Unscheduled School Closings Sample Clauses
Unscheduled School Closings. 1. Employees are not required to report on scheduled workdays if the district or building to which they are assigned that day is closed. The Agency shall attempt to provide advance notice via telephone. In situations when the Employee is scheduled for professional learning outside the assigned district or building, he/she should still report as scheduled unless the professional learning activity is also closed/cancelled.
2. It is the Employee’s responsibility to make sure his/her contact information is current and provided to the local district(s) and XXXX in order to receive school closing notification.
Unscheduled School Closings. A. At the beginning of each school year, one (1) official channel of communication will be designated by the Board of Education. This channel will be used by the administration to notify the students and teachers in the event that school will be closed. Every attempt shall be made to notify this channel by 6:15 a.m. Teachers need not report when school is closed.
B. If school is in session and all students in a building are sent home because of lack of heat or water or due to weather conditions, teachers shall be relieved of duty when students have been dismissed.
Unscheduled School Closings. If the school day is canceled for whatever reason, excluding strikes, the employees in the affected schools shall receive a full day's pay for said day. However, employees can be reassigned to other duties. If such an assignment is not made within the first hour, the employees may go home after all the children have left the building. If they are assigned to jobs other than their own, they will be paid according to the rate of the jobs to which they are assigned if such rate is higher; if lower, they will be paid their regular rate of pay. Any employee reporting and sent home under the above conditions shall be paid for the complete workday.
Unscheduled School Closings. 1. On days when schools must be closed because of inclement weather, drivers shall be paid for their regularly scheduled hours but not to exceed eight hours in any one day.
2. Effective with the 1987-88 school year, those employees not required to work on scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical breakdowns or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will not be paid for such days if such days must be rescheduled. Such employees shall work on any rescheduled days of student instruction which are established by the Board and will be paid at their regular daily rate of pay. Employees who report to work on days that schools have been closed shall be given a minimum of a two hour work assignment.
3. In the event an employee receives unemployment compensation benefits (which as used herein also includes "underemployment benefits") during the school year (associated with his/her regular work assignment) due to days of instruction not being held when scheduled because of conditions not within the control of school authorities as stated above, and those days of instruction are rescheduled so that the employee works those instructional days at a later time, the employee will have his/her pay adjusted, such that his/her unemployment compensation plus the wages paid to the employee for the year will be equal to the regular annual wages he/she would have earned for the school year had there not been scheduled days of instruction canceled for such reasons.
Unscheduled School Closings. A. Fifty-two (52) Week Employees: On days of unscheduled school closings (such as, but not limited to, inclement weather) 52-week secretaries and the switchboard operator/receptionist shall report to work. Fifty-two (52) week secretaries and the switchboard operator/receptionist may report as much as two (2) hours after their scheduled start time without loss of pay. If these bargaining unit members are unable to report to work, they will not be paid unless they call the Superintendent or designee by 10:00 a.m. to request use of vacation, personal or accrued compensatory time as verified by the immediate supervisor.
B. Forty-one (41)
Unscheduled School Closings. 1. When school is cancelled, either District-wide or any individual school building, and official public notice is announced, paraeducators will not be required to report for duty and shall not suffer loss of pay subject to Section 6 below. This provision shall not apply when, in the judgement of the immediate supervisor, the attendance of the paraeducator is required or other emergencies dictate the need for a paraeducator as determined by the Administration.
2. If a paraeducator works on a day when school is cancelled (before classes start), she/he will receive two (2) times their current rate of pay for all hours worked.
Unscheduled School Closings. Employee shall be credited annually with five (5) days that may be used if their scheduled assignment is cancelled due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, as defined in Section 101(4) of the State School Aid Act. Such days shall not carry-over to the next year if they are unused. Pay for such days will be based on the scheduled hours for the cancelled assignment.
Unscheduled School Closings. Effective July 1, 2006, each Employee shall be credited on July 1st with two (2) unscheduled school closing days that may be used during the year if their scheduled assignment is cancelled due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, as defined in Section 101(4) of the State School Aid Act. Such days shall not carry-over to the next year if they are unused. Pay for such days will be based on the scheduled hours for the cancelled assignment.
Unscheduled School Closings. Teachers need not report to work on days when pupil instruction is not provided because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as severe storms (snow days) and other “Acts of God” days: i.e. fires, epidemics, mechanical failure, or health conditions as defined by city, county or state agencies.
9.1.1 The Association and Board agree to the number of hours/days allowed, for such unscheduled school closings, as defined by the State of Michigan School Code.
9.1.2 Teachers will receive their regular compensation for unscheduled school closings. However, if the number of hours/days of unscheduled closings exceeds the allowable amount of time by the State, the teachers will work the rescheduled hours/days without additional compensation.
9.1.3 If an unscheduled school closing occurs on a non-instructional day such as records day, professional development, etc.; the Superintendent shall reschedule the day and the teachers will work the day without additional compensation.
Unscheduled School Closings. A. Fifty-two (52) Week Employees:
a. m. to request use of vacation, personal or accrued compensatory time as verified by the immediate supervisor.
B. Forty-one (41)