Distribution Procedure Sample Clauses
Distribution Procedure i. For each bargaining unit member there shall be a limit of one
(1) course per semester during the Autumn, Spring and Summer semester or the course rate as determined by OSU, whichever is applicable. Evidence of the completed course work shall be provided to the Board. If a bargaining unit member does not successfully complete the course he/she shall reimburse the Fee Authorization Fund.
ii. The amount of one (1) course per semester shall not apply where expiring fee waiver hours would go unused in the summer. A bargaining unit member must apply in writing for the one (1) additional summer fee waiver by a deadline established by the Superintendent based on final payment dates from the affected institutions. A bargaining unit member will be limited to a maximum of two (2) courses in a summer semester even with this exception.
iii. If any unused tuition reimbursement funds remain after June 1, then bargaining unit members may request one additional tuition reimbursement on or before June 15 for an additional course. The remaining funds will be split equally among the requesting members up to the full cost of their course or the rate as determined by OSU.
iv. A bargaining unit member who has been granted a fee waiver or tuition reimbursement must submit evidence of completion of the course at the end of the semester in which the course is completed rather than when requesting the next fee waiver, unless the fee waiver/tuition reimbursement form is due prior to completion of the previous semester.
Distribution Procedure. The Association President and the Superintendent/designee will resolve problems, which may arise in the implementation of the fee authorization system. The fee authorization hours available from OSU will be divided such that one third of the available hours will be set aside for summer term use with the remaining available hours being divided equally among the remaining terms. For purposes of distribution, any term between the end of Spring term and the beginning of the next Autumn term will be considered as Summer term for available fee authorization hours. Hours not used will be carried over to the next 5Generally speaking, personnel eligible to receive fee authorization will be those with positions requiring teaching/ administrative certificates/licenses, and others, whose positions, as determined by the WEA and the District, generate fee authorizations unless an agreement with an individual university/college specifies who may use/not use fee authorizations. term. No more than the allocated number of hours will be issued during any one school year. Fee authorization hours available from Capital, Ohio Dominican, Ashland, and Otterbein will be issued if they are available using the priorities listed below. Before any fee authorization application is considered, it will be determined that the requesting individual has indicated a willingness to supervise a student teacher/intern or other field experience student (includes participation in an approved research project) by completing the appropriate form for the current school year. Failure to have completed the form will result in the application not being considered. An individual who refuses a request to serve as a supervisor without just cause (just cause to be determined by the Association President and the Superintendent/designee) will not be eligible to receive fee authorization for one term following the term during which the refusal occurred. If the requests for fee authorization are greater than the amount allocated for a particular term, then requests will be considered utilizing the priorities listed below. Within any priority, years of service within the district will be used to determine eligibility. In the event that years of service create a tie, hire date will be used to break the tie. If a tie cannot be broken, a lottery will be utilized, which will be supervised by the Association President and the Superintendent/designee.
Distribution Procedure. The Trustee shall make or commence distributions to or for the benefit of Participants only on receipt of an instruction from the Employer in writing or by such other means as shall be acceptable to the Trustee, certifying that a distribution of a Participant's benefits is payable pursuant to the Plan, and specifying the time and manner of payment. The amount to be distributed shall be determined as of the Valuation Date coincident with or next following the Employer's order. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting upon the directions of the Employer in making benefit distributions, and shall have no duty to determine the rights or benefits of any person under the Plan or to inquire into the right or power of the Employer to direct any such distribution. The Trustee shall be entitled to assume conclusively that any determination by the Employer with respect to a distribution meets the requirements of the Plan. The Trustee shall not be required to make any payment hereunder in excess of the net realizable value of the assets of the Account in question at the time of such payment, nor to make any payment in cash unless the Employer has furnished instructions as to the assets to be converted to cash for the purposes of making payment.
