Child Illness. To control the spread of infection the Pre-school reserves the right to contact you to ask that you collect your child if they appear unwell during the day, or to contact an emergency contact (as stated in the Enrolment form) to collect on your behalf. It is our policy that unwell children need to be at home to recover from illness; this includes both infectious and non-infectious illness. All parents are required to inform the Pre-school if their child has been unwell over the weekend or overnight before a session and if the child has been given medication. Child’s Birth Certificate: All children in receipt of the Funded Early Education Entitlement are required to provide the original birth certificate for verification. We will be unable to claim funding on your behalf if we do not hold the certificate number and date of issue. We request this information at point of entry to the Pre-school. Disclosures: The Pre-school needs to be informed about any medical and non-medical condition, health problem, allergy or suspected learning difficulty affecting your child. We also need to be informed of any family circumstances or court order that may affect your child whilst in our care. Please ensure that such information is disclosed on your child’s Pre-school enrolment form. In addition, you are required to inform the Pre-school in writing of any changes to the information held by us (e.g. changes to emergency contacts, allergies, medical conditions).
Child Illness. Sick leave shall be granted for the care of an employee’s sick child as required by Minnesota Statute (M.S.) §181.9413.
Child Illness. In case of illness, I will be called and possibly required to pick up my child as soon as possible. We ask that for your child’s comfort and to reduce the risk of contagion, children be picked up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms. Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to school. This means that the child needs to remain out of school for the remainder of the day he/she is sent home and the following day, unless Xxxxxxx receives a note from the child’s medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to school. In the case of a (suspected) contagious disease, rash, or continuing symptoms, a note from the child’s medical provider may be required before returning.
Child Illness. If a child is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, the child will not be accepted for care that day and alternate care arrangements should be made. The standards set by the CDC are the protocol we adopt in this regard. Rashes of unknown origin or any skin condition known to be contagious. Vomiting- more than just “spit up” Diarrhea Fever above 100 degrees -Should the child begin to exhibit any of these symptoms, Staff will notify the parent and request immediate pickup of the child. This policy is implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of the other children in the daycare. *If daycare staff must dispense medication to your child a guardian must fill out an additional form upon dropping off the child the first day. (Permission to dispense medication form)
Child Illness. If the child is exhibiting any symptom of a contagious disease, the child will not be accepted for care that day and alternate care arrangements should be made. Should the child begin to exhibit any symptom of a contagious disease such as a fever, continuous diarrhea, or vomiting the Provider may notify the Parent/ Guardian and request an immediate pickup of the child. This policy is implemented to ensure the safety and well being of the other children in the day-care and the Provider.
Child Illness. In case of illness, I will be called and possibly required to pick up my child(ren) as soon as possible. We ask that for your child’s Emergency Medical Care Every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child, comfort and to reduce the risk of contagion, children be picked . up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms. Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the program. This means that the child needs to remain out of the center for the remainder of the day he/she is sent home and the following day (if a child is sent home on Friday, he/she may return on Monday), unless the center receives a note from the child’s medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to the center. In the case of a (suspected) contagious disease, rash, or continuing symptoms, a note from the child’s medical provider may be required before returning.
Child Illness. Under no circumstances should you bring your child to care sick. That includes but is not limited to a fever of 100.5 or higher for infants 5 months and younger and 101 degrees or higher for children over 5 months, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose other than clear, draining eyes or ears, unexplained rash, lice, etc. If you are not sure your child is well enough to attend childcare, call and discuss it with us. If your child becomes ill while in our care we will call you immediately. The providers reserve the right to determine when a child should be sent home. Your child may return to care 24 hours after they are symptom free. For example, if your child is sent home with a fever, they cannot return until they have been fever free for 24 hours. Please call by your normal drop off time if your child will not be attending that day. Payment is still due if your child does not come to Xxxxxx’s House due to sickness.