Transfer to Another Department Sample Clauses
Transfer to Another Department. (a) A part-time employee who has worked in their current department in excess of one (1) year will be considered for a transfer to another department in the store providing the employee has made such request in writing with a copy to the Union.
(b) The transfer referred to above shall apply only for a part-time employee going to another part-time position in another department. In order for a request for a transfer to another department to be considered a vacancy in the receiving department must exist created by the transfer, resignation, retirement or termination of another employee.
(c) The employee's request will be considered on the basis of seniority and ability. The Employer will be fair and reasonable in considering requests for a transfer.
(d) Employees granted a transfer will be on a trial period of up to thirty
Transfer to Another Department. Where the harassment is proven and the only solution to resolve the issue is a transfer of an employee into another classification or department, if feasible, it shall be the offender who is transferred.
Transfer to Another Department. (a) A part-time employee who has worked in his/her current department in excess of one (1) year will be considered for a transfer to another department in the store providing the employee has made such request in writing with a copy to the Union.
(b) The transfer referred to above shall apply only for a part-time employee going to another part-time position in another department. In order for arequest for a transfer to another department to be considered a vacancy in the receiving department must exist created by the transfer, resignation, retirement or termination of another employee.
(c) The employee’s request will be considered on the basis of seniority and ability. The Company will be fair and reasonable in considering requests for a transfer.
(d) Employees granted a transfer will be on a trial period of up to thirty (30) calendar days to demonstrate their ability to perform the normal functions of the job in a competent manner. In the event they are unable to perform the normal functions of the job in a competent manner the employee will be returned to their former position and rate of pay. The employee will lose his/her“assurance of hours”,if the employee was entitled to any, unless the employee is returned to their original position as indicated above.
(e) An employee will be limited to one (1) transfer during the life of the Agreement.
(f) An employee who is accepted for a transfer will, if he/ she is atorbelowthetwentyfivehundred(2500) hour level in his/her home department, move to the same hours level in the new department. Any employee who is above the twenty five hundred (2500) hour level in his/her home department will move across at the twenty five hundred (2500) hour level or a level that is one ($1.00) dollar per hour less than his/her current position in the wage scale whichever is higher for the first five hundred (500) hours of the transfer. The employee will then progress up the scale in accordance with experience and service gained in the new department. Overscaled employees who transfer to a classification having the same wage scale will maintain their overscaled differential in the department.
(g) The above shall in no way affect or be in conflict with the part-time employee’s rights under sub-section
Transfer to Another Department. (a) No employee shall be transferred to another department within the Bargaining Unit, without their consent. In the case of a return to work or accommodation, the Employer will make every reasonable effort to the point of undue hardship to first place the employee back in their substantive position before considering the transfer of the employee to another department.
(b) Notwithstanding Article 49.06(1), the Employer may request an employee to work in another department in a position with the same rate of pay on a short term basis and with duties that are not significantly different from their current duties.
Transfer to Another Department. No employee shall be transferred to another department within the Bargaining Unit, without his consent.
Transfer to Another Department. Requests for transfer to another department should be submitted in UWHIRES on-line. Transfer requests will be forwarded to the Nurse Manager for review prior to filling the vacant position through the transfer or promotional process. A good faith effort will be made to facilitate lateral transfers from one department to another. All other factors relevant to the position being equal, seniority will be the determinant in such decisions. Applications for promotions should be submitted in UWHIRES on-line during the period of official posting. Promotional openings will be posted for a minimum of seven calendar days in the department, Nursing Personnel, the Nursing and Outpatient administrative office and the Personnel Department.
Transfer to Another Department. An employee’s scheduled PTO vacation shall not normally be changed if it was scheduled prior to transfer from one (1) department to another. If an employee does not have scheduled PTO vacation at the time of transfer, the PTO vacation preference will be based upon his/her seniority in the department to which the employee is transferred.
Transfer to Another Department. Employees desiring a transfer from one department to another shall have a satisfactory work record, meet the qualifications of (G)(1) above and have a minimum of two (2) years current service to the District. The two years of current service may be waived by Administration after consultation with the Union. At the time of bidding, such applicants shall have the required skills and successfully demonstrate knowledge of the work of the position for which application is made. The departments are custodial, maintenance, grounds, food service, transportation, transportation mechanical, lunch room custodial aide, and bus aide.
Transfer to Another Department. After receiving a transfer to another department, an employee may be granted a change in the report date by agreement of the releasing hiring authority and the receiving hiring authority.
Transfer to Another Department. Employees desiring a transfer from one department to another shall have a satisfactory work record and meet the qualifications of (G) (1) above. At the time of bidding, such applicants shall have the required skills and successfully demonstrate knowledge of the work of the position for which application is made. The departments are custodial, maintenance, grounds, transportation, transportation mechanical, lunch room custodial aide, and bus aide.