Overtime and Call. Out:
1. Employees requested to work in excess of their scheduled shift (depending on scheduled shift) in any day shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's regular rate of pay. All calculations for overtime pay shall include, and exclude, compensation as defined in the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 C.F.R. 778.200/224).
2. Employees called back to duty by the City of Helena from off duty shall report in appropriate uniform and be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) times the employees regular rate of pay, and for actual hours worked if in excess of four (4) hours at one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's regular rate of pay; unless the call back was caused by employee’s failure to properly complete job assignments.
Overtime and Call. BACK PAY
Overtime and Call. Back In lieu of payment for overtime and/or call-back, an Employee with room in his/her overtime bank may elect to bank credits in their overtime bank, which shall be capped at one hundred and twenty-six (126) straight time hours. It is understood that the time credited to their overtime bank is to be taken in time off at a mutually agreeable time. If the time off provided requires a replacement, then their overtime bank shall be deducted at one and one-half (1½) hours for each hour taken in time off. An Employee may request at any given time a payout of a portion or all of the hours accumulated in their overtime bank. In the event of death or retirement or termination where the Employee was not able to use all of the banked credits, payment will be provided for any unused credits. Employees who have in excess of one hundred and twenty-six (126) straight time hours as of November 13, 2002 will be credited with the additional hours in his/her overtime bank, and will be provided payment for any subsequent overtime worked until the cap is reduced below the one hundred and twenty-six (126) straight time hour maximum. Overtime accumulated prior to May 1, 2009 shall be based on the Employee’s substantive hourly salary group as of May 1, 2009. Overtime banked after May 1, 2009 and paid out to the Employee shall be paid at the rate of pay at which it is earned. All time off taken shall be at the Employee’s current rate of pay regardless of the rate at which the Time Off in Lieu was earned. When an Employee utilizes his/her overtime bank as paid leave the time removed from his/her overtime bank will be the hours of least value.
Overtime and Call. In Defined. As defined in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and subsequent amendments, professional, administrative, and executive staff shall be exempt from overtime compensation. An employee in a position that is not exempt shall be entitled, with prior approval of the Superintendent, to be paid overtime compensation as prescribed by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Overtime and Call. Back
28:01 The parties recognize that overtime work shall normally be performed by employees on a voluntary basis. However, in special circumstances employees may be required to work beyond normal hours where, in the opinion of the Authority or designate:
(a) an urgent, unforeseen, internal operational requirement must be met;
(b) urgent work is required in order to avoid serious threat to the health, safety and welfare of the tenants;
(c) urgent work is required in order to avoid serious damage to property.
28:02 For the purpose of this Agreement, overtime shall mean:
(a) In the case of a full-time employee, authorized time worked in excess of his or her regular work day or regular work week;
(b) In the case of a part-time employee, all authorized time worked in excess of seven and one-quarter or eight (7¼ or 8) hours in a day or thirty-six and one-quarter or forty (36¼ or 40) hours in a week.
28:03 An employee who works overtime on his or her regular work day shall be compensated at time and one-half (1½x) for all such time worked.
28:04 An employee who is required to work on his or her first day of rest is entitled to compensation at time and one-half (1½x) for the first four (4) hours worked and double time (2x) thereafter.
28:05 An employee who is required to work on his or her second day of rest is entitled to compensation at double time (2x) for all hours worked. Second in this context means the second day in a series of consecutive calendar days of rest.
28:06 An employee, if called back to work overtime shall receive for the work compensation for a minimum of three (3) hours at the applicable overtime rate provided that the period of overtime worked by the employee is not contiguous to his or her regular work day. A meal break shall not be regarded as affecting contiguity.
28:07 An employee who is called back more than once within a three (3) hour period shall only be entitled to three (3) hours of compensation at the applicable overtime rate for that three (3) hour period in accordance with Section :06.
28:08 An employee who is called back in a subsequent three (3) hour period, shall be entitled to further compensation in accordance with Article 28:06.
28:09 Where an employee of the Authority is directed to work on a holiday, he/she shall be compensated at two times (2x) his/her regular hourly rate plus straight time hourly pay.
28:10 At the employee’s option, overtime shall be compensated by paying the employee for all time worked at the applica...
Overtime and Call in time shall be offered by seniority among employees who normally perform the work and who are willing and able to perform such overtime and call-in work.
Overtime and Call. IN
10.01 The Union, realizing that the nature of the Company’s business requires its products to be delivered within rigid time limits, agrees to co-‐operate in working periods of overtime as required.
10.02 Authorized overtime hours will be paid for at the rate of one and one-‐half (1 ½) times the employees hourly rate.
10.03 Should an employee be called back to work after completing the regular hours of work for the day or work week the employee shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours at one and one-‐ half times (1 ½) the regular hourly rate.
Overtime and Call. BACK PAY
a. Day of call-back staffing will begin at 6:00 a.m. If Fire Administration is unsuccessful in the first attempt to contact an off-duty employee by computerized tracking telephone for call-back purposes, Fire Administration shall proceed to the next name on the call-back list. Such employee shall be charged for the overtime work as a refusal.
b. All paid time shall count as time worked for purposes of calculating overtime with the exception of sick leave.
c. When employees are called out of their homes at times they are not regularly scheduled to report to duty, they shall be paid at their straight time base rate of pay or time and one-half, consistent with (b), above, from the time they report to duty at the location they were ordered to report to until relieved at that location from such unscheduled assignment, plus travel time enroute from their home to such location up to a maximum of sixty (60) minutes, except that in no event shall they be compensated for less than three (3) hours for such call-out from their homes.
d. When it becomes necessary to call employees in to replace employees in non- emergency situations, employees of equal rank to the position which caused the recall shall be called for replacement. This shall occur only after existing eligible register on that shift has been exhausted, except however, that callback to fill the position of Firefighter shall not recognize rank. When an employee of higher rank is called to fill the position of Engineer or Firefighter, the employee so called shall receive overtime at the maximum hourly rate of pay for the position the employee fills. Travel time provided under subsection (c) shall not apply to employees in fire suppression who are recalled and work sixteen (16) hours or more and forty (40) hour per week employees who are recalled and work six (6) hours or more. In no event shall employees be compensated for less than three (3) hours for each such call-out from their homes.
e. The Fire Battalion Chiefs are exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The City agrees to pay Fire Battalion Chiefs at their straight time base rate of pay or overtime at the rate of time and one-half, consistent with (b), above, for all hours worked beyond their regularly scheduled twenty-four (24) hour shift or the regularly scheduled fifty-six (56) hour workweek.
Overtime and Call back Pay