Vacation Leave 11.1 Employees will retain and carry forward any eligible and unused vacation leave that was accrued prior to the effective date of this Agreement.
Maternity Disability Leave Parental Leave
Vacation Leave on Retirement An employee scheduled to retire and to receive pension benefits under the Public Service Pension Plan Rules or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be granted full vacation entitlement for the final calendar year of service.
Recall from Vacation Leave When during any period of vacation leave an employee is recalled to duty, he shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, as normally defined by the Employer, that he incurs:
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY 14.01 The vacation year shall be from April 1st of one calendar year to March 31st of the following calendar year inclusive.
Election Leave Employees shall be granted unpaid leave of absence to enable them to run for elected public office and if elected, to serve their term(s) of office subject to the following provisions: (a) Employees seeking election in a Municipal, Provincial or Federal election shall be granted unpaid leave of absence for a period of up to (90) calendar days. (b) Employees elected to public office shall be granted unpaid leave of absence for a period up to five (5) years.
Union Leave of Absence An employee on an unpaid Union leave of absence shall have her wages, benefits and seniority continued by the Employer, and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs of such wages and benefits. Employees requesting leave under this article will provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the dates of the leave. Where there are less than fifteen (15) regular employees at a workstation at the time the leave request is submitted, and subject to operational requirements, unpaid Union leave of absence will be granted to one employee for the purpose of conducting Union business. This would be an additional person on Union leave at worksites where the position of the Union President or Council member has been backfilled for the duration of their term of office. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee who is a member of the Union and who is: A) a Union Council/Board member. Such leave shall be granted for the purpose of attending regular or special meetings of the Council/Board and shall include reasonable travel time. B) either elected or appointed to represent the Union and/or a region at annual or special conventions of the Union. C) a member of the Union’s bargaining committee. Such leave (including travelling time) shall be granted to attend preparatory negotiating meetings, to conduct negotiations, and to participate in mediation, industrial inquiry commissioner hearings and arbitrations. D) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend the Provincial Bargaining Conference. E) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend regional Bargaining Conference.
Disability Leave a. An employee who has suffered possible injury in the performance of assigned duties shall immediately undergo such medical examination as the appointing authority deems necessary. He or she shall not be considered absent from duty during the time required for such examination. b. A regular employee who is unable to perform any appropriate work assignment because of disability incurred in the performance of assigned duties shall be entitled to the following disability leave benefits, in addition to those provided pursuant to the California Worker's Compensation Insurance Act. (1) During any period of disability for which payment is not provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall be placed on disability leave with pay to the extent of any leave with pay which he or she has accrued. Such disability leave with pay shall be charged against the employee's accrued leave with pay. (2) During any period of disability for which payment is provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall elect either: (a) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation CTO and HIL on an hour- for-hour basis to cover all hours the employee is absent from duty due to the work-related disability during the applicable pay period. Or, (b) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive a partial paycheck in an amount so that the partial pay and the Workers' Compensation Benefits added together are equivalent to the employee's full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO, and HIL in an amount equal to one-half of the number of hours the employee was absent from work during the pay period due to the work-related disability. If, however, the amount of the Workers' Compensation Benefits is subtracted from the employee's full pay for the time off due to the disability, and the remainder is less than one-half of the amount of such full pay, then only the number of leave balance hours necessary to equal that remainder shall be charged. (3) The choice of either (2)(a) or (2)(b) above shall be an irrevocable choice for the duration of the disability leave resulting from the work- related injury. However, if the employee returns to work for a period of at least thirty (30) calendar days, the employee may again elect to choose either option b.(2)(a) or b.(2)(b) for any subsequent disability leave taken as a result of (or relating to) the same injury. c. All disability leave provisions of this section shall terminate when the employee uses all accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO or HIL balances, or upon the date of the employee's recovery from disability, receipt of permanent disability under Workers' Compensation Insurance, retirement, termination from County employment, or death.
Pregnancy Disability Leave A. Leave for pregnancy or childbirth related disability is in addition to any leave granted under FMLA. B. Pregnancy disability leave will be granted for the period of time an employee is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy and/or childbirth. An employee must submit a written request for disability leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth in accordance with Employer policy. An employee may be required to submit medical certification or verification for the period of the disability. Such leave due to pregnancy and/or childbirth may be a combination of sick leave, vacation leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, shared leave and leave without pay. The combination and use of paid and unpaid leave will be the choice of the employee.
’ Compensation Leave If such determination cannot readily be made and all healthcare leave or annual leave subject to 100% payoff has been applied to the absence, the employee shall be placed on Official Leave until a final determination is made.