with business operations or any activity in the Common Area.
F. Vendor’s vehicles shall be marked with the Vendor’s name, logo, and phone number.
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. Subcontractor shall adequately furnish and secure all labor, supervision, materials, taxes, services, equipment, tools, material storage, permits, licenses and inspections, insurance, shop drawings, submittals, and safety equipment and measures necessary to provide complete, fully functional and finished Work as required by the Contract
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. Subcontractor shall perform all Work in a professional manner and in accordance with this Agreement, the applicable SOW and all specifications, drawing and other documentation applicable to the Work. Unless otherwise provided in the applicable SOW, Subcontractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, utilities, transportation, vehicles, facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. Subcontractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, procedures and safety and security programs in connection with the performance of the Work. Subcontractor shall also be subject to the following requirements:
SUBCONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES. You shall ensure that all Subcontracts impose obligations on the Subcontractors equivalent to the obligations under this clause.