Assignment of Extra Trips Sample Clauses
Assignment of Extra Trips. No driver shall be eligible for an extra trip if such assignment shall place the driver at over forty hours in a week, until such time as all drivers have had the opportunity to earn at least forty (40) hours in a given week.
Assignment of Extra Trips i. The Supervisor of Transportation shall notify and assign to drivers, in seniority rotation three (3) days in advance, of all field trips. Drivers may be asked to take field trips without three (3) days’ notice in emergency situations. In making assignments, the driver first in rotation shall be assigned the trip-card bearing the earliest date and time. The others shall follow, in order, according to the dates and time of the trips. It is then the driver’s responsibility to see that the trip is taken by a contracted driver if the assigned driver is unable to make the trip. Drivers mandated to take a seventy-five (75) mile plus or minus five (5) miles, trip resulting in being docked one-half (1/2) days wage shall receive an additional amount:
Assignment of Extra Trips. A reasonable attempt shall be made to assign extra trips 29 to regular drivers (those driving a regular daily bus route) on a rotating roster. This 30 roster shall be established at the beginning of the school year on a seniority basis. Only 31 regular drivers shall be included on this roster. New hires shall be added to the bottom 32 of the roster in order of seniority. The Trip Board will be posted on Tuesday by 3:30 33 pm or the first school day of the week, for all requests received for the following week 34 of Monday through Sunday. Trips will be posted chronologically by date, then time of 35 the trip. On Wednesday, or the first available school day after Wednesday, of the 36 current week, trips will be assigned according to seniority rotation. A driver may pass 37 on a trip, allowing the next driver in the rotation to take the trip. The rotation will then 38 continue down the list each week on days where multiple trips are to be scheduled.
Assignment of Extra Trips. 42 Assignment of extra trips shall be made from a roster based on seniority. Trips shall be awarded on 43 the basis of seniority of the driver and transportation assistant signed up for the trip. If no regular 44 driver or transportation assistant signs up for a specific trip, the trip will be assigned to a substitute 45 driver and transportation assistant. No driver or transportation assistant shall be eligible for an extra 46 trip if such assignment will place the driver and transportation assistant at over forty (40) hours in a 47 week. When all drivers and transportation assistants have had the opportunity to reach forty (40) 1 hours in a week, the district may use substitute drivers and transportation assistants. If no substitute 2 driver or transportation assistant is available, and all drivers and transportation assistants have 3 reached forty (40) hours, selection for overtime assignment will be on a rotating seniority basis.
Assignment of Extra Trips. 37 Assignment of extra trips shall be made from a roster based on seniority. Trips shall be awarded 38 on the basis of seniority of the driver and transportation assistant signed up for the trip. If no 39 regular driver or transportation assistant signs up for a specific trip, the trip will be assigned to a 40 substitute driver and transportation assistant. No driver or transportation assistant shall be eligible 41 for an extra trip if such assignment will place the driver and transportation assistant at over forty 42 (40) hours in a week. When all drivers and transportation assistants have had the opportunity to 43 reach forty (40) hours in a week, the district may use substitute drivers and transportation 44 assistants. If no substitute driver or transportation assistant is available, and all drivers and 45 transportation assistants have reached forty (40) hours, selection for overtime assignment will be 46 on a rotating seniority basis. Drivers and transportation assistants have priority over substitutes for 47 overtime assignments. Drivers and transportation assistants who have not reached forty (40) hours 1 in the week will be assigned the work on a rotating seniority basis. A rotating seniority list for all
Assignment of Extra Trips. Extra trips shall be assigned by seniority, modified as follows:
a. The District will keep to a minimum the reassigning of regular drivers to extra trips which conflict with their regular p.m. mns. In case of need, no more than three (3) regular drivers may leave their regular runs to drive extra trips on any single day. The driver or drivers will be offered the trip(s) in the regular rotation from the applicable list(s). The driver shall report at the regular reporting time for the extra trip instead of that for his/her regular run.
b. Activities which require a wheelchair bus shall he driven only by drivers with the wheelchair qualification. Qualifying classes will be offered no less frequently than once each year.
c. Xxxxxx’s who are on sick leave must have a doctor’s excuse in by Wednesday afternoon to be eligible for the extra trip for the following week. If an error is made, the District will back up the wheel instead of assigning the next available trip.
d. Overtime (more than 40 hours in any week) must be avoided. Therefore, except in an emergency, if the assignment of any extra trip would cause a driver to work more than 40 hours, that trip will he assigned to the next driver on the list. The driver who was skipped to avoid overtime will be awarded the next extra trip for which s/he is available in the following week or pay period.
e. Once a driver accepts an extra trip, he/she must drive that trip except in an emergency.
