Classification Appeal Sample Clauses
Classification Appeal. A. Whenever an employee feels there is just cause to appeal a classification, the employee may apply for a review of the classification in writing to the immediate supervisor.
B. Such a request, including a job description prepared by the employee shall be forwarded to the Division Director/Administrator by the employee’s supervisor.
C. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of request, a meeting will be convened between the Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and/or designee and the Employee and his/her representative.
D. Within thirty (30) working days of such receipt for request of reclassification, the Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and/or designee shall render a decision.
E. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision; the employee may within ten (10) working days request a hearing by the director of Human Resources. At the hearing, the employee may be accompanied by a representative of the employee’s choosing and may produce any documents and evidence to support the claim for reclassification. The director of Human Resources will explain the basis for the decision in the event the request is denied. The director of Human Resources shall hold such hearing within thirty (30) days of request.
F. The Director of Human Resource’s decision shall be rendered within thirty (30) days and shall be final subject to review by the President of the Public Health Trust. In the event the request for reclassification is upheld, the employee shall receive appropriate compensation beginning with the pay period that the original request was initiated in writing. For purposes of this article, employees relieving for vacation, short-term illness and emergency leaves of absence will not be eligible to apply for reclassification.
Classification Appeal. An employee shall have the right to appeal the evaluation of the position he/she occupies through the Union.
(a) If an employee believes that the position he/she occupies is improperly evaluated he/she shall discuss the evaluation with his/her immediate supervisor.
(b) The supervisor shall, upon request, provide the employee with a copy of the job description.
(c) Upon request the employee and his/her immediate supervisor shall discuss this job description by comparison with the official classification specification, if available.
(d) If there is a dispute between the supervisor and an employee concerning the evaluation of his/her position, or if the employee believes there is a conflict between his/her job description and the official classification specification, the employee may request in writing a review to be performed by the Director, Personnel & Labour Relations, or his/her designate. The aforementioned review shall be completed within sixty (60) days of submission to the Director, Personnel & Labour Relations. The employee may be required to complete a job description preliminary draft to assist in this review. The employee may request and receive a full explanation of the decision of the Director, Personnel & Labour Relations.
(e) Where a position is re-evaluated the rate of pay for the position shall be effective the date the written review request was received by the Director, Personnel, Payroll and Labour Relations.
(f) If the above procedure does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the matter may be submitted to a mutually agreed to classification referee, who shall make a recommendation to the parties in accordance with the procedures agreed to by the parties for this purpose. The referee shall make every effort to render his/her recommendation to the parties within thirty (30) days of receipt of the dispute.
Classification Appeal. Whenever an employee or DCSMEC has just cause to question a classification, the employee or DCSMEC may apply for a review of the classification in writing to the employee’s department head, using the proper form. Such request, commented upon by the department head, shall be forwarded to Compensation Administration by the employee's department head, within 20 working days of receipt of request. Within 20 working days of such receipt by Compensation Administration of request for reclassification, Compensation Administration, shall render a decision. If the employee or DCSMEC is not satisfied with the decision, the employee or DCSMEC may, within 10 working days, request a hearing by the Chief Officer, Human Resources. At the hearing, the employee or DCSMEC may be accompanied by a representative of his/her choosing and may produce any documents and evidence to support the claim for reclassification. The Chief Officer, Human Resources or designee will explain the basis for the decision in the event the request is denied. The Chief Officer, Human Resources, or designee shall hold such hearing within 30 days of the request. The decision of the Chief Officer, Human Resources, shall be final, and shall not be subject to a grievable, litigable, or reviewable process.
Classification Appeal. A. Whenever an employee has reason to believe they are misclassified, he/she may apply for a review of their classification, in writing, to their immediate supervisor. Such request, including a job description prepared by the employee and commented upon by the Department shall be forwarded to the Compensation Section by the employee's department within twenty (20) working days of receipt of request. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the request for reclassification, the Compensation Section shall render a decision in writing.
B. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Compensation Section he/she may, within ten (10) working days of receipt of decision, request in writing a hearing by the Human Resources Director or designee. At the hearing, the employee may be accompanied by a Representative of his choosing and may produce any documents and evidence to support his claim for reclassification. The Human Resources Director will explain the basis for the decision in the event the request is denied. The Human Resources Division Director shall hold such hearing within thirty (30) days of the request.
C. The Human Resources Director's decision shall be final, subject to review by the County Mayor upon the employee's request, and shall not be arbitrable. Effective October 1, 2012, the Human Resources Director’s decision shall be subject to review by the Mayor’s designee in charge of Public Safety.
D. In the event the request for reclassification is upheld, the employee shall receive compensation beginning with the pay period the original request was initiated.
