Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.
Service Standards 6.1 The Supplier shall provide the Services or procure that they are provided with reasonable skill and care, in accordance with Good Industry Practice prevailing from time to time and with Staff who are appropriately trained and qualified. 6.2 If the Services do not meet the Specification, the Supplier shall at its own expense re-schedule and carry out the Services in accordance with the Specification within such reasonable time as may be specified by the Authority. 6.3 The Authority may by written notice to the Supplier reject any of the Goods which fail to conform to the approved sample or fail to meet the Specification. Such notice shall be given within a reasonable time after delivery to the Authority of the Goods. If the Authority rejects any of the Goods it may (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies) either: (a) have the Goods promptly either repaired by the Supplier or replaced by the Supplier with Goods which conform in all respects with the approved sample or with the Specification and due delivery shall not be deemed to have taken place until the repair or replacement has occurred; or (b) treat the Contract as discharged by the Supplier’s breach and obtain a refund (if the Goods have already been paid for) from the Supplier in respect of the Goods concerned together with payment of any additional expenditure reasonably incurred by the Authority in obtaining replacements. 6.4 The Authority will be deemed to have accepted the Goods if it expressly states the same in writing or fails to reject the Goods in accordance with Clause 6.3. 6.5 If the Authority issues a receipt note for delivery of the Goods it shall not constitute any acknowledgement of the condition, quantity or nature of those Goods or the Authority's acceptance of them. 6.6 The Supplier hereby guarantees the Goods against faulty materials or workmanship for such period as may be specified in the Specification or, if no period is so specified, for 3 years from the date of acceptance. If the Authority shall within such guarantee period or within 30 Working Days thereafter give notice in writing to the Supplier of any defect in any of the Goods as may have arisen during such guarantee period under proper and normal use, the Supplier shall (without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the Authority may have) promptly remedy such defects (whether by repair or replacement as the Authority shall choose) free of charge. 6.7 Any Goods rejected or returned by the Authority pursuant to this Clause 6 shall be returned to the Supplier at the Supplier’s risk and expense.
Industrial Accident and Illness Leave For accidents or illnesses that are job- incurred, unit members shall be provided leave benefits under the following provisions: 12.6.1 Allowable leave shall be sixty (60) days during which the colleges of the District are required to be in session or when the unit member would otherwise have been performing work for the District in any one fiscal year for the same accident. 12.6.2 Allowable leave shall not be accumulated from year to year. 12.6.3 Industrial accident or illness leave shall commence on the first (1st) day of absence. 12.6.4 When a faculty member is absent from his/her duties on account of an industrial accident or illness, he/she shall be paid such portion of the salary due him/her for any month in which the absence occurs as, when added to his/her temporary disability indemnity under Division 4 or Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 6100) of the Labor Code, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. The phrase, "full salary," as utilized in this section, shall be computed so that it shall not be less than the unit member's "average weekly earnings" as that phrase is utilized in Section 4453 of the Labor Code. For purposes of this section, however, the maximum and minimum average weekly earnings set forth in Section 4453 of the Labor Code shall otherwise not be deemed applicable. 12.6.5 Industrial accident or illness leave shall be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award. 12.6.6 When an industrial accident or illness leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled to only the amount of unused industrial accident or illness leave due him/her for the same illness or injury. 12.6.7 Upon termination of the industrial accident or illness leave, the unit member shall be entitled to the benefits provided in Education Code Sections 87780, 87781 and 87786, and for the purposes of each of these sections his/her absence shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of termination for the industrial accident or illness leave, provided that if the unit member continues to receive temporary dis- ability indemnity, he/she may elect to take as much of his/her accumulated sick leave which, when added to his/her temporary disability indemnity, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. 12.6.8 During any paid leave of absence, the unit member may endorse to the District the temporary disability indemnity checks received on account of his/her industrial accident or illness. The District, in turn, shall issue the unit member appropriate salary warrants for payment of the unit member's salary, and shall deduct normal retirement, other authorized contributions, and the temporary disability indemnity, if any, actually paid to, and retained by, the employee for periods covered by such salary warrants. 12.6.9 Any unit member receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during periods of injury or illness, remain within the State of California, unless the Governing Board authorizes travel outside the state. 12.6.10 When all available leaves of absence have been exhausted and the unit member is not medically able to return to all the duties of his/her prior assignment, the District shall provide first (1st) priority in assigning such a person into classes where his/her disability, in the discretion of the District, does not hinder the performance of the duties required of him/her if he/she is otherwise qualified. With mutual agreement with the unit member, the District may also assign an employee into a position that can reasonably accommodate his/her performance of duties required by the position, despite his/her disability, prior to the exhaustion of leave of absence.
ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS Inspection and acceptance/rejection of products shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt or upon completion of installation should that installation period extend beyond thirty
Customer Service Standards The Franchising Authority hereby adopts the customer service standards set forth in Part 76, §76.309 of the FCC’s rules and regulations, as amended. The Grantee shall comply in all respects with the customer service requirements established by the FCC.
Quality Service Standards Price Services and the Fund may from time to time agree to certain quality service standards, as well as incentives and penalties with respect to Price Services’ Services hereunder.
Industrial Accident or Illness Leave (1) Eligibility for workers' compensation benefits shall be in accordance with the provisions established by Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Group (CCCSIG) to provide self-insurance workers' compensation coverage for employees and as defined by Ed. Code. (See site administrator for reporting process and paperwork.) (2) Allowable leave for industrial accidents and illnesses shall be for a maximum of sixty (60) days in any one fiscal year for the same accident or illness. Allowable leave for industrial accident or illness shall not be accumulated from year to year. (3) Industrial accident or illness leave shall commence on the first full day of absence following an accepted claim. (4) When an employee is absent from his/her duties on account of any industrial accident or illness, he/she shall be paid such portion of the salary due him/her for any month in which the absence occurs, as when added to his/her temporary workers' compensation benefit, will result in payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. (5) Industrial accident or illness leave shall be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award. (6) When an industrial accident or illness leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the employee shall be entitled to only the amount of unused leave due him/her for the same illness or injury. (7) If the employee is not medically able to return to work upon termination of the sixty (60) days of industrial accident or illness leave, he/she shall be entitled to sick leave and to apply for paid/unpaid leave as appropriate. For the purpose of other leave entitlement, his/her absence shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of termination of the industrial accident or illness leave, provided that, if the employee continues to receive temporary workers' compensation benefits, he/she may elect to take as much of his/her accumulated sick leave which, when added to his/her temporary workers' compensation benefits, will result in a payment to him/her of not more than his/her full salary. (8) During any paid leave of absence, the employee shall endorse to the Employer the temporary workers' compensation checks received on account of his/her industrial accident or illness. The Employer shall issue the employee appropriate salary warrants for payment of the employee's salary and shall deduct normal retirement and other authorized contributions. (9) The employee shall qualify for the provisions of this policy when he/she assumes a position with the Employer. (10) Any employee receiving benefits as a result of this section shall, during periods of injury or illness, remain within the State of California unless the Employer authorizes travel outside the State. (11) An employee requesting or claiming leave of absence for an industrial accident or illness is required to provide a doctor's statement to Human Resources verifying the employee is unable to fulfill his/her regular duties because of the injury or illness. (12) An employee returning to his/her position from an industrial accident or illness leave granted under the provisions of this section is required to submit a physician's statement verifying that he/she is able to resume the responsibilities of his/her position.
Tardiness If a Pack Member is going to be late, the Pack Member should do his/her best to contact a leader in their department prior to the start of their shift. If a Pack Member is 6 or more minutes late for their scheduled shift, this is considered tardy. If a Pack Member is excessively 8/15/24, 12:37 PM ExportToPDF tardy (greater than two hours) without a call to his/her manager, the tardy will be treated as an absence. If a Pack Member is tardy 4 hours or more, the tardy will be treated as a No Call/No Show. In rare circumstances, a tardy may be excused without points being issued when the GM and HR Director together determine that weather conditions are extremely severe or in circumstances where we have asked Pack Members to park off site due to limited parking based on high volumes of business. If a Pack Member needs to miss work for more than three consecutive days due to injury, illness, or the injury or illness of a family member, he/she should contact the Human Resources office to inquire about applicable leaves of absence. Non FMLA-Leaves of Absence are approved on a case-by-case basis and/or according to applicable state or federal laws.
Specifications and Standards a) All articles supplied shall strictly conform to the specifications, trademark laid down in the bidding document and wherever articles have been required according to ISI/ ISO/ other applicable specifications/ certifications/ standards, those articles should conform strictly to those specifications/ certifications/ standards. The supply shall be of best quality and description. The decision of the competent authority/ purchase committee whether the articles supplied conforms to the specifications shall be final and binding on the supplier/ selected bidder.
Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.