District Initiated. Transfer necessitated because of a credentials issue, a return from leave, a vacancy, or an emergency and/or unresolvable issue.
District Initiated. 33 The District may at any time transfer a regular Classified employee for purposes of economics and efficiency 34 from one position to another position in the same Job Classification (e.g., Student Services Technician, 35 range 18 to Student Services Technician, range 18). The District will consult with the Union regarding any 36 anticipated transfer. Should the transfer result in a change of location (more than 15 miles from their 37 assigned campus), the District will consult with the Union prior to taking any action. The District will work 38 in good faith to ensure that the employee is not adversely affected.
District Initiated the originally assigned teacher stays in the position and the job share partner will be placed in the involuntary transfer process.
District Initiated. Prior to implementing any change, the administrator will provide the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Association with a summary of the proposed changes, the proposed date of change, a list of affected employees, the rationale for the change and a request for the worker(s), through the Association, to reply within five
District Initiated. 1. The basic workweek and hours of work as defined under Sections 15.01 and 15.02 may be changed for a classification of employees if it is determined by the Department Manager/Director to be more efficient for the department's operation and instituted pursuant to law.
2. All provisions under Article 15 above shall apply to affected employees under this section except as noted below:
District Initiated. The District may transfer a unit member on the basis of any of the following:
a) layoff;
b) work load conditions;
c) budgetary considerations;
d) changes in scope and quality of services;
e) to alleviate significant detriment to a program;
f) program needs. While such transfers are at District discretion, the District shall not be arbitrary or capricious. A unit member to be transferred may request a conference or a written statement regarding the reasons for the transfer. The District shall meet with CSEA to provide the rationale for a transfer based on program needs prior to the transfer taking effect.
District Initiated. The District reserves the right to propose to reclassify and change applicable job descriptions following the process in this article at any time throughout the year to meet the needs of the District.
District Initiated. The District retains the right in its sole judgment and discretion to classify and reclassify bargaining unit positions and revise job descriptions during the term of this agreement. In the event of such reclassification, or revision of job description, HBEA (Classified Unit) may within ten (10) working days of such classification or reclassification or revised job description request to meet and negotiate with the District concerning the salary range applicable to such classification or reclassification or revised job description. In the event an agreement is reached on such appropriate salary range within twenty (20) working days following receipt of the Association’s request, any salary range adjustment shall be implemented retroactively to the first date that an incumbent bargaining unit member or members actually worked in such classification; in the event agreement is not reached within said twenty (20) days, the issue of retroactive salary range adjustment shall remain subject to the meeting and negotiating process. In the event the Association fails to timely request meeting and negotiating over the appropriate salary range, then the Association shall be deemed to have knowingly and specifically waived its right to meet and negotiate over the appropriate salary range for such classification or reclassification or revised job description until such time as the entire agreement has been properly reopened for salary negotiations.
District Initiated a. Employees in district-initiated part time positions that were created prior to July 1, 2002, and who work .5 FTE or more, shall continue to receive fully paid health and welfare benefits.
b. Employees in district-initiated part-time positions and are hired into those positions on or after July 1, 2002, shall be provided with health and welfare benefits on a prorated basis. However, employees who were full time but reduced to part-time due to a reduction in work force, shall continue to be entitled to fully paid District benefits. Employees working less than fifty percent (50%) of a full time assignment, shall not be entitled to health and welfare benefits.
c. Unit members reduced from full-time to part-time certificated assignment, shall concurrently be granted a leave without pay for the remainder of their full-time-assignment.
District Initiated a. In District-initiated reassignments, attempts shall be made to place unit members in positions similar to their former assignments. In general, primary teachers placed in primary grades, intermediate teachers in intermediate grades, and junior and senior high teachers within the scope of their credentials and areas of demonstrated competence.
b. Administrator initiates the track change.
c. Notification of reassignment(s) will be sent in writing to all affected unit members no later than April 1st or before spring break (if the April 1st date occurs within spring break). In the event the April 1st deadline cannot be met due to extenuating circumstances, the Site Administrator must notify the District and PVFT, in writing, stating the reason why the deadline needs to be extended.
d. Administrator will send a copy of the District-initiated reassignment to the SRT.
e. Unit member has the right to appeal a District-initiated track change. Written appeals are to be made to the SRT by May 15th or two (2) weeks from the notification of the unit member.
f. The SRT will notify the appealing unit member of the date of the SRT meeting within five (5) working days of receipt of the appeal. The affected staff member may present his/her position in writing to the SRT two (2) working days prior to the meeting.
g. After considering program/student needs, the SRT will use the following non-prioritized criteria for determining their decision regarding the appeal(s):