Administration of Salaries Sample Clauses
Administration of Salaries. The Human Resources Department shall be responsible for the administration of salaries in accordance with the following guidelines.
Administration of Salaries. The salaries of all employees will be administered on a performance basis. Employees will receive a performance increase as per the performance pay grid. 404A 0 .4 1 1.25 1.5 404B 0 .4 1 1.25 1.5 404C 0 .4 1 1.25 1.5 404D 0 .4 1 1.25 1.5 The expected performance distribution is 2% Unsatisfactory (U); 10% Meets Most Requirements (MMR); 63% Fully Meets Requirements (FMR); 20% Exceeds Requirements (ER); 5% Outstanding (O).
Administration of Salaries. The salary increases of all employees will be administered on a performance basis. Salaries will be reviewed annually effective April 01. Individual performance pay amounts will be determined according to the employee’s performance rating and the Performance Pay Career Progression Grid specified below. Performance Pay Career Progression Grid Level Career Progression Step Multiplier Step Value U MMR FMR ER O 2011 2012 2013 L2 0 0.3 1 1.25 1.5 2200 2200 2200 L4 0 0 1 1.25 1.5 1100 1100 1200 Note: These amounts are minimums. The Career Progression Step Value is calculated using the salary ranges in effect on March 31 each year for each L level. The L Levels have the following number of steps: L1 – 4 L2 – 5 L3 – 7 L4‐7 L5–7 The formula for calculating the Step Value is: The performance pay awarded to the employee is calculated by multiplying the step value by the multiplier consistent with the employee’s performance rating, (rounded to the nearest $100). The performance pay is added to the base pay (or paid as a bonus as described in Performance Bonuses) on April 1st of each year. This additional amount will be paid to the employee on either the 1st or 2nd pay period following April 1st. The expected performance distribution is 2% Unsatisfactory, 10% Meets Most Requirements, 63% Fully Meets Requirements, 20% Exceeds Requirements, 5% Outstanding. For an employee in L1, L2, L3 or L4, where the Performance Pay increase that would be awarded is restricted by the job rate, or by the top of the range and promotion is not warranted, the employee’s salary will be increased to the top of the range, and the balance will be paid as a performance bonus to the employee. For an employee in L1, L2, L3 or L4 who is at the job rate or at the top of the range and is not being promoted, the employee will receive as a performance bonus the minimum amount indicated on the Performance Pay Career Progression Grid for a Fully Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements or Outstanding performance rating. For an employee in L5, where the Performance Pay Increase that would be awarded is restricted by the top of the range, the employee will receive as a performance bonus the minimum amount indicated on the Performance pay Career Progression Grid for a Fully Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements or Outstanding performance rating. These performance bonuses are pensionable. Employees will be advised in writing of their resulting salary and performance bonus, if applicable. All employees wh...
Administration of Salaries. Salary increments shall be effective annually July 1st. Association members employed between July 1st and December 1st will be eligible for increments on the following July 1st. Those employed after December 31st will be eligible for increments one year from the following July 1st. See attached Salary Schedule, Appendix A.
Administration of Salaries. The salary increases of all employees will be administered on a performance basis. Salaries will be reviewed annually effective April 01. Individual performance pay amounts will be determined according to the employee’s performance rating and the Performance Pay Career Progression Grid specified below. Level Career Progression Step Multiplier Step Value U MMR FMR ER O 2007 2008 2009 2010 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 0 0.4 1 1.25 1.5 $2700 $2800 $2800 $2900 Note: These amounts are minimums. The Career Progression Step Value is calculated using the salary ranges in effect on March 31 each year for each L level. The L Levels have the following number of steps: L1 – 4 L2 – 5 L3 – 7 L4-7 L5–7 The formula for calculating the Step Value is: The performance pay awarded to the employee is calculated by multiplying the step value by the multiplier consistent with the employee’s performance rating, (rounded to the nearest $100). The performance pay is added to the base pay (or paid as a bonus as described in Performance Bonuses) on April 1st of each year. This additional amount will be paid to the employee on either the 1st or 2nd pay period following April 1st. The expected performance distribution is 2% Unsatisfactory, 10% Meets Most Requirements, 63% Fully Meets Requirements, 20% Exceeds Requirements, 5% Outstanding.
Administration of Salaries. 9.01 An Employee’s salary shall be paid in bi-weekly installments by direct deposit.
9.02 The anniversary date for Employees shall be April 1. On the Employee’s anniversary date, the Employer shall grant an increment for each additional year of experience, provided the Employee has not reached the maximum rate of pay for the position.
9.03 All Continuing and Probationary Employees shall be paid in accordance with Schedule “A.”
9.04 Existing Employees will be given due consideration before non-members are recruited for a Sessional position.
9.05 Employees recalled in accordance with Article 42 shall be credited with previous service with the Employer for salary determination purposes.
Administration of Salaries. The salary increases of all employees will be administered on a performance basis. Salaries will be reviewed annually effective July 01. Individual performance pay amounts will be determined according to the employee’s performance rating.
Administration of Salaries. The salary increases of all employees will be administered on a performance basis. Salaries will be reviewed annually effective July 1. Individual performance pay amounts will be determined according to the employee’s performance rating and the Performance Pay Career Progression Grid specified below. ET 02 0 0.4 1 1.25 1.5 3300 3400 3600 3700 3700 ET 03 0 0.3 1 1.25 1.5 2400 0000 0000 0000 0000 ET S2 0 0 25 0.5 1 1.5 0000 0000 0000 1400 1400 Notes: These amounts are minimums. 2019, 2020 and 2021 are based on a 40 hour work week and are subject to a wage reopener as per Memorandum of Agreement re: Wage Reopener. In the event that the Performance Appraisals would result in a total bargaining unit wide expenditure on merit, based on the step values in the Performance Pay Career Progression Grid, of greater than 2.4% these values will be adjusted proportionally for that contract year such that the total expenditure is 2.4%. A review of the merit calculations and results to be held with the Joint Consultation Committee. The Career Progression Step Value is calculated using the salary ranges in effect on June 30 each year for each ET level. The ET Levels have the following number of steps: ET 02 – 4 ET 03 – 5 ET 04 – 7 ET S1 – 7 ET S2 – 7 The formula for calculating the Step Value is: The performance pay awarded to the employee is calculated by multiplying the step value by the multiplier consistent with the employee’s performance rating, (rounded to the nearest $100). The performance pay is added to the base pay (or paid as a bonus as described in Performance Bonuses) on July 1 of each year. This additional amount will be paid to the employee on either the 1st or 2nd pay period following July 1. The expected performance distribution is 2% Unsatisfactory, 10% Meets Most Requirements, 63% Fully Meets Requirements, 20% Exceeds Requirements, 5% Outstanding.
Administration of Salaries. The administration within the various salary grades shall as follows:
Administration of Salaries. In its entirety.