Wage Re-opener. The employer shall provide full disclosure to the Chair of the Bargaining Unit within thirty (30) days of any new or additional funds made available by the Saskatchewan Health Authority, Government of Saskatchewan or any other funding agent for wages and benefits. Within thirty (30) days following notification, either party may serve notice to commence negotiating amendments to the wages and/or benefits contained within this Collective Agreement.
Wage Re-opener. With the understanding that circumstances in the industry could change over the course of a four year agreement it is hereby agreed that between 90 and 120 days prior to either May 5/13 or May 4/14, but not both, either Party may give to the other Party notice that they wish to renegotiate the wage rates applicable to this Clause only, for the balance of the term of the Collective Agreement. Upon receipt of such notice the Parties will have until 60 days prior to the closest date noted above to reach agreement, failing that the dispute will automatically be submitted to an Arbitration Panel consisting of Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxx (or an alternate agreed by the Parties prior to the submission to Arbitration) and one nominee appointed by each Party whose names shall be provided to the other respective Party within two weeks of the notice to renegotiate being received. It is understood that the only matter in dispute can be the wages contained in this Clause. The Arbitration Panel will conduct a hearing within 30 calendar days of having the dispute referred to them and will issue a decision prior to the closest of the two dates noted above. The Arbitration Panel will have the authority to determine the issues in dispute in the remaining term of the Collective Agreement only and cannot make any decision having retroactive effect. The Arbitration Panel shall be restricted to choosing from one of the following three options;
Wage Re-opener. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 26.1 above, this agreement shall be re-opened for negotiation of the wage schedule as contained in Appendix “A” only in the event new monies are granted for an increase in funding for wages and/or benefits for the employer. It is understood and agreed that all other provisions of this agreement shall remain in force and effect. The parties agree to meet within (30) days of receipt of the official Saskatoon Health Region service agreement.
Wage Re-opener. The Employer shall provide notice to the Union within 30 days of any new or additional funds made available by the Government of Saskatchewan or any other funding party. Within 30 days following notification either party may serve notice to commence negotiating amendments to the wages and/or benefits contained within this Collective Agreement.
Wage Re-opener. The parties agree that if funding which includes benefits and allowances increase during the terms of this agreement, the parties will re-negotiate for various classification as funding allows.
Wage Re-opener. The Employer agrees to a wage re-opener effective for April 1st, 2022 & April 1st, 2023. The wage re-opener will be based on core funding received by IKWE-WIDDJIITIWIN INC. and if funding is not secured by April 1st of each of these years, any wage increases secured after April 1st in that year, will be retroactive. Should there be no increase in annual core funding, wages will be maintained at their present levels. Should there be a decrease in core funding, then the Employer will maintain wages at present levels. If there is no increase or a decrease in core funding, the Employer will provide documentation to the Union confirming this information.
Wage Re-opener. The Parties agree that if the Alberta Provincial Government announces changes to their plan to increase minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2018, or if by January 2018 minimum wage is less than $13.50 per hour, either Party may notify the other Party of its desire to renegotiate the wage rates in the Collective Agreement. The Parties agree that the only items open for negotiations shall be the wages in 24.01 of the Collective Agreement. This re-opener shall not be construed in any way as "opening the agreement" for negotiations or any issues by either side. The Parties shall commence negotiations for adjustments to the schedule of wages within the timelines identified in Article 36.02 of the Collective Agreement. If the Parties have not been able to agree upon the wage adjustment, at any time after May 1, 2018, either Party may give written notice to the other Party of its desire to submit resolution of the adjustment to interest arbitration.
Wage Re-opener. The Employer shall notify the Negotiating Chair within thirty (30) days of any new, additional funds or reduced funding made available by the Government of Saskatchewan or any other funding agent. Within thirty (30) days following notification, either party may serve notice to commence negotiating amendments to the wages and/or benefits contained within this Collective Agreement.
Wage Re-opener. In the event that another bargaining unit under the supervision of the Board of Selectmen receives wages, signing bonuses or other fringe benefits (vacation, personal days) in excess of those agreed upon during the life of this contract, the Union will have the right to request to re-open for these purposes only.
Wage Re-opener. The Employer agrees to a contract re-opener on wages only subject to the following circumstances:
(A) The Employer provides across the board wage increases to other County, non-Act 312 bargaining units, which exceed two percent (2.0%) each year.
(B) The wage re-opener does not apply in the circumstance where another County bargaining unit gives up a fringe benefit and in return receives a higher than two percent (2.0%) salary increase.
(C) The above wage re-opener is also not applicable in the event that the Employer and another union agree to a cents per hour increase as opposed to a two percent (2.0%) increase as noted above. Under those circumstances there may be some employees that may receive an increase higher than two percent (2.0%), but the increase will be two percent (2.0%) on the average for that bargaining unit’s members.
(D) The wage re-opener may be called by either party predicated upon the above- stated conditions by sending written notice. This wage re-opener will expire as soon as all the non-Act 312 bargaining units have settled with Bay County for the years 2006 - 2008.