CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 16.1 It is the understanding of the parties that this article is not inconsistent with the principles enunciated in the Senate/Board policy on Confidentiality, approved by the Executive Committee of Senate on October 8, 1975.
16.2 An employee shall have the right to examine all of his/her personnel files during normal business hours, provided that any confidential letters of recommendation solicited shall be held confidential except as provided for in this article. At any time, however, members may request and shall obtain the names of the authors of all confidential letters or assessments held in their personnel files.
16.3 Employees shall have the right to have all of their files supplemented or corrected in the event of error or inadequacy. In the event of alleged distortion, employees shall have the right to provide additional material for inclusion in their personnel files.
16.4 Employees shall have the right to have the employer prepare, at the employee's expense, copies of their files excluding confidential letters or assessments except as provided hereunder.
(a) No anonymous material shall be kept by the employer concerning any employee. If introduced, such material shall be sufficient in and of itself to invalidate the proceedings. Statistical information gathered pursuant to Article 26 shall not be considered anonymous material. Non-statistical information gathered pursuant to Article 26, however, shall not be exempt from the provisions of this article.
(b) Where the employer places a signed student comment on an employee's file:
(i) the employee shall be promptly advised of the substance of the complaint in such a form as will preserve the confidentiality of the complainant(s);
(ii) the employee shall be given an opportunity to place a comment or rebuttal on the file;
(iii) the student's names shall only be disclosed with their consent;
(iv) the employer may only use the complaint in a career decision if the student's names are disclosed to the employee;
(v) if the students do not consent to the disclosure of their names, then upon completion of final grade reports the document, along with the employee's rebuttal, shall be removed from the file and destroyed;
(vi) if the students' names are disclosed, the employee shall, at that time, be given an opportunity to place a further comment or rebuttal on the file.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 37.01 The University will keep one personnel file for each employee. The security and confidentiality of personnel files will be the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources, and the files will be maintained under that officer’s direct operational control. Information comprising the personnel file will not be placed in any electronic storage form except for salary and benefits data for general accounting and financial management purposes.
37.02 Employees shall have the right to examine their personnel file during normal business hours.
37.03 Employees shall have the right to have the University prepare, at reasonable intervals and at the employee’s expense, a copy of the personnel file.
37.04 Requests under this Article shall be made on a reasonable basis and will be honoured within the capability of the appropriate Management Officer.
37.05 In the case of letters of censure, reprimand, or criticism being added to an employee’s file, the employee concerned shall be notified and required to read and initial such material. In the event of an alleged distortion of error, the employee shall have the right to request the inclusion of material pertinent to the alleged distortion of error. In the event of an error being established the file shall be corrected and the erroneous material removed. Letters of censure, reprimand, or criticism which are more than two (2) years old shall not be relied upon by the University in taking disciplinary action and shall be removed from the personnel files provided that no further disciplinary action of a similar nature has occurred during the two (2) year period.
37.06 The Payroll Office and the appropriate Management Officer must be notified by the employee of any change of address and/or status. This is required for the personnel file and records.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 14.1 (a) The files maintained in the Human Resources Office are deemed for the purposes of this Article not to be personnel files and will not form part of any dossier for purposes of appointment, promotion or tenure pursuant to Article 25. There will be one official file for each member hereinafter referred to as the personnel file. The personnel file will be kept in the office of the appropriate Xxxx.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 14.1 All Members have a right to privacy. This right is supported, in general, by the provisions of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP) and the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), as they apply to the Employer and to the Association respectively.
14.2 The Human Resources Department solely shall keep the official personnel files for each Member, and these files will serve as the official records related to the Member’s employment at the University.
14.3 Upon written request, a Member shall have the right to examine his official personnel files during normal business hours without unreasonable delay. This examination shall be conducted with a member of the Human Resources Department present. A Member has the right to request and retain copies of information contained in his personnel files.
14.4 Only those with administrative access as provided for by FOIPOP shall have access to a Member’s official personnel files.
14.5 A personnel file may include but is not limited to:
a) General information such as personal data, letters of appointment, curriculum vitae;
b) Documents relating to benefits, leave, pay, professional development, and performance;
c) Official documents pertaining to conversion or promotion;
d) Confidential letters of recommendation or reference;
e) Documents pertaining to grievances.
14.6 Except for statistical data, no anonymous material concerning any Member shall be kept in the official personnel files, nor shall be submitted as evidence in any administrative processes. A Member shall receive a copy of any document submitted to his official personnel files at the time it is placed in the file.
