TRUCK MAINTENANCE. It is to the mutual advantage of both the Company and the employees that employees should not operate vehicles which are not in safe operating condition and not equipped with the safety equipment required by law. The maintenance of equipment in sound operating condition is not only a function but a responsibility of Management and in respect thereto the Company agrees as follows:
(a) The Company shall not require employees to take out on the streets or highways any vehicle that is not in safe operating condition or equipped with safety equipment, seat belts, or stickers prescribed by law. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement where employees refuse to operate such equipment.
(b) All trucks owned or leased by the Company must have steps or other similar devices to enable drivers to get in and out of the body for safety purposes.
(c) It is agreed between the Company and the Union, having regard for the safety and driver health factor, that all vehicles shall have adequate heaters, windshield wipers and defrosters installed.
(d) It is mutually agreed that a form shall be supplied the driver on which he must report defects in equipment with sufficient copies so that the driver may retain a copy and so that the head office of the Company will have a copy of this report on file.
(e) When a driver reports a defect in equipment, he must tag or xxxx the vehicle involved in such a manner so that any other employee will notice the defective equipment. It shall be the Company's responsibility to supply tags or other marking devices. This tag to be left on the vehicle in order to show the work has been completed and shall be removed by the out-going driver.
(f) The Company shall not compel any driver to operate a vehicle which weighs in excess of the legal gross weight limits. Where a driver with the knowledge of the Company operates with an overload and is convicted, the Company shall be responsible for any fines involved. Drivers, who of their own accord, operate with an overload may be subject to discipline and responsible for their own fines.
(g) The Company shall supply a fire extinguisher and an adequate first aid kit for each service vehicle. Each uncovered service vehicle shall be equipped with a tarpaulin.
(h) Bulkheads will be installed on van-type trucks.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. The Employer shalt not require employees to take out on the streets or highways any vehicle that is not in safe operating condition or equipped with the safety appliances or stickers or passed the required inspections prescribed by law. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement where employees refuse to operate such equipment provided such refusal is In the event an employee determines that a vehicle is in unsafe operating condition, he shall request that a Supervisor confirm this. If the Supervisor concurs, he shall place a red tag in a conspicuous place on the vehicle. Such vehicle shall not be operated until the fault is corrected. All trucks owned or leased by the Employer must have steps or similar devices to enable drivers to get in and out of the body for safety purposes and shall also be fitted with safety belts in accordance with the laws of the Province. No driver shall be asked or required to service or maintain trucks or equipment. shall not cover the driver's responsibility in checking his truck for gas, water and oil and to see that It is in proper operating condition, not in driving the vehicle to the proper place of maintenance and parking. This not apply to changing of flat tires or making minor emergency repairs when away from the plant. Each employee shall be required to maintain the cleanliness of their respective working compartments. Employees shall immediately, or at the end of their shift, report all such defects of equipment. The reports shall be made on a suitable form furnished by the Employer and shall be made in multiple copies, one (I )copy to be retained by the employee. A three part truck maintenance log book will be provided in each unit. One copy will be handed in to the company, one copy retained by the driver, and the original will remain with the unit. Repairs, when made, will be noted in the log book. other paperwork shall comply with the current Federal Regulationsfor commercial drivers.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. Maintenance employees shall not be responsible for truck maintenance except for routine cleaning, fluid checks, (i.e., oil, gas, etc.) routine service and truck washing.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. It is to the mutual advantage of both the Company and the employees that all equipment should be in safe operating condition and equipped with the safety appliances as required by law, including a first aid kit.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. It is to the mutual advantage of both the Company and the employees, that employees should not operate vehicles which are not in safe operating condition and not equipped with the safety equipment required by law. The maintenance of equipment in sound operating condition is not only a function but a responsibility of Management and in respect thereto the Company agrees as follows:
(a) Employees shall report any safety defects on equipment and vehicle problems to the Company. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement for employees to refuse to operate any equipment or vehicle which is deemed unsafe. In the event that such equipment or vehicle is subsequently deemed to be in safe operating condition then the employee shall be required to operate such equipment or vehicle.
(b) It is mutually agreed that the driver of a vehicle must report defects in equipment to the service department and list said defects upon a work-order.
(c) When a driver reports a defect in equipment, he must tag or xxxx the vehicle involved in such a manner so that any other employee will notice the defective equipment. It shall be the Company's responsibility to supply tags or other marking devices. This tag to be left on the vehicle in order to show the work has been completed and shall be removed by the out-going driver.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. Vehicle and Trailer inspections and the use of vehicle pre start check lists. • Ensuring that the Company is kept informed of all safety issues, servicing and maintenance requirements. • Vehicle and Trailer cleaning.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. 18 ........... 18.01 23 Article Section Page TRUCK MAINTENANCE AND SAFETY .............................................. 18 23 UNION SECURITY ............................................................................... 3 1
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. 26.01 No operation of unsafe vehicles The Employer, the Union and the employees shall comply with all requirements of the Motor Vehicle Branch and of the province of British Columbia with respect to maintenance and safety.
26.02 Truck safety equipment All armored vehicles shall have adequate heaters, windshield wipers, defrosters and air conditioners.
26.03 Defects to be reported Employees shall immediately or at the end of their shift, report all defects regarding trucks or equipment. The reports shall be made on a suitable form furnished by the Employer and shall be, made in multiple copies, one copy to be retained by the employee.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. The EMPLOYER shall not require employees to take out on the streets or highways any vehicle that is not in safe operating condition or not properly equipped to conform with existing laws or by-laws. Drivers shall be provided with forms on which they shall make written reports of defective equipment or condi- tions of the EMPLOYER's trucks. Should management decide that a piece of equipment would be unsafe to operate, information to that effect will be posted aboard the truck and in the dispatcher's office. The EMPLOYER shall have truck interiors cleaned on an annual basis and it shall be the drivers responsibility to sweep trucks daily. All armoured trucks shall have installed and in oper- ating conditions heaters not later than September and blowers or fans no later than May All newly built armoured cars, model year or later, assigned to the branch shall be equipped with air conditioning and hydraulic seats. ARTICLE TRAFFIC TICKETS Moving violations shall be the sole responsibility of the driver; e.g. speeding, failure to stop at traffic stop signals, improper traffic driving and reckless driving.
TRUCK MAINTENANCE. 26.01 No Operation of Unsafe Vehicles The Employer, the Union and the employees shall comply with all requirements of the Motor Vehicle Branch and of the province of British Columbia with respect to maintenance and safety.