PURPOSE Cláusulas Exemplificativas

PURPOSE. 1.1 ITAU UNIBANCO will provide the holders of BDRs representing Securities issued by the SPONSOR COMPANY issuing, bookkeeping and cancellation services, in Brazil, of the aforementioned certificates, and will act in the conduct of the BDR Program;
PURPOSE. Through this Cooperation Agreement, the Parties will implement geology cooperation between researchers from both Parties.
PURPOSE. The Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome represented by its Director prof. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx and the Escola de Minas of the Federal University of Ouro Preto represented by its Rector prof. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxx, considering the development of cultural and scientific cooperation to be of mutual advantage to both universities, and desiring to reinforce such cooperation, agree on the scientific and educational cooperation shall be undertaken in the following fields: 1. special short-term programs and visits of teaching staff and researchers; 2. joint development of research projects; 3. joint organization of scientific and cultural events; 4. interchange of information and of academic publications; 5. shared courses and subjects.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish technological and scientific cooperation ties to foment joint activities in teaching, research and extension through Unidade Acadêmica Proponente from UEL and Unidade Acadêmica Instituição Parceira from SIGLA. It is a gesture of friendship and goodwill between the Parties, which shall comprise: Joint research projects; Joint promotion of scientific events, such as seminars, cycles of lecture and/or the development of courses; Joint preparation of scientific publications; Cooperation in the fields of teaching and extension by offering theory and practical classes as part of the curriculum of the Parties; Participation in thesis committees, pursuant to the academic schedule of both Parties.
PURPOSE. 1.1. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the parameters of the NEO4J subscription service Products and Services described in Annex I (hereinafter "Products" and/or "Services") and their respective maximum reference values. This Agreement establishes the general contracting conditions through which PRODAM and its respective CLIENTS (as defined) will be able to sign specific contracts for the provision of NEO4J services listed in Annex II, under the terms and conditions described herein, observing the precepts of current legislation, in accordance with the Annexes below: a) Annex I - Services and Prices Schedule b) Anexo II – Termo de Adesão ao Acordo 1.2. Os serviços da NEO4J (doravante denominados “Produtos” e/ou “Serviços”, no singular ou plural) sob este instrumento são aqueles listados no Anexo I. Tais Serviços serão fornecidos e/ou prestados pela NEO4J ou por uma Revenda Autorizada da NEO4J, conforme aplicável. Os Serviços objeto deste Acordo serão disponibilizados pela NEO4J de forma direta ou por meio de contratos separados com uma Revenda Autorizada, contratados por meio de uma das formas previstas na Lei das Estatais. 1.3. Revenda Autorizada, para fins deste Acordo, significa qualquer entidade que possua a autorização e certificação da NEO4J para prestar serviços ou revender o portifólio de produtos desenvolvidos pela NEO4J. 1.4. A celebração deste Acordo pelas Partes não implica em um comprometimento de compra, nem um comprometimento de venda de qualquer produto ou serviço neste instrumento especificado, e não acarretará qualquer obrigação de compra ou venda a qualquer das Partes. 1.5. Este Acordo poderá ser utilizado pela Administração Pública Estadual e Municipal do Estado de São Paulo para fins de utilização do desconto ora acordado sobre os produtos/serviços NEO4J, devendo a Administração Direta observar a legislação à ela aplicável. Entende-se por Administração Pública: Secretarias, Autarquias, Fundações, Empresas Públicas e outros órgãos ou entidades públicas, todos vinculados ao Governo Estadual e/ou Municipal do Estado de São Paulo, ora denominados ÓRGÃOS. 1.6. Além da própria NEO4J, as Revendas Autorizadas NEO4J (doravante denominados "Revendas Autorizadas") poderão participar do procedimento de licitação conduzido pelos CLIENTES, em conformidade com a legislação vigente. Se qualquer dos Parceiro Certificado vencer referido processo de licitação, a
PURPOSE. The purpose of the Company is the rendering of services for the development of products related to silicon photonic devices to enable high speed information streaming end-to-end over the network.
PURPOSE. This Terms of Reference (ToR) aims at hiring an editor to undertake a grammatical, orthographic and style revision of the Portuguese version of the Code. The revision should also incorporate the technical adjustments recommended by Brazilian specialists (already made to the document visible with the "track- changes" function in Word), and incorporate terminologies recommended by the ILO Office in Brazil for the best adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreement is the furtherance of academic cooperation in the field(s) of ………..….................................…. (mention only the mutual areas of knowledge of the Schools)……………………, by means of the exchange of teaching staff/researchers, graduate students, undergraduate students (with mutual acknowledgment of the respective undergraduate coursework) and members of the technical-administrative staff of each institution. SECTION 2 –
PURPOSE. The IMS scheme is an international and multilateral cooperation scheme in which Participants work cooperatively to boost industrial competitiveness, solve problems facing manufacturing worldwide, and develop advanced manufacturing technologies and systems to benefit humanity. Its purposes are to: — enhance knowledge-based manufacturing in industry to improve the quality of life and citizens and improve the global environment, — share manufacturing knowledge and to transfer it to future generations, — increase the participation of SMEs in international collaborative activities, — adapt educational and training activities to support the knowledge-based manufacturing industries, and — contribute to establishing common, global norms and standards.
PURPOSE. This Term of Reference aims to delineate the set of necessary and sufficient elements, with an adequate level of precision, to characterize the service to be contracted, evaluate its cost and define the methods and the execution time.