Defence Service Leave. This is a new clause. The entitlement was provided for under By-law 14 ‘Defence Service leave”. There is no change to the entitlement.
Defence Service Leave. 62.1 The CEO may grant an employee Defence Service Leave to enable the employee to fulfil their Australian Defence Force Reserve and Continuous Full Time Service obligations (Defence Service).
Defence Service Leave. If you are a member of the Defence Force Reserve you will be granted leave to attend compulsory training as required. You can access 10 days paid leave per year to attend training camps and a further 10 days paid leave per year to attend training courses. You will be paid your ordinary rate for the period of leave. If you provide continuous full time defence service you will be paid by the Australian Defence Force Reserves. You will be provided with leave without pay during the period of continuous full time service. The period of unpaid leave will not count as service, however, continuity of service with us will not be considered broken. On your return from continuous full time defence service, we are keen to hear from you as soon as possible to discuss your return to work.
Defence Service Leave. (a) The Commissioner may grant a member leave (with or without pay) to enable the member to fulfil Australian Defence Force Reserve and Continuous Full Time Service obligations.
Defence Service Leave. 6.12.1 You will continue to receive your salary when on Defence service leave.
6.12.2 If you are a Defence Reservist, you are entitled to:
(a) Four (4) weeks paid leave each year to undertake Defence service; and
(b) Two (2) weeks paid leave for attendance at recruit/initial employment training. These entitlements will accrue and be taken over a two (2) year period.
6.12.3 Other leave required for Defence service will be unpaid.
6.12.4 All Defence service leave, whether paid or unpaid, will count for service for all purposes, except for unpaid leave in excess of six (6) months which will not count for recreation leave purposes.
6.12.5 We require proof of your attendance for Defence service. Whenever possible, you should provide at least three (3) months notice from the Australian Defence Force of a requirement to undertake Defence service.
Defence Service Leave. This is a new clause outlining the entitlements and obligations which relate to defence service.
Defence Service Leave. 9.6.1 If you are a Defence Reservist, you are entitled to be absent from work to undertake all types of Defence service. You must provide notice to Us at least 1 month prior to the period of leave, including the start and finish dates.
9.6.2 If you are a permanent team member required to attend full-time training to prepare for Defence service, you will be paid the difference between the payment received in respect of your attendance and your Base Rate of Pay for the hours you are normally rostered to work.
9.6.3 For other types of Defence service, if you are a permanent team member you are entitled to unpaid Defence service leave.
9.6.4 If you are a casual team member, you are entitled to unpaid Defence service leave.
Defence Service Leave. 51.1. An employee may be granted leave (with or without pay) to enable them to fulfil Australian Defence Force Reserve and Continuous Full Time Service or Cadet Force obligations. Further information is available in the Defence Reserve Support Council policy and the CASA Leave Arrangements Procedures.
Defence Service Leave. If you are a member of the Defence Force Reserve, you will be granted leave to attend compulsory training as required. You can access 10 days paid leave per year to attend training camps and a further 10 days paid leave per year to attend training courses. If you are a serving member of t he Defence Force Reserve or a Defence Forces Veteran, you will be granted paid leave on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day to attend those ceremonies. The payment for t he leave is not made in addition to payment for a Public Holiday. You will be paid your ordinary rate for t he period of leave. If you provide continuous full t ime defence service, you will be paid by t he Australian Defence Force Reserves. You will be provided with leave without pay during t he period of continuous full t ime service. The period of unpaid leave will not count as service, however, continuit y of service with us will not be considered broken. On your return from continuous full t ime defence service, we are keen to hear from you as soon as possible to discuss your return to work.
Defence Service Leave. An entitlement to paid leave for undertaking defence service (e.g. army reserve) would be included in the Agreement. Entitlements will be equivalent to By-law 14 Defence Leave.