Extra Bus Trips. Driving for extra bus trips must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools and the Transportation Supervisor. Bus drivers who drive for extra bus trips will be paid as per the salary schedule. Drivers are responsible for transporting only authorized personnel unless prior approval is obtained.
Extra Bus Trips. A. All drivers shall be paid for all hours spent on extra trips at the rate of $17.00 in 2022-23; $17.50 in 2023-24; and $18.00 in 2024-25. The minimum compensation for any extra trip shall be $60.00.
B. For extra trips lasting more than five (5) hours in duration, the driver will be provided a $12.00 meal allowance provided the driver is not given a free meal by the restaurant.
C. In the assignment of extra trips, a seniority rotation list policy shall be followed. The next Extra Trip will be given to the next senior driver on a rotation basis.
D. Whenever possible, extra trips shall be assigned five (5) days in advance and shall be awarded on a rotated basis from the seniority rotation list.
E. A regular driver shall have the option of either taking his/her regularly assigned route or an extra trip in the event of a conflict.
F. When possible, no substitutes shall be used on extra trips until the rotation has been exhausted.
G. There shall be two (2) sign-up periods for the rotation list, the first week of school in the fall, and the first week of school after the Christmas break.
H. If a driver does not desire extra trips, he shall have the option of withdrawing his/her name from the rotation list. However, if the driver remains on the list, there shall be no trading of positions on the list.
I. A trip rejected (called off) after being assigned shall be cause for the driver who was first assigned the trip to be skipped until his/her name comes up on the next rotation list sequence. If a driver rejects (calls off) an awarded trip for a second time (or more) in a semester, he/she shall be skipped the next time his/her name comes up on the rotation list. If this trip is rejected with less than one (1) calendar day notice, the Transportation Supervisor shall assign the trip by following the rotation list if possible. This assigned trip shall not cause the driver's name to be skipped when their name comes up on the rotation list sequence.
X. The Employer agrees to maintain two (2) rotation lists. One list shall be those drivers who desire to take extra runs and the second list shall be the Short Notice or Emergency List.
K. The first list (Extra trip list) is a list of interested drivers who desire to take extra trips. If no full-time driver expresses interest in an extra trip, the employer can exhaust other options in filling the need for the extra trip. If a need still exists, a drafting process of full- time drivers will take place as follows: begin with ...
Extra Bus Trips. State minimum wage. If a coach/sponsor requests a driver for a scheduled district activity and none is provided that coach/sponsor will be paid state minimum wage.
Extra Bus Trips. All extra trips will be paid a minimum of one (1) hour for driving time. If a driver is required to lay over on an extra trip, he shall receive a minimum of one hour driving time in each direction.
a. Driving time is defined as the actual time that the driver punches the time clock at the Garage until the time that driver arrives at the destination and from the time that the driver leaves from the destination until he punches the time clock upon arrival at the Garage at the end of the trip.
b. Layover time is defined as the time that a driver is waiting at an event or location. All layover time shall be paid at the rates as set forth in Appendix B.
Extra Bus Trips. 1) School-Day Field Trips
a) Field trips which occur during the school day shall be assigned to that driver who, in the judgment of the Superintendent, can perform the trip with the least disruption of other assigned tasks.
b) Bus drivers shall be paid no less than his/her regular bus driver pay rate during any bus driving assignment. Bus drivers shall take any scheduled rest period and his/her unpaid lunch break during times when students are not on bus. Please see Article 12 – Salaries, Section 1 – Working Out-of-Class Pay.
Extra Bus Trips. State minimum wage an hour or $0.20 per mile (whichever is more).
Extra Bus Trips. Extra bus trips shall be based on a voluntary basis and bid for on a rotational seniority basis with the most senior having the first choice. Xxxxx will be assigned monthly with the most senior choosing first and the second most senior choses, then through the rest of the seniority including subs. Each driver gets one choice per round until the trips are filled.
Extra Bus Trips. A. A bus driver rotation list shall be maintained by the Administration for each of the two (2) service areas. One service area will consist of River Valley High School and River Valley Middle School, Addaville Elementary School, and Vinton Elementary School. A second service area will consist of South Gallia High School, South Gallia Middle School, and Xxxxxx Trace Elementary School. Southwestern Elementary school will be assigned to either list at the option of the driver at the beginning of the school year. These lists will be updated in August, November and March during the school year. If someone new is hired during the school year, the new driver will be notified of the existence of the list and may request to be added to the list per this section. The list will be updated within ten (10) days of the new hire’s start date. Drivers must indicate their desire to be on the rotation lists. All regular drivers' names shall be listed in order of seniority as determined by the last date of hire in this district and this list shall be furnished to all regular drivers upon request.
B. All extra bus trips shall be assigned on a rotational basis using the list described in Section A of this Article. Drivers shall be polled in descending order of classification seniority as determined by Article 18, Section B. Drivers who have previously had an extra trip on that rotation shall be polled only after those who have not previously had a trip on the same rotation. All drivers on each list will be polled before a substitute driver is called. If a driver is ineligible for an extra trip because it interferes with his/her regular bus route, he/she shall remain eligible for other trips on that rotation. Once the full rotation list has been polled and no regular driver has accepted the trip, regular drivers remain eligible for trip and the driver may request the trip. This will not change the rotation list order for the next trip.
C. If no regular or substitute driver is obtained through the polling process, the supervisor shall assign the trip on a mandatory rotation basis to the least senior driver who has not previously had such a trip. In such cases where there is a difference between a driver's regular route pay and the extra bus trip pay the Board agrees to pay whichever is greater of the two. All drivers will be polled on both lists before a substitute driver is called.
D. No later than forty-eight (48) hours after a trip has been approved, the supervisor/designee ...
Extra Bus Trips. All bus trips other than posted bus runs. Offers of additional work that either precede or follow a posted bus run with no interruption.