E. Whenever the Human Resources Director determines that an employee is misclassified, the employee shall always be placed in a current, appropriate classification, unless the Human Resources Director determines that there is no existing appropriate classification. In such cases, the Human Resources Director shall establish the classification, job description and pay range, which shall be maintained during the term of this Agreement. In the event the request for reclassification is upheld, the employee shall receive compensation beginning with the pay period that the original request was initiated.
Classification Appeal. An Employee who believes his/her position description is improperly classified may request a classification review by the appropriate servicing office. If the classification review results in the position remaining at the same grade and the Employee is dissatisfied with the decision, the Employee may appeal the classification to the appropriate USDA servicing office or the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). If the Employee appeals to the Department and is dissatisfied with the decision, the Employee may appeal to the OPM.
Classification Appeal. If an Employee is dissatisfied with a classification (i.e., title, series, or grade) determination, he/she may file a classification appeal in accordance with Government-wide and Agency regulations.
Classification Appeal. An employee shall have the right to appeal the evaluation of the position they occupy through the Union.
(a) If an employee believes that the position they occupy is improperly evaluated they shall discuss the evaluation with their immediate supervisor.
(b) The supervisor shall, upon request, provide the employee with a copy of the job description.
(c) Upon request the employee and their immediate supervisor shall discuss this job description by comparison with the official classification specification, if available.
(d) If there is a dispute between the supervisor and an employee concerning the evaluation of their position, or if the employee believes there is a conflict between their job description and the official classification specification, the employee may request in writing a review to be performed by the Vice-President, Human Resources or their designate. The aforementioned review shall be completed within 60 days of submission to the Vice-President, Human Resources. The employee may be required to complete a job description preliminary draft to assist in this review. The employee may request and receive a full explanation of the decision of the Vice-President, Human Resources.
(e) Where a position is re-evaluated the rate of pay for the position shall be effective the date the written review request was received by Vice-President, Human Resources.
(f) If the above procedure does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the matter may be submitted to a mutually agreed to classification referee, who shall make a recommendation to the parties in accordance with the procedures agreed to by the parties for this purpose. The referee shall make every effort to render their recommendation to the parties within 30 days of receipt of the dispute.
Classification Appeal. 44.1 When the responsibilities of an Employee have materially changed since the last classification review, and the immediate supervisor has not requested a review, the Employee may make a request in writing to the Senior Director, Human Resources for reclassification. The Senior Director, Human Resources shall make a decision within sixty (60) days upon receipt of request. An Employee who receives no response, or is not satisfied with the decision from the Senior Director, Human Resources in regard to a classification may appeal the decision.
44.2 An Employee wishing to appeal a classification decision pursuant to Clause 44.1 shall submit a request in writing to the President within twenty-one (21) days.
44.3 The Vice-President, Academic shall select one (1) member of management to act on the Appeal Board and request the Association to appoint a member to the Appeal Board. The two persons selected to act as members of the Appeal Board shall select a third person to act as a member and Chairman within ten (10) days of the date the second person is appointed. Where the two (2) persons selected as members of the Appeal Board fail to agree on the selection of a Chairman, the Vice President, Academic shall appoint a person from outside of the College to act as Chairman. The Parties to the Agreement shall share equally the expenses of the Chairman.
44.4 The Appeal Board may call upon records and interview such persons concerned as it sees fit and render a decision within fourteen (14) days of the appointment of the last member to the Appeal Board. The decision of the Appeal Board shall be final and binding. The Employee may be represented by an Association Staff member at the Board hearing.
44.5 The persons concerned shall be advised within seven (7) days of the decision of the Appeal Board.
44.6 Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, the Appeal Board may not create, delete, or alter classes or class specifications.
44.7 The Employer agrees to provide a copy of the current Classification Plan along with any subsequent amendments.
Classification Appeal. The Agency agrees that work will not be reassigned for the purpose of avoiding reclassification during a classification appeal.
Classification Appeal. A. Whenever an employee feels there is just cause to appeal a classification, the employee may apply for a review of the classification in writing to the immediate supervisor.
B. Such a request, including a job description prepared by the employee shall be forwarded to their Chief Nursing Officer by the employee's supervisor.
C. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of request, a meeting will be convened between the Chief Nursing Officer or designee and the Employee and the employee’s representative.
D. Within thirty (30) working days of such receipt for request of reclassification, the Senior Vice President/Chief Nursing Executive or designee shall render a decision.
E. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision, the employee may within ten (10) working days request a hearing by the director of Human Resources. At the hearing, the employee may be accompanied by a representative of the employee’s choosing and may produce any documents and evidence to support the claim for reclassification. The director of Human Resources will explain the basis for the decision in the event the request is denied. The director of Human Resources shall hold such hearing within thirty (30) days of request.
F. The director of Human Resources' decision shall be rendered within thirty