14.7 A Member shall have the right to have his personnel files supplemented or corrected in the event of error, incompleteness, or a dispute relating to the presence or content of a particular document(s).
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. It is the understanding of the parties that this article is not inconsistent with the principles enunciated in the policy on Confidentiality, approved by the Executive Committee of Senate on October An employee shall have the right to examine all of personnel files during normal business hours, provided that any confidential letters of recommendation solicited shall be held confidential except as provided for in this article. At any time, however, members may request and shall obtain the names of the authors of all confidential letters or assessments held in their personnel files. Employees shall have the right to have all of their files supplemented or corrected in the event of error or inadequacy. In the event of alleged distortion, employees shall have the right to provide additional material for inclusion in their personnel files. Employees shall have the right to have the employer prepare, at the employee's expense, copies of their files excluding confidential letters or assessments except as provided hereunder.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 36.01 The University will keep one personnel file for each employee. The security and confidentiality of personnel files will be the responsibility of the Director of People and Culture, and the files will be maintained under the Director’s direct operational control. Information comprising the personnel file will be either (a) the paper originals or, in the event the original document is received in facsimile or electronic form, an accurate paper copy; or,
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. It is the understanding of the parties that this Article is not inconsistent with the principles enunciated in the Senate-Board Policy on Confidentiality, approved the Executive Committee of Senate on October and approved by the of Governors on November (Appended to this Agreement). An employee shall have the right to examine all Personnel files during normal business hours, the provision that any confidential letters of recommendation shall be held confidential. However, members may request and shall obtain the names of the authors of such confidential letters. Employees shall have the to have the Employer prepare, at reasonable intervals and at the employee’s expense, copies of the portion of their Personnel tiles. Requests this Article shall be made on a reasonable basis and be honoured the of the Personnel Department. In the case of letters of censure, reprimand, or criticism being added to an employee’s file, the employee shall be notified and required to read and initial such material. In the event of an alleged distortion or error, the employee shall have the right to request the inclusion of material pertinent to the alleged distortion or error. In the event of an error being established, the file be corrected and the erroneous material removed. Letters of censure. reprimand, or criticism which are two or more years old shall not be considere m connection with any disciplinary action or future promotional opportunity.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. ARTICLE 17: FINANCIAL STRINGENCY AND PROGRAM REDUNDANCY Procedures Relating to Identification of Faculties, Departments, Programmes, Schools. Institutes. Colleges. the Library, and Fields within Departments which May be Affected Procedures Related to Identification of Individual Faculty Employees Procedures Related to Identification of Individual Professional Librarian Employees Procedures Related to Identification of Individual Lecturer (Instructor) Employees Alternate Procedures in Connection with Financial Stringency ARTICLE 18: RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF THE ASSOCIATION AND ITS MEMBERS
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. 21.1 Every Staff Member or the Staff Member’s duly authorized representative shall have the right to examine the contents of the Staff Member’s personnel file except for confidential letters of assessment which will normally be destroyed or returned to a referee within twelve (12) months following decision on the matter to which the assessments are addressed.
21.2 A Staff Member may request and receive a list of all confidential letters of assessment, the names of the authors thereof, and a summary of their contents.
21.3 Upon written request, a Staff Member shall receive copies of the documents which the Staff Member has the right to examine.
21.4 A personnel file shall not contain anonymous items.
21.5 A Staff Member shall have the right to include the Staff Member’s comments on the accuracy or meaning of any of the contents of the Staff Member’s personnel file. A Staff Member may also add any relevant documents to the Staff Member’s personnel file.
21.6 Except as provided in this Agreement, documents and materials used by Athabasca University in the assessment of a Staff Member and the materials prepared for and used in the process of consideration for promotion or the granting of a regular appointment of a Staff Member shall not be made available to third parties except in the performance of their duties under this Agreement and under related Athabasca University documents and policies, or except at the prior written request of the Staff Member.
21.7 In the event of a grievance or appeal, an arbitrator, the members of arbitration or appeal committee, and the Staff Member filing the grievance or appeal shall have access to the complete file pertaining to the grievance or appeal.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES. Ol The Executive Xxxx, or in the case of the librarian members, the University Librarian, shall maintain the sole personnel file recognized by this Agreement relating to each member, and the Departments of Human Resources and Finance shall maintain the benefits and payroll records of each member.