Extra-Curricular Pay Sample Clauses
Extra-Curricular Pay. The Board agrees to pay on a current basis those monies earned for extra-duty responsibilities which are yearlong in nature. Those responsibilities, which are not year- long, will be paid at the end of the activity involved. The extra pay for extra-duty program will be set forth under the heading “Extra-Curricular Pay Program” in Appendix “B” attached and made a part hereof. No teacher, except for limitation of available, qualified personnel, shall receive more than two appointments per year to these positions. All of the positions on the extracurricular pay schedule will have a job description which includes the expected duties of an applicant and requirements to qualify for the post. Each activity club/class sponsor will be evaluated by the building administrative leader regarding his/her performance. The building administrative leader will make his/her recommendation to the Board regarding reemployment. A club/class sponsor may be replaced as a result of a specific and detailed unsatisfactory performance review. Club/class sponsors will not be replaced until or unless there is an unsatisfactory performance review or a resignation. The Board may seek applicants inside the bargaining unit as well as outside the district simultaneously. Each coach will be evaluated by the Athletic Director who will make his/her recommendation to the Board regarding continuing employment. An unsatisfactory performance review will result in his/her release from the extracurricular activity. Coaches that receive a state censure on state tests or sportsmanship will be dismissed. Certification for Coaches. For a coach who becomes certified in PACE Level I and PACE Level II, that coach will receive a one-time bonus of 10% based on the salary listed in Appendix “B”. For a coach who becomes certified in C. P. R. and First Aid certified through the American Red Cross, that coach will receive a one-time bonus of 10% of the salary listed in Appendix “B”. A position will be declared vacant as a result of an unsatisfactory performance review, resignation, or creation of a new position.
Extra-Curricular Pay. Extra Curricular pay is for work performed outside the duty day. Assignment to extra curricular responsibilities are intended to be on a voluntary basis and selections will be made by the principal on a year-to-year basis. Nothing in this section should be interpreted as a mandate that any activity be offered at a site. If a season for a sport is stopped early due to non-participation, or non-eligibility by students, the agreed upon compensation will be prorated. Final decisions on activities and schedules will be made by the site administrator and approved by the superintendent. If a teacher serves as a coach and is not selected as the coach of that sport in the successive season, the principal will provide that teacher with a written statement as to the reason(s). All coaching vacancies will be posted and candidates will be interviewed and selected through the interview process by the principal. Extra curricular pay shall apply to but not limited by the following activities.
Extra-Curricular Pay. Extra Curricular pay is for work performed outside the duty day. Assignment to extra curricular responsibilities are intended to be on a voluntary basis and selections will be made by the principal, CSC, and/or designee on a year-to-year basis. Nothing in this section should be interpreted as a mandate that any activity be offered at a site. If a season for a sport is stopped early due to non-participation, non- eligibility of students, or funding, the agreed upon compensation will be prorated. The prorating shall be based on the length of the regular season, including pre-season practice, but not the regional or state championship. Final decisions on activities and schedules will be made by the site administrator and approved by the Superintendent. If a teacher serves as a coach and is not selected as the coach of that sport in the successive season, the principal will provide that teacher with a written statement as to the reason(s). All coaching vacancies will be posted and candidates will be interviewed and selected through the interview process by the principal. Assistant coaches are hired at the discretion of the head coach, and any monetary compensation will be split from the stipends as defined below. Extra curricular pay shall apply to, but not limited by, the following activities. Any extra curricular activities not listed here, but determined to meet site needs by the site administrator, will be paid at a comparable level.
Extra-Curricular Pay. Support Staff may also be required to work for special school events such as, but not limited to, dances and field trips, Science Fairs, Art Fair, or athletic events with pay at their hourly rate. The employer will first consider volunteers, highest seniority first, among the qualified. If there are insufficient volunteers, the duties will be assigned by lowest seniority among those qualified.
Extra-Curricular Pay. All positions on this schedule will be paid on a percentage basis. Each activity shall be given a specific percentage value as listed below.
Extra-Curricular Pay. 1. Definitions
a. Supplemental – additional compensation paid in the form of a fixed amount issued as a contract for specific responsibilities with determined beginning and ending dates. Examples include coaching, department chairs.
b. Stipend – additional compensation paid in the form of a fixed amount for a designated purpose, qualification or achievement issued as a contract or part of the certified contract. Examples; National Board Certification
c. Hourly Rate – additional compensation paid on an hourly basis for performing additional work, paid upon the completion of the work submitted on a time slip or other hourly tracking mechanism.
Extra-Curricular Pay. These percent’s relate to the salaries listed in Appendix A at the BA Level at the step consistent with the number of years of activity up to eight (8) years. In the case of Athletics, advancement from one (1) coaching level to another in the same sport shall not be cause to reduce the experience level for that activity. Head Football – Basketball 12% Head Baseball - Track 9% Wrestling 11% Asst. Coaches - J.V. Baseball 8% J.V. Football, J.V. Basketball, Wrestling 8% Freshman Basketball 7% Assistant Football 8% Cross County - Golf 7% Girls' Basketball (Varsity) 12% Girls’ Basketball (Freshman) 7% Volleyball, Track, Softball (Girls) 9% Girl’s Soccer - (Varsity) 9% High School Student Council 2.5% Cheerleading: per session Fall/Winter Varsity 6% JV 4% Choral Director 5% Plays/Musical 5% Band 9% Quiz Bowl High School (add .5% for years when Springport hosts event) 1% Yearbook, if not a class 6.5% Senior Advisor 2% Junior Advisor 3.5% Freshman Class Advisor 1% Sophomore Class Advisor 1%
Extra-Curricular Pay. The point system of the District shall apply to all extra-curricular activities advisors and is attached to and made part of this article. The base salary for the point system shall be set at 14% of the base salary on the BA-XX xxxx. The same experience index used for the BA-XX xxxx on the regular salary schedule shall be applied to each activity advisor according to his/her number of years of experience in that activity in this school system. Any proposed changes to the point system must be approved by the Extra-Curricular Salary Committee before being presented at negotiations. The make-up of the Extra- Curricular Salary Committee shall be the following: Superintendent, Activities Director, two (2) School Board members and four (4) contracted coaches and/or advisors. The VCEA shall ask for volunteers from the teaching staff.
Extra-Curricular Pay. If an employee is offered and accepts assignment to an extra-curricular activity, the employee shall be paid the rate set forth for said activity in the Extra Duty Plan. The Employer shall not be required to assign employees to any or all extra-curricular positions. Payment
Extra-Curricular Pay. 18.1 The District’s extra-curricular programs and policies are defined in the Lone Rock Policy Manual. This includes the list of activities, hiring policy, evaluation and contract documents. The District agrees to meet and confer with the Association prior to the beginning of the Academic year on the Extra-curricular programs and policies. The pay scale is attached for reference as Appendix B to this contract.