Assignment of Extra Trips. A. Extra Trips shall be defined as trips taken that are not regularly scheduled runs. Said sheet shall be posted on the Bus Driver bulletin board. The total hours for extra trips for each driver shall accumulate from July 1st through the day before the beginning of second semester, at that time hours will be recalculated back to zero and will accumulate from the 1st day of the second semester through June 30th .
B. Extra Trips shall be posted in a two (2) week block of time. Each trip shall be posted separately. Extra trip block shall be posted on the Monday prior to the beginning of the trip block schedule. Extra trips shall be posted a minimum of three (3) working days. Extra trip assignments shall be made no later than Friday a.m., prior to the extra trip block schedule.
C. Drivers may select any extra run or runs. Drivers on an approved leave who will not be available for regular posting of extra trips have the option of signing up for trips the week prior to the leave.
D. The supervisor shall assign the first extra trip to the most senior driver with the least accumulated extra trip time, and continue assigning the extra trips using the same method until all extra trips have been assigned. No trading of extra trips.
E. All extra trip hours will be added to the trip board by the driver on the driver’s next work day.
F. In the event a driver turns in a trip, the driver who drives the trip will not be charged the hours. The driver turning in the trip will be charged the hours. The driver taking the trip will xxxx the trip on the trip board under the driver who turned in the trip. In the event a driver turns in three (3) extra trips in a semester of school that driver will not be allowed to apply for any extra trips for two consecutive trip block postings. In the event more trips have been assigned to that driver, those trips will be reposted. Management may waive the above provisions for extenuating circumstances.
G. In the event an extra trip has been canceled and the employee is not notified of such cancellation at least one (1) hour prior to the scheduled reporting time, the driver may: O drive his/her own run(s) or 0 receive a minimum of one run's pay at the regular run rate. If the driver chooses to drive his/her own run(s), he/she will not be charged with the accumulated time for the extra trip. If the driver chooses to receive the regular run(s) rate, the driver shall be charged with the accumulated time for the extra trip equal to their regular r...
Assignment of Extra Trips. Assignment of extra trips shall be made from a roster 14 based on seniority. Trips shall be awarded on the basis of seniority of the driver signed up for the trip. 15 If no regular driver signs up for a specific trip, the trip will be assigned to a substitute driver. No 16 driver shall be eligible for an extra trip if such assignment will place the driver at over forty (40) hours 17 in a week. When all drivers have had the opportunity to reach forty (40) hours in a week, the district 18 may use substitute drivers. If no substitute driver is available, and all drivers have reached forty (40) 19 hours, selection for overtime assignment will be on a rotating seniority basis. Drivers have priority 20 over substitutes for overtime assignments. Drivers who have not reached forty (40) hours in the week 21 will be assigned the work on a rotating seniority basis. A rotating seniority list for all extra trips shall 22 be established at the beginning of each school year.
Assignment of Extra Trips. Extra trips shall be assigned by seniority modified as follows:
a. The District w ill keep to a minimum the reassigning of regular drivers to extra trips which conflict with their regular runs. In case o f need, no more than three (3) regular drivers may leave their regular runs to drive extra trips. The driver or drivers will he offered the trip(s) in the regular rotation from the applicable list(s). The driver shall report at the reporting time for the extra trip instead of that for his/her regular run.
b. Xxxxxx’s who are on sick leave must have a doctor’s excuse in by Wednesday afternoon to be eligible for the extra trip for the following week. If an error is made, the District w ill back up the wheel instead o f assigning the next available trip.
c. Once a driver accepts an extra trip, he/she must drive that trip except in an emergency.
Assignment of Extra Trips. Assignment of permanent substitute drivers for the Special Education, CTE or other routes that use sub drivers during the day, shall be on a rotating basis similar to the Extra Trips procedure. The Transportation Supervisor shall have the right to ask a driver to perform sub driver duties in the event of short notification, if the sub list has been exhausted. A full time driver may be eligible to drive an Extra Trip instead of his/her regular bus route, only if a substitute driver is available to replace the full time driver. This substitute driver also must be fully qualified, which is defined as having ridden and driven that particular route without problems. A driver may give up his/her route to take any Extra Trip, including sports, if a permanent substitute driver is available to drive this route. The driver will still receive his/her route pay in addition to the pay received for the extra trip. If Extra Trips are changed after being posted, drivers, if possible, will be given 24- hour notice of changes after trip is assigned, with weather issues excluded from this rule. The driver shall have the right to refuse the Extra Trip if changes are made after it is assigned provided, however, the right to refuse is conditioned upon there being sufficient time to obtain another driver for the Extra Trip. The driver will go to the top of the Extra Trip bid list. Should an Extra Trip be canceled, the affected driver(s) will go to the top of the Extra Trip list for the next available trip within one (1) week. When necessary, the driver shall request a map and/or driving directions to an Extra Trip destination upon assignment of the Extra Trip.