Faculty Compensation Sample Clauses
Faculty Compensation. A. Salary Increase for Promotions for 2011-2012. The University shall provide a pool of such an amount as is needed to fund promotion increases to faculty who have been promoted. For 2011-2012 the amount will be sufficient to provide base salary increases for in-unit faculty who were approved for promotion by the Board of Trustees at the June 2011 meeting. From the established pool, the respective faculty members shall, on August 7, 2011, receive adjustments to their 2010-2011 base salary consistent with the rank or level to which they were promoted and the percentage adjustment to base salary outlined in Article 23.2.
Faculty Compensation. 1. The ongoing goal of the Xxxx Community College District (KCCD) and the Association is to provide a salary that is competitive with the agreed upon college comparables (see section 2 below).
Faculty Compensation. A. One-Time Compression and Inversion Salary Adjustment: A pool of $205,000.00 shall be used to provide a one-time base salary adjustment for compression and inversion as described below to the August 7, 2013 base salary of individual faculty identified by the parties. The parties agree to use the methodology described in the 2010-2011 Balmoral Study which was conducted to inform bargaining and determining the eligible faculty. The identified ranked faculty will receive an amount calculated for their CIP code as adjusted for the standard error of measurement. In addition, a number of non-ranked instructional faculty (Instructor I and II) were identified as eligible for a salary adjustment based on the Balmoral formula and their relative salary to ranked faculty.
Faculty Compensation. The college shall be responsible for the compensation of faculty in accordance with Alabama Community College System and/or College policies. Faculty may not receive dual compensation for instructional time. One (1) three semester credit hour postsecondary/college level course shall equal one (1) high school Carnegie credit in the same or related subject at the secondary level. Partial credit agreements shall be developed between the college and the LEA based on additional instructional or lab time.
Faculty Compensation. 1. Full-time faculty members teaching load (as defined in Article XV, sections III and IV) will be paid according to the Full-time Academic Salary Schedule as described in Section II.A below.
2. Beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, part-time faculty during the academic year and all faculty during summer terms holding classroom or equivalent assignments will be paid according to the Part-time Classroom Academic Salary Schedule as described in Section II.B below.
3. Beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, full-time faculty teaching overload and part-time faculty holding non-classroom assignments during the regular and summer terms will be paid according to the Full-time Overload/Part-time Non- classroom Academic Salary Schedule as described in Section II.C below.
Faculty Compensation. It is understood that faculty can satisfy their 24 credit hour per academic year workload requirement by any combination of distance learning and traditional, face-to-face class delivery. Should an overload situation arise, prevailing overload compensation shall apply for any DL course.
Faculty Compensation. A. 2021-2022 One-time Non-recurring Payment. All eligible employees who