MANAGEMENT SECURITY. Section 1. The Federation hereby accepts liability for any damage to or loss of state property that is the proximate cause of action taken by striking employees of any bargaining unit, provided however, that liability under this Section shall be restricted to physical damage to real and personal property, and shall not include any alleged loss of revenue or other incidental or punitive damage sought by the Employer.
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MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 11 4.1 The Union and its members agree they shall have no right to strike. Strike 12 means the concerted stoppage of work, the concerted absence of employees 13 from their positions, the concerted failure to report for duty, the concerted 14 submission of resignation, the concerted abstinence in whole or in part of any 15 group of employees from the full and faithful performance of their duties of 16 employment with the City of Gainesville, the Public Employer, for the purpose 17 of inducing, influencing, condoning or coercing a change in the obligations, 18 terms or conditions of their employment. The Union and its members further 19 agree they shall have no right to participate in a deliberate and concerted 20 course of conduct which adversely affects the services of the employer, 21 including the failure to work overtime, the concerted failure to report to work 22 after the expiration of a collective bargaining agreement and picketing in 23 furtherance of a work stoppage or refusing to cross a picket line. Any 24 violation of this Section shall subject the violator(s) to the penalties as 25 provided by law and to the rules and regulations of the Public Employer.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. Section 1. The Union and employees agree that during the life of this Agreement they will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike or picketing against Management or any slowdown or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of Management concerning any matter which is subject to the grievance procedure or to the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Board. Violations of this paragraph shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including discharge without recourse to the grievance procedure. However, any employee who is accused of violating this provision and denies such alleged violation may appeal. Upon finding of fact that the employee did violate the provision(s) of this Article, the disciplinary action imposed by Management shall not be disturbed.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 5.1 Subject to the specific provisions of this Agreement and Chapter 447, Florida Statutes, the F.O.P. and its officers, agents, and members agree that they shall not instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in, or condone any strike, slow-down, concerted stoppage of work, intentional interruption of Employer operations, or similar activities during the term of this Agreement, for any reason. Management shall have the right to discharge or otherwise discipline any or all employees who violate the provisions of this paragraph. The only question that may be raised in any proceeding (grievance, judicial or other) contesting such action is whether the provision preventing strikes, slow-downs, concerted stoppages of work, intentional interruptions of Employer operations, or similar activities was violated by the employee to be discharged or otherwise disciplined.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. The Union agrees that during the life of this Agreement, it will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike or picketing against the Employer, or any slow down or the interruption of, or interference with, the functions of the Employer. Violation of the provisions of this Article shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 10.1: The Employer and the Union recognize the mutually beneficial effects of a harmonious and cooperative relationship between said parties, and agree to comply diligently and fully with the requirements of the Florida Public Employee Relations Act.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 4.1 The F.O.P. and its officers, representatives and members agree that during the life of this Agreement, they shall not instigate, promote, sponsor, engage in or condone any strike, slow down, concerted stoppage of work, intentional interruption of Employer operations, or similar activities during the terms of this Agreement. The consideration for such provision is the right to a resolution of disputed questions. Management has the right to discharge or otherwise discipline any or all employees who violate the provisions of this paragraph. The only questions that may be raised in any proceeding, grievance, judicial or otherwise, contesting such action is whether the provision prohibiting strikes, slowdowns, concerted stoppage of work, intentional interruptions of Employer operations or similar activities was violated by the employee to be discharged or otherwise disciplined.
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MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 6 The parties of this Agreement mutually recognize that the services performed by Employees covered by this Agreement are services essential to the efficient operation of the University. The Association, therefore, agrees that there shall be no interruption of these services, for any cause whatsoever.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. The Parties to this Agreement mutually recognize that the services performed by employees covered by this Agreement are services essential to the public health, safety, and welfare. The Union, therefore, agrees that there shall be no interruption of these services for any cause whatsoever by the employees it represents, nor shall there be any concerted failure by them to report for duty, nor shall they absent themselves from their work, stop work, or abstain in whole or in part from the full, faithful, and proper performance of the duties of their employment, or picket the County's and/or Sheriff's premises. The Union further agrees there shall be no strikes, sit-downs, slow-downs, stay-ins, stoppages of work, or any acts that interfere in any manner or to any degree with the services of or to the County and/or Sheriff. Any employee involved in any of the above-stated activities may be subject to discipline or discharge, at the discretion of the Sheriff.
MANAGEMENT SECURITY. 5.1 It is agreed that the Employer and its employees are engaged in furnishing an essential public service which vitally affects the health, safety, comfort and general well-being of the public and both parties hereto recognize the need for continuous and reliable service to the public. Neither the Association nor any of its officers, agents, or any employees covered by this Agreement will instigate, promote, sponsor, or engage in any strike, picketing, boycotting, work stoppages, sit downs, or slow down strikes, or a concerted refusal to render services, or to work, or any other curtailment or restriction of work at any time during the term of this Agreement.
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