EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. 18:01 A Department may evaluate each employee’s work performance in writing using methods appropriate to that Department, at or near the end of each course if possible. Such evaluations shall not normally be conducted more frequently than once per course, per term. It is understood that the ability to conduct written performance evaluations does not preclude informal course feedback. For Sessional Lecturers only, where a classroom visit is an integral part of the performance evaluation, advance notice of such a visit shall be provided to the Sessional Lecturer.
18:02 Notwithstanding Article 18:01, an employee may request a formative performance evaluation not more than once per Department per term. Upon such request, the Department Chair shall arrange for such evaluation to be conducted without undue delay. Such formative performance evaluations shall not form part of the employee’s employment file unless the employee so requests.
18:03 In the event that a supervisor forms the opinion that an employee’s performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor shall prepare a written evaluation as prescribed in Article 18:01 without undue delay, for discussion with and comment by the employee. Where the first evaluation indicates an overall rating of unsatisfactory, the employee may request another evaluation.
18:04 Where they are available, student evaluations, whether conducted by the Department or by a student organization or by any other means, shall not be admissible as the sole determining factor to demonstrate unsatisfactory performance in either the discipline procedure or in arbitration. Departments may make use of student evaluations as an element in the Department’s method for assessing work performance.
18:05 A performance evaluation conducted under this Article shall not be the subject of a grievance except in the event of an allegation or complaint of discrimination as defined in Article 4:01 and/or procedural violations.
18:06 The employee has the right to comment, in writing, on his/her performance evaluation and shall be informed of this right. The evaluation, including comments, if any, from the employee, shall be placed in the employee’s employment file.
40.01 Performance Evaluation When a formal written performance evaluation is carried out, the employee will be made aware of the evaluation and will signify in writing that they have seen it. A copy of the evaluation will be given to the employee. If an employee disagrees with the evaluation, then the employee may object in writing and the objection will be attached to the evaluation that is retained by the Employer.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. The Chair or Designated Authority of the employing Department shall be the sole Department authority responsible for issuing warnings, reprimands, or more serious disciplinary sanctions. The Chair may take into account, when setting a reasonable time for improvement, the discussions that have taken place between the supervisor and the employee on this matter.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. 40.01 Performance Evaluation
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. The Principal or Designate shall be the sole authority responsible for issuing warnings, reprimands, or more serious disciplinary sanctions. The Principal or Designate may take into account, when setting a reasonable time for improvement, the discussions that have taken place between the supervisor and the employee on this matter.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. 19:01 The Employer and the Union agree that the purposes of performance evaluations are to improve the quality of the employee’s work by assisting the employee to develop skills, to provide the employee with feedback on performance and to provide a written record of that performance.
19:02 The Department may evaluate each Graduate Assistant’s work performance, not more than twice per period of appointment, in writing using methods appropriate to the Department. More than one evaluation may be completed.
19:03 Such evaluations shall be put in the employment file, only after discussion with the employee, and the employee shall have the right to place written comments in the file, and the right to grieve the methods of evaluation. Employees shall have the right to make copies of all documents in their employment files.
19:04 An Employee may request an evaluation by the Supervisor not more than twice per period of appointment, by submitting a written request to the Supervisor. Such evaluation shall be provided to the employee within four (4) weeks and shall be conducted in accordance with Article 19:02.
19:05 Concerns about unsatisfactory performance shall be brought to the attention of the employee, in writing or orally, as the supervisor deems appropriate, and without undue delay. This may occur at any time during an appointment or within a reasonable period of time beyond the completion of the appointment.
19:06 The employment file shall only contain documents relating to employment and such file shall be maintained separately from the employee’s academic file.
19:07 The contents of the employment file, and all other matters pertaining to the employee’s work performance shall not be communicated in a discussion of academic standing or performance and shall not affect in any way the evaluation of academic standing or performance.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. In the event that employee evaluations are carried out, such evaluations shall be put in an employment file, only after discussion with the employee, and the employee shall have the right to place written comments in the file, and the right to grieve the methods of evaluation. Employees shall have the right to make copies of all documents in their employment files. The employment file shall only contain documents relating to employment and such file shall be maintained separately from the employee‘s academic file. The contents of the employment file, and all other matters pertaining to the employee’s work performance shall not be communicated in a discussion of academic standing or performance and shall not affect in any way the evaluation of academic standing or performance.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. Note: King’s is required to implement SQCTs (SETs) as part of its affiliation agreement with Western. The Employer and the Union agree to enter into a working group to develop a best practice for employee evaluation in addition to SQCTs for the purposes of improved quality of work, feedback, and suitability for future employment. The working group will be struck within 60 days of ratification for a three-month period with the potential for extension based on mutual consent of the parties. The following sections remain in place until such time as an agreement can be reached by the Parties through the working group.
15.01 The Employer may review the performance of Members under this Article, once per course per term. Such an evaluation, if any, shall be in addition to any other assessments including student assessments (SET) and feedback, which may be required by other provisions of this Agreement. If the University wishes a Member to participate in any discussion or meeting as part of this review, the Member shall receive written notice of an evaluation under this Article at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. The University and the Union recognize that coaching letters are non-disciplinary. For clarity, coaching letters shall not form a step in the progressive discipline process and shall not be relied upon to increase the severity of discipline imposed. Coaching letters shall be removed from the employee’s file when twelve (12) months of active employment (i.e., months actually at work at the University in a bargaining unit position) have elapsed since the date of issue. For clarity, a new coaching letter may be issued at any time. All coaching letters shall be clearly identified as such in the subject line of the letter.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION AND RECORDS. 15.01 The University may review the performance of Members under this Article, once per course per term. Such an evaluation, if any, shall be in addition to any other assessments including student assessments (SET) and feedback, which may be required by other provisions of this Agreement. If the University wishes a Member to participate in any discussion or meeting as part of this review, the Member shall receive written notice of an evaluation under this Article at least five (5) days in advance of the meeting. The Employer and the Union agree that the purposes of performance evaluations are to maintain and improve the quality of the employee’s work, to provide the employee feedback on their performance and determine suitability for future employment. Evaluations may be provided to the employee within four (4) weeks of the conclusion of an appointment. A written record of the discussion, signed by both the Supervisor and the employee, to acknowledge the discussion has taken place, shall be retained. Performance in an appointment will be deemed satisfactory if no formal written performance evaluation to the contrary exists, or if no performance evaluation has been conducted.