Contract Documents Phase. The Engineer must receive written notice from the State to proceed with the contract documents phase before commencing the phase. The documents to be provided in this phase are a part of the construction contract and as such must explain in substantial detail the full scope of the work to be included in, and performed under, the construction contract. A final detailed estimate of the cost of construction, including unit prices, quantities, labor and materials, predicated on the contract documents phase drawings and detailed specifications, shall be included as a part of this phase. All specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the CSI format and in accordance with Part II of Chapter 60 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as revised, when applicable. The Engineer shall submit for review and approval the number of sets of drawings, specifications, and detailed cost estimates specified in the task letter prepared for the project, as hereinafter provided in Section C. Such review and approval by the State does not relieve the Engineer of responsibility arising out of the State's reliance on the Engineer's professional skill and ability to discharge her/his/its services as required by this contract. All original final tracings shall, together with the specifications typed in letter quality print on one side of 8 1/2" x 11" white bond paper, be submitted by the Engineer prior to the State's going to bid. When the Engineer has incorporated all comments and the documents are ready for bidding, the Engineer will submit the tracings, master specifications, and a CD ROM disk of both to DAS. This submission will conclude the contract documents phase of the contract.
Contract Documents Phase. 3.4.1 After receiving approval of Design Development Phase submittal, the CONSULTANT shall prepare drawings and specifications for bidding and construction purposes, including what testing, warranties and guarantees are required of the parts and systems. When documents are approximately eighty percent (80%) complete, the CONSULTANT shall submit three (3) copies to OWNER for review and comments.
3.4.2 When the documents are one hundred percent (100%) complete, the CONSULTANT shall submit three (3) copies to OWNER for approval of completed Bidding Documents and an updated Estimate of Probable Construction Costs.
3.4.3 The CONSULTANT shall conform to OWNER's current standard formats on file in Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services Section of the Facilities Management Division of Milwaukee County Department of Administrative Services, 000
3.4.4 After the one hundred percent (100%) complete bidding documents have been approved by OWNER, the CONSULTANT shall submit one (1) signed, stamped original set of Bidding Documents suitable for use in reproducing document sets for distribution during the bid process, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.
Contract Documents Phase. 5.5.1 Following the District’s written approval of the design development documents, including the Project cost and construction schedule, the Architect shall prepare Contract Documents for the written approval of District’s governing board consisting of 100% complete working drawings and specifications setting forth the work to be done in detail sufficient for construction. Architect shall ensure that the drawings and specifications are, among other things, complete, accurate, and coordinated so as to eliminate errors, omissions and conflicts, especially between the work of a (sub)consultant and other (sub)consultants or the Architect; and Architect may not shift its responsibility for completeness, accuracy and coordination to the Contractor, except on a clearly designated design-build project. Architect shall also update the construction schedule and the Project cost for written approval of District’s governing board. The Contract Documents shall conform to, comply with, and satisfy all applicable Federal, State and local laws, including but not limited to statutes, decisions, regulations, building or other codes, ordinances, charters, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). As part of the Contract Documents, Architect shall prepare an accurate set of drawings indicating dimensions and locations of existing buried utility lines, which shall be included in the bid packages. If the Project is intended to be split into multiple prime contracts, then the Contract Documents shall be structured in order to maximize the ability to create multiple prime bid packages for the Project, and shall identify the bid packages to be created.
5.5.2 Architect shall consult with, and involve, the District in development of the bid documents and bid package, and shall forward them to the District for written approval prior to their use. If the District is using a multiple prime delivery method for the Project with multiple bid packages, then Architect shall consult with and involve the District in identification and development of the bid documents and bid packages, and shall forward them to the District for written approval prior to their use.
5.5.3 Prior to submission of the Contract Documents to DSA for plan check, the Architect shall submit the Contract Documents, including the 100% complete working drawings and specifications, to the District for an opportunity to review them for various issues, including but not limited to constructability, scheduling, genera...
Contract Documents Phase. The Architect must receive written notice from the State to proceed with the contract documents phase before commencing the phase. The documents to be provided in this phase are a part of the construction contract and as such must explain in substantial detail the full scope of the work included in, and performed under, the construction contract. A final detailed estimate of the cost of construction, including unit prices, quantities, labor and materials, predicated on the contract documents phase drawings and detailed specifications, shall be included as a part of this phase. All specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) format and in accordance with Part II of Chapter 60 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as revised, when applicable. The Architect shall submit for review and approval the number of sets of drawings, specifications and detailed cost estimates as indicated in Paragraph 6 of this contract. Such review and approval by the State does not relieve the Architect of responsibility arising out of the State's reliance on his professional skill and ability to discharge his services as required by the contract. If the estimate agreed to by the State and Architect exceeds the total construction budget noted in Paragraph 4 of this contract, or if the State and Architect cannot agree upon an estimate of the probable construction cost and the probable cost of construction as determined by the State exceeds both the Architect's estimate and the total construction budget noted in Paragraph 4 of this contract, then the Architect shall make appropriate recommendations to the State for adjustments to the documents in regards to the project’s scope, quality, or budget. At that time, the State shall have the right to require the Architect to modify the documents as the State deems necessary to bring the cost within the amount of the total construction budget noted in Paragraph 4 of this contract. The revisions shall be made without additional compensation to the Architect. All original final tracings shall, together with the specifications typed in letter quality print on one side of 8 1/2" x 11" white bond paper, be submitted by the Architect prior to the State's going to bid. When the Architect has incorporated all comments and the documents are ready for bidding, the Architect will submit the tracings, master specifications, and a CD ROM disk of both to DAS. This submission will conclude the contract...
Contract Documents Phase. The Consultant must receive written notice from the State to proceed with the contract documents phase before commencing the phase. The documents to be provided in this phase are a part of the construction contract and as such must explain in substantial detail the full scope of the work included in, and performed under, the construction contract. A final detailed estimate of the cost of construction, including unit prices, quantities, labor and materials, predicated on the contract documents phase drawings and detailed specifications, shall be included as a part of this phase. All specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the CSI format and in accordance with Part II of Chapter 60 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as revised, when applicable. The Consultant shall submit for review and approval the number of sets of drawings, specifications and detailed cost estimates as indicated in the task letter. Such review and approval by the State does not relieve the Consultant of responsibility arising out of the State's reliance on its professional skill and ability to discharge its services as required by the contract. All original final tracings shall, together with the specifications typed in letter quality print on one side of 8 1/2" x 11" white bond paper, be submitted by the Consultant prior to the State's going to bid. When the Consultant has incorporated all comments and the documents are ready for bidding, the Consultant will submit the tracings, master specifications, and a CD ROM disk of both to DAS. This submission will conclude the contract documents phase of the contract.
Contract Documents Phase. Contract Documents Phase Review:
Contract Documents Phase. The Contract Documents Phase is the stage in which the requirements for the Work are set forth in detail.
Contract Documents Phase. Contract documents consisting of preparing the detailed drawings, specifications, and design manual based on the approved Design Development Documents, setting in detail the construction requirements for the Project:
Contract Documents Phase. Sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed.
Contract Documents Phase. 1. 100% Contract Documents Phase Review:
a) The Construction Administrator shall update previously described tasks and the following tasks, and shall submit a "Document Review" report for the Contract Documents Phase: