Evening Assignments. Each Parole Officer in PCS may be assigned to work one evening each week as follows:
1. Employees shall schedule evening work by seniority, with the most senior selecting first, and must submit the schedule to the supervisor at least three (3) weeks prior to the beginning of each quarter.
2. No fewer than two (2) persons assigned to each District shall be scheduled to work on the same evening. Evening work shall begin after 2:00 pm and before 4:00 pm, except that a supervisor may pre-approve an earlier or later start time.
Evening Assignments. If an employee has an evening assignment that is part of the regular load assignment and it is not an overload assignment and they have a scheduled assignment the next day, the supervisor shall schedule a break of at least eleven (11) hours between the end of the evening assignment and the beginning of the first assignment the next day unless there is a need to make load or if the employee requests the assignment.
Evening Assignments. Evening assignments for Association Members will not exceed two nights per week per semester without the Association Member’s written consent. The first assigned course of any day will not start within 12 hours of the end of the last course of the previous day unless the Association Member agrees in writing.
Evening Assignments. Assignments after 4:00 p.m. shall be assigned as part of a full-time faculty member’s assignment only when such assignment is essential to make up the total normal load of the individual or program. Such assignments shall rotate by quarter and by faculty member in that program provided no individual faculty member has volunteered.
Evening Assignments. Assignments after 4:00 p.m. shall be assigned as part of a full-time faculty member’s assignment only when such assignment is essential to make up the total normal load of the individual or program. Such assignments shall rotate by quarter and by faculty member in that program provided no individual faculty member has volunteered. At corrections sites, night classes will first be offered to full-time faculty at the site. Full-time faculty have the right of first refusal, starting with who most recently taught night classes at the facility. Next, the night class will be offered to full-time program faculty. If the class remains unstaffed, adjunct faculty will be sought. If no adjuncts are available, the xxxx will work with the faculty to find an equitable way to staff the class.
Evening Assignments. A. Bargaining unit members may be required to attend up to four (4) evening assignments or meetings during any school year. The first two (2) assignments or meetings shall be without additional compensation. For any additional required assignments or meetings up to a maximum of four (4), bargaining unit members shall be compensated at the hourly rate of $18.63 for 2011-12, $18.63 for 2012-13, $18.82 for 2013-14, and $19.01 for 2014-15. Evening assignments shall be 2-1/2 hours except as otherwise specified.
B. No more than two (2) of these evening assignments shall require supervision of students.
C. Bargaining unit members shall request extra pay on the appropriate Extra Duty Notice and return it, completed, to the designated building person, within thirty (30) days of the completed evening assignment.
D. Bargaining unit members should request prior approval before working more than 2 evening sessions.
Evening Assignments. Teachers may be required to attend, without additional compensation, no more than two (2) evening assignments or meetings each school year, and such meetings or assignments shall not primarily require supervision of students.
Evening Assignments. “This provision is not applicable to a casual employee (except a casual employee while in a Temporary Position)”.
(a) In each Site Service Area the most senior twenty-five (25%) per cent (approximate – adjusted quarterly) of the employees will not be scheduled for evening assignments. All remaining employees in the Geographic Region will be assigned to a rotation that distributes evening assignments on a fair and equitable basis. Where operational requirements indicate there is a need for more employees to be available to work evenings and this is expected to be an on-going requirement, the employer will notify the affected employees within the 25% exempted group of the change in evening assignments. Such changes will be done on a quarterly basis and with a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice to the employees affected. Only the minimum number of employees required to meet the additional evening needs shall be affected, and shall be assigned in reverse order of seniority.
(b) In each Site Service Area for all remaining employees the Employer will endeavour to exclude as many employees as possible from evening assignments, provided that the rotation of evening assignments for all remaining employees remains reasonable. The Employer will discuss the number of additional employees to be given exemption from evening assignments with the Labour Management Committee in each Site. If a member of the bargaining unit that is offered exemption from evening assignments declines such offer, the offer will be extended to the most senior employee that is in the evening assignment.
Evening Assignments. Each Parole Officer in PCS may be assigned to work one evening each week as follows:
Evening Assignments. 1. The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may schedule a back-to-school night or parent/teacher conference during the academic year of a maximum of two (2) hours duration for teacher attendance and participation.
2. The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may schedule a parent-teacher conference night during the academic year of a maximum of two and one-half (2-1/2) hours duration for teacher attendance and participation.
3. The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may schedule an additional parent-teacher conference night during the academic year of a maximum of two (2) hours duration for teacher attendance and participation.
4. In the event a teacher is absent for a scheduled evening session, the Principal shall re- schedule such session for the absent teacher's participation on a subsequent evening.
5. The Administration shall give the Association no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior notice (or such shorter notice as the Association may agree to accept) of scheduling of the back-to-school night and the parent-teacher conference nights. The requirement for thirty