CURRICULUM REVISION. It is agreed that it is the legal responsibility of the Board to determine the curriculum and programs to be implemented within the school district. It is recognized that the training, expertise, and experience of professional school administrators make them an invaluable resource. They will be consulted by the Board as to curriculum and program development.
CURRICULUM REVISION. There may be a voluntary curriculum revision program each summer under the direction of the Superintendent. The purpose of the program is to study needed curriculum revision.
CURRICULUM REVISION. Teachers shall play an active role in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of curriculum or new programs. Final decisions concerning curriculum development shall be made by the Board of Education. Teachers for all summer curriculum writing projects shall be selected and scheduled by the Superintendent and/or his/her designee. All such selections shall be at the Superintendent’s discretion or as he/she determines is consistent with implementation of curriculum management cycles. Curriculum writers shall be determined at the discretion of the Superintendent, and shall serve on a voluntary basis at $42.00 per hour for summer curriculum writing projects.
CURRICULUM REVISION. Section 5.01. The teachers shall play an active role in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the curriculum. Section 5.02. All teachers, including those working part-time, shall be required to attend faculty meetings of one hundred five (105) minutes (cumulative) per month without additional compensation. In special circumstances, some of this time may instead be designated by the Board for parent-teacher conferences or other meetings, activities or conferences held outside the school day, in which case prior notice shall be provided to the extent practical. Section 5.03. If such meetings exceed one hundred five (105) minutes (cumulative) per month, teachers shall be compensated at the hourly stipend rate cited in Article 8.07. The meeting or activity will not extend beyond 5:30 p.m. without mutual agreement between the Association and the administration.
CURRICULUM REVISION. The District agrees that it will continue its present policy of allowing administrators to be part of the committees involved with curriculum decisions.
CURRICULUM REVISION. The Board agrees that whenever a change in curriculum is contemplated which would affect administrators in more than one building, the administrative council will be convened. It is further agreed that proposed revisions of the curriculum shall be made available in writing to the administrative council and the council shall be offered the opportunity to submit its recommendations to the Board.
CURRICULUM REVISION. A. Recognizing the statutory responsibility of the Board for developing and revising curricula, and the professional competence and skills of the staff in relation to these matters, the Board and the League agree that development and revision of curricula including state and federal projects shall continue to be cooperatively arrived at through joint consultation among teachers and administrators, subject to final approval of the Board. B. School administrators shall endeavor to honor requests for release time from teachers who find it necessary to perform curriculum revision work during the school day. In the event of major curriculum planning or revision projects which are likely to involve unreasonable expenditure of time beyond the usual professional commitment, the Board and the League may use the usual procedure established in Article 34 to discuss reasonable release time and/or compensation for the teachers involved. In the alternative, the Board may compensate teachers who volunteer for curriculum work during the summer months (or other time outside of normal work time, such as school vacations) at the hourly rate set forth in Appendix C.
CURRICULUM REVISION. From October to November 2012, LTD worked with NIET to align XxXXX’s standards and competences for teacher performance with NIET’s 12-module teacher qualification curriculum co-developed with LTD. LTD will assist NIET’s teams of curriculum developers in streamlining the existing 12-module curriculum to accommodate a 9-module scheme that can be completed in one academic year and still satisfy the Ministry’s requirements for teacher qualification. Work will focus on Modules 1-5 during the fall semester 2014 and Modules 6-10 from January to April 2015. The intended outcome of this effort will be an improved training curriculum that gives teachers the pedagogical skills they need to help all students achieve high levels of learning and develop 21st century learning skills. The central themes of these modules include: • Inquiry-based learning and professional development • Student-centered learning • Strategies for promoting critical and creative thinkingAuthentic assessment informed by Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) • Curriculum design for integrated instruction focused on deep understanding • Information technology for improved learning • Building stronger school-community partnerships to support learning
CURRICULUM REVISION. 46.1. Teachers involved in curriculum study will be selected from those teaching within that subject area and will be representative of the grade level or levels for which the curriculum is designed. Teachers will be chosen from those who volunteer and selection will be based upon experience and demonstrated competence in the area of the study. This does not preclude the involvement of consultants from outside the system in a curriculum revision.
CURRICULUM REVISION. A. Recognizing the statutory responsibility of the Board for developing and revising curricula, and the professional competence and skills of the staff in relation to these matters, the Board and the League agree that development and revision of curricula including state and federal projects shall continue to be cooperatively arrived at through the Curriculum Council, which shall include a minimum of five (5) League designees, subject to final approval of the Board. B. School administrators shall endeavor to honor requests for release time from teachers who find it necessary to perform curriculum revision work during the school day. In the event of major curriculum planning or revision projects which are likely to involve unreasonable expenditure of time beyond the usual professional commitment, the Board and the League may use the usual procedure established in Article 33 to discuss reasonable release time and/or compensation for the teachers involved. In the alternative, the Board may compensate teachers who volunteer for curriculum work during the summer months (or other time outside of normal work time, such as school vacations) at the hourly rate set forth in Appendix C.