Union Education Leave Sample Clauses

Union Education Leave. An employee who is elected or selected by the Union to attend educational classes (including "AFSCME" workshops and seminars) conducted by the Union shall be paid his/her regular base rate of pay for hours scheduled to work for that day. This provision shall be limited to three (3) employees at any one time for a combined total of twenty (20) working days in any contract year. Such absences under this Section shall be approved upon not less than two (2) working days' notice to the employee's supervisor provided that the employee's absence will not unreasonably interfere with the University's operations.
Union Education Leave. ‌ 6.14.1 Paid leave of absence may be granted to employees under the following conditions: (a) up to three days leave on ordinary pay shall be granted to attend courses, seminars or workshops of an industrial or professional nature conducted by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), IEUA, ANMF/QNMU or, specific union training courses approved by the union; (b) the leave shall be non-cumulative. One (1) month of notice must be given of the employee's intention to take this leave; (c) the application for leave shall be endorsed by the respective union; (d) the granting of such leave shall be subject to the reasonable convenience of the employing authority having regard to the efficient operation of the school concerned. Consistent with the college’s/school’s professional development guidelines the employer shall not unreasonably withhold approval to attend such courses; (e) no employee shall be granted leave in excess of the duration of the course i.e. travelling time is not included; (f) the employing authority is not responsible for any additional costs except for the payment of relief employees where this is considered appropriate. The maximum number of employees at a particular school who may avail themselves of this leave at the same time are: (i) teachers (A) where the school employs up to thirty (30) teachers – One (1) teacher; or (B) where the school employs more than thirty (30) teachers – Two (2) teachers; (ii) non-teaching staff (A) where the school employs up to eight (8) non-teaching staff – One (1) non-teaching employee; or (B) where the school employs more than eight (8) non-teaching staff – two (2) non-teaching employees.
Union Education Leave. Leave of absence, without pay and without loss of seniority, shall be granted to not more than three (3) Union representatives, not more than one (1) employee from the same school or department, at any one time to attend Union sponsored education courses during the working hours and all such leaves shall not total more than thirty (30) working days per year (July 1 to June 30).
Union Education Leave. The District will allow a total of 48 hours of union education leave, per fiscal year, for members who wish to attend union education. This scheduled time-off is considered part of “2-persons off per shift” under Article 9.
Union Education Leave. A. Leaves of absence (with pay provided they are in pay status) will be granted (upon receiving one week's written notice) to those Employees who are elected or selected by the Union to attend educational classes conducted by the Union. B. The number will not exceed two (2) Employees from any one department at any one time, provided other Employees are available to perform their work. C. The number of consecutive working days will not exceed five (5) for each Employee with a combined total of fifteen (15) working days per contract year during the term of this agreement.
Union Education Leave. Members of the bargaining unit, selected by the Union to attend courses, will be granted a leave of absence without pay for twenty (20) days class time, plus travel time where necessary. This leave of absence will be intermittent over a twelve
Union Education Leave. An employee who is appointed as a delegate to attend a conference, convention, educational workshop or school in connection with CUPE Saskatchewan or CUPE National, shall, upon providing two weeks’ notice, be granted leave of absence without pay to attend the same. Where the union has approved such education leave during scheduled work hours, the wages and benefits of an employee on union leave will continue uninterrupted during the union leave. Such salary and prorated benefit costs will be recovered by the Employer from the Union.
Union Education Leave. Upon written application by the President of the Union, the Company agrees to grant an educational leave of absence, without loss of regular pay, not to exceed six (6) normal working days in any one year, to one (1) elected official of the Union (three in the case of the unit employing more than twenty employees). Such educational leave will be arranged between the Union and the Company so as to minimize disruption of the Company's operations.
Union Education Leave. The Employer shall grant leave of absence without loss of seniority or service to employees to attend Union Conventions, Seminars, Educational Classes, or other Union business. In making application for leave of absence for Union business, it is understood that a leave of absence shall be for no longer than a two (2) week period in one calendar year. Where leave of absence for Union business is is understood that the Union will not request leave of absence for more than four (4) employees from each bargaining unit at any one time. Nor will the request be more than four (4) employees from Nursing and no more than two (2) employees from each other section at any one time. The total leave period in one year will not exceed fifty (50) scheduled shifts in total, excluding leave time for the Chairperson. The Union shall be responsible for the payment of wages during the time of absence. Upon receipt of an invoice from the Employer the Union shall reimburse the Employer for wage payments advanced to employees on Union leave.
Union Education Leave. ‌ PART O OPERATIONS‌ 1.00 HOURS OF WORK‌