Approval of Sick Leave. The nurse must observe all of the following regulations to obtain sick leave:
(a) must advise the Manager, Clinic Services or delegate of sickness or accident on the first day of disability prior to starting time, except in extenuating circumstances;
(b) give full and correct information regarding work related restrictions and furnish medical certificates as may be required by the Employer.
(c) Report to the Employer before making any change in usual place of residence or address during disability.
(d) The Employer shall pay the full cost of medical certificates it requires.
Approval of Sick Leave. The sick leave must be documented on a sick leave form within forty-eight (48) hours after use and must be approved by the Sheriff (or designee.) Signature of the employee’s shift supervisor must be on the form.
Approval of Sick Leave. Employees who are unable to report to work due to illness or injury are to notify their supervisor or designee before the scheduled start of their workday. Their supervisor or designee must also be contacted on each additional day of absence, unless other arrangements have been made with the supervisor or designee. Whenever possible (e.g., for a scheduled doctor's or dentist's appointment), employees must seek approval from their immediate supervisor before taking their sick leave.
Approval of Sick Leave. The Manager may approve sick leave up to three (3) consecutive working days without requiring a physician's certification.
Approval of Sick Leave a. In accordance with applicable law, regulation and this Agreement, the Agency will approve an employee’s request for sick leave when the employee:
i. Receives medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment;
ii. Is incapacitated for the performance of his or her duties by physical or mental illness, injury, pregnancy, or childbirth;
iii. Provides care for a family member who is incapacitated by a medical or mental condition or attends to a family member receiving medical, dental, or optical examination or treatment;
iv. Provides care for a family member with a serious health condition;
x. Makes arrangements necessitated by the death of a family member or attends the funeral of a family member;
vi. Would, as determined by the health authorities having jurisdiction or by a health care provider, jeopardize the health of others by his or her presence on the job because of exposure to a communicable disease; or
vii. Must be absent from duty for purposes relating to his or her adoption of a child, including appointments with adoption agencies, social workers, and attorneys; court proceedings; required travel; and any other activities necessary to allow the adoption to proceed.
Approval of Sick Leave. The parties also agree that the use of sick leave shall not be unreasonably disapproved.
Approval of Sick Leave. A. Employees must directly give their immediate supervisor or designee as much advance notice as possible prior to the start of their work day of the need for the use of sick leave. Notification shall include the general reason and possible duration of the absence.
B. The Court may require evidence in the form of a physician’s certificate, or otherwise, of the need for the employee's absence during the time for which sick leave was requested or taken. Such verification may be required, but this verification requirement will not be imposed arbitrarily or capriciously.
Approval of Sick Leave. If the injured or ill employee or family member required medical attention, a licensed physician’s statement of the general nature of the illness is to be provided. A physician’s statement may be required for any absence of three (3) days or more. Falsification of either a written, signed statement or a physician’s statement may be grounds for disciplinary action. The Employer may investigate any use of sick leave when it has reason to believe that an employee may be abusing sick leave and/or not using sick leave for its intended purposes.
Approval of Sick Leave. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee must notify their supervisor of their absence two (2) hours before the start of their workday, unless reasonable conditions make notification impossible. The burden of proof of impossible conditions shall be upon the employee. The acceptable method of notification will be on the District’s absence management system submitted by the employee.
Approval of Sick Leave. The CEO may, subject to the availability of Sick Leave credits, approve paid Xxxx Leave for an employee for the following purposes: