VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. 14.01 The vacation year shall be from April 1st of one calendar year to March 31st of the following calendar year inclusive.
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. 34.01 The vacation year shall be from April 1 to March 31, inclusive, of the following calendar year. Accumulation of vacation leave credits ** 34.02
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY a. Vacation with pay shall be earned by regular and extra-help employees based on the equivalent of full-time service from the date of appointment. Vacation credit shall accrue to the employee upon completion of the regular work assignment on the last day of the biweekly pay period in which it is earned.
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. 15.05 The vacation year shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the calendar year, inclusive.
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. Accumulation of vacation leave credits 34.02 For each calendar month in which an employee has earned at least seventy-five (75) hours’ pay, the employee shall earn vacation leave credits at the rate of:
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. Excluded Provisions Sub-clauses 38.02(a), 38.13(a) and 38.13(b) do not apply to bargaining unit employees classified as GL or GS. Sub-clauses 38.02(a) and 38.02(b) do not apply to bargaining unit employees classified as FI. Alternate Provisions Sub-clauses 38.02(b), 38.13(c) and 38.13(d) apply only to bargaining unit employees classified as GL or GS. Sub-clause 38.02(c) applies only to bargaining unit employees classified as FI.
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. Section 9.11 Conversion to Deferred Compensation does not apply to YCEA unit members with the following one time exception. YCEA Employees with accrued vacation balances of at least 300 hours may elect to convert up to 40 hours of vacation in December 2018, subject to the maximum allowed under the 457 Deferred Compensation program for that year, under the following terms:
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. The vacation year shall be from April to March inclusive, of the following calendar Accumulation of Vacation Leave Credits For each calendar month in which an employee has earned at least ten days' pay, the employee shall earn vacation leave credits at the rate of:
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. Employees of the bargaining unit will be able to access 4 weeks of vacation leave at 7 years of employment instead of 8 years of employment.
VACATION LEAVE WITH PAY. The vacation year shall be from April to March inclusive.