Distribution Procedure. The total fee waivers provided to the Dublin City Schools during a twelve (12) month period shall be equally divided into four (4) quarters, it being understood that in the event there are fee waivers remaining at the end of one quarter and the university agrees, those remaining fee waivers shall roll over into the next quarter. Each teacher may use up to twelve (12) quarter hours or eight (8) semester hours of fee waiver credit each year (beginning with the fall quarter), provided that any such fee waiver credit that is requested by a teacher has not been exhausted at a particular institution that had made same available to the school district. Notwithstanding anything expressed or implied to the contrary in the foregoing, in no quarter or semester except the summer term may a teacher use fee waiver credit for more than either (a) one (1) course or (b) five (5) quarter hours or three (3) semester hours. All requests by teachers for summer term fee waiver credit limited to one course of either five (5) or fewer quarter hours or three (3) or fewer semester hours shall be honored before any teacher shall receive any additional hours of fee waiver credit for that quarter.
Distribution Procedure. Distributions shall be made to Shareholders (or to their estates, personal representatives, successor or assigns, as appropriate) of record on the record date for the dividend distribution, regardless of whether they hold Shares on the date of distribution. Any pro rata dividend distributions made during the taxable year in question to shareholders in excess of 43% of actual tax distribution made in Section 1 above for the applicable periods can be taken into account in determining the extent of the future minimum mandatory dividends for the balance of a taxable year.
Distribution Procedure i. For each bargaining unit member there shall be a limit of one
(1) course per semester during the Autumn, Spring and Summer semester or the course rate as determined by OSU, whichever is applicable. In no case shall a bargaining unit member be reimbursed more than the IRS allowable amount for tax-free benefits for educational assistance programs. Evidence of the completed course work shall be provided to the Board. If a bargaining unit member does not successfully complete the course they shall reimburse the Tuition Reimbursement Fund.
ii. The amount of one (1) course per semester shall not apply where expiring fee-waiver hours would go unused in the summer. A bargaining unit member must apply in writing for the one (1) additional summer fee waiver by a deadline established by the Superintendent based on final payment dates from the affected institutions. A bargaining unit member will be limited to a maximum of two (2) courses in a summer semester even with this exception.
iii. If any unused tuition reimbursement funds remain after June 1, then bargaining unit members may request one additional tuition reimbursement on or before June 15 for an additional course. The remaining funds will be split equally among the requesting members up to the full cost of their course or the rate as determined by OSU.
iv. A bargaining unit member who has been granted a fee waiver or tuition reimbursement must submit evidence of completion of the course at the end of the semester in which the course is completed rather than when requesting the next fee waiver, unless the fee waiver/tuition reimbursement form is due prior to completion of the previous semester.
Distribution Procedure. Naxos China will make best efforts to accept all sound recordings and other materials submitted by Licensor. Naxos China will work with Licensor and Naxos China Retailers to facilitate as many of Licensor’s preferences as possible.
Distribution Procedure. The Trustee shall make or commence distributions to or for the benefit of Participants only on receipt of a direction (in a form acceptable to the Trustee) from the Plan Administrator certifying that a distribution of a Participant’s benefits is payable pursuant to the Plan, and specifying the manner and amount of payment. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting upon the directions of the Plan Administrator in making benefit distributions, and shall have no duty to determine the rights or benefits of any person under the Plan or to inquire into the right or power of the Plan Administrator to direct any such distribution. A beneficiary designation form completed and filed in accordance with Section 7.4 shall be deemed a direction of the Plan Administrator for purposes of this Section 7.8. The Trustee shall be entitled to assume conclusively that any determination by the Plan Administrator with respect to a distribution meets the requirements of the Plan. The Trustee shall not be required to make any payment hereunder in excess of the net realizable value of the assets of the Trust held for the Participant at the time of such payment, nor to make any payment in cash unless the Plan Administrator has furnished instructions in a form and manner acceptable to the Trustee as to the assets to be converted to cash for the purposes of making payment. The Trustee is expressly authorized to liquidate any assets held in a Participant’s Account to make a payment under this Section, but shall not be deemed to have exercised any fiduciary discretion in doing so.
Distribution Procedure. 51 9.5. Lost Distributee........................................................................51 9.6.
Distribution Procedure. Except as provided in Section 7.3 hereof for final distributions upon liquidation, the Members shall determine when distributions shall be made to Members and the total amount to be distributed.