TEACHER COMPENSATION. Section A: Definition and Placement Paragraph 1: Each teacher employed by the Board shall be compensated for the professional services which he/she renders during the professional days for the term of a contract year. This compensation shall be termed salary and the amount of such salary each teacher receives for a contract year shall be deter- mined by his/her placement on the Teachers Salary Schedule (Section B, Para- graph 1 of this Article).
(a) A fractional part of a year’s service shall be paid on the basis that the number of contract days worked bears to the total number of contract days in the con- tract year.
(b) The base contract salary shall be prorated for any teacher who teaches less than full time.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. Section A: Definition and Placement Paragraph 1: Each teacher employed by the Board shall be compensated for the professional services which he/she renders during the professional days for the term of a contract year. This compensation shall be termed salary and the amount of such salary each teacher receives for a contract year shall be determined by his/her placement on the Teachers Salary Schedule (Section B, Paragraph 1 of this Article).
(a) A fractional part of a year’s service shall be paid on the basis that the number of contract days worked bears to the total number of contract days in the contract year.
(b) The base contract salary shall be prorated for any teacher who teaches less than full time.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. If the State reduces the cost per pupil amount for the Teacher Salary Supplement, the dollars incorporated into Exhibit B, will become the subject of negotiations subject to statutory impasse.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. A. The salaries for the term of this Agreement are established in Appendix A to this Agreement.
B. The salary schedule is based on a teachers working the equivalent of one hundred seventy-nine (179) days within a one hundred eighty (180) day calendar. Rates of pay for extra duty, not of an extracurricular nature, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, shall be as follows:
i. Teachers who agree to teach an extra period on a regular basis will be compensated at a pro-rated rate of one-sixth of their current salary.
ii. Teachers who agree to serve as an internal substitute will be compensated at the rate of $25 per hour.
C. Compensation for extracurricular activities is appended to this Agreement in Appendix B.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. 13-1. The parties agree to the following salary schedules A and B for the contracted year, notwithstanding changes referenced in Article 7. 13-2. Placement of returning employees after separation from TSD:
a. Employees with less than twelve years of experience steps – LAST STEP EARNED ON SALARY SCHEDULE B.
b. Employees with more than twelve years of experience steps – STEP 12 OF SALARY SCHEDULE B.
c. Employees who have been involved in a RIF reduction in the previous two years – LAST STEP EARNED.
d. The last step earned is defined as the step a teacher would have been placed on if he/she had remained as an employee.
e. Returning probationary teachers must fulfill three consecutive school years of demonstrated effectiveness, as determined through his/her performance evaluations and continuous employment, to gain non-probationary status.
f. Teachers having earned non-probationary status in Xxxxxxxx R2-J district may request non-probationary status upon returning to TSD.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. A. The salaries of teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in salary schedules which are incorporated in this Agreement. Such salary schedules shall remain in effect during the term of this Agreement.
B. Salary for administrators who are assigned regular classroom teaching responsibilities will have the portion of the day that is assigned to classroom teaching based upon the individual's actual in- district seniority and degree status as specified in this Master Agreement. There shall be no more than one administrator assigned to such teaching responsibilities.
C. The District will not give credit on the salary schedule for previous teaching experience for those teachers hired after June 1, 1994, except for certified counselors and other certifications as agreed upon by the MEA President and the Superintendent of Schools. Agreed upon certifications will be granted up to five (5) years credit for previous teaching experience.
D. If a teacher completes the requirements for a higher degree, adjustments on the salary schedule will take place after official notification from the granting institution has been received by the District. All adjustments to salary will be effective at the beginning of the next payroll period following the date of receipt of the official notification.
E. Teachers that receive additional credit beyond their B.A. or M.A. may qualify for professional compensation1 , provided the teacher has satisfied the following conditions.
1. The fifteen or thirty semester hours of credit must be earned after September 1, 1970.
2. The fifteen or thirty semester hours of credit must be granted by a degree granting, accredited institution or have the Superintendent’s pre-approval, and courses taken are at the graduate level.2 The accredited institution must have received its accreditation from one of the Regional Accrediting Organizations as recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the U.S. Department of Education or both.
F. The contractual salary shall be divided as follows:
TEACHER COMPENSATION. All compensation listed as "added to base salary" shall be calculated on a pro-rata F.T.E. basis. All compensation listed as "lump sum" and/or "not added to base salary" will be paid regardless of F.T.E. status.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. Section 1: New Teacher Hire Salary Ranges
Section 2: The Board reserves the right to provide individual or group stipend bonuses at any time based on the performance and/or duties of Effective and Highly Effective teachers with the recommendation of the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall have the discretion to increase an eligible teacher’s salary by an additional stipend amount from $500 to $2500 based on academic needs. Meeting academic needs is defined as the need to attract teachers with specific qualifications, retain teachers with low salaries, and/or retain teachers important to the school corporation. This stipend may be increased to $5000 for teaching Dual Credit and/or Advance Placement courses.
Section 3: Salaries of teachers employed on a supplemental service contract in the summer shall be determined by the Superintendent
Section 4: The mandatory payment to the Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS) as set by the INPRS Board shall be paid by MSD of Steuben County.
Section 5: Teachers are responsible for providing current and renewal teaching licenses to the Board. This would include appropriate records as may be required to substantiate professional qualifications and entitlement to compensation. Failure to provide required records or to maintain a current license may result in the voiding of the teacher’s employment by the School Corporation and/or denial of compensation. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to notify the Superintendent prior to August 1st, if, through additional training, a change in salary is anticipated in the following school year. Transcripts certifying such a change shall be on file in the Superintendent’s office no later than September 30th. Adjustments to teacher’s pay shall not be retroactive, for whatever cause.
TEACHER COMPENSATION. 13-1. The parties agree to the following salary schedules A and B for the contracted year, notwithstanding changes referenced in Article 7. 13-2. Placement of returning employees after separation from TSD:
a. Employees with less than twelve years of experience steps – LAST STEP EARNED ON SALARY SCHEDULE B.
b. Employees with more than twelve years of experience steps – STEP 12 OF SALARY SCHEDULE B.
c. Employees who have been involved in a RIF reduction in the previous two years – LAST STEP EARNED.
d. The last step earned is defined as the step a teacher would have been placed on if he/she had remained as an employee.
e. Returning probationary teachers must fulfill three consecutive school years of demonstrated effectiveness, as determined through his/her performance evaluations and continuous employment to gain non-probationary status.
f. Teachers having earned non-probationary status in Xxxxxxxx R2-J district may request non-probationary status upon returning to TSD.
13-3. Horizontal steps (columns) will be allowed on September 1, 2018 for the 2018-2019 school year only, according to the current Regulations of Teacher Salary Schedules A and B.
a. In order to be eligible for vertical (step) advancement, a teacher must have been under contract a minimum of one semester of the previous school year and received an effective or highly effective at the time of their final evaluation rating. Any teacher on an improvement plan, at the time of their final rating, as a result of the evaluation process will be excluded from the salary advancement available to other teachers and will be frozen at his/her current salary level for the entire following school year.
b. The percent of contracted FTE does not restrict a teacher’s ability for vertical or horizontal movement.
c. Hours needed to advance horizontally as indicated on either salary schedule A or B may be semester hours of graduate level college or university credit earned from an accredited college or university (quarter hours are converted to semester hours at the rate of 2/3 credit for each hour earned).
d. Hours may also be achieved by successfully completing approved TSD sponsored courses, including, but not limited to, TIC, induction, standards, licensure, technology, assessments. Each semester credit will require 15 hours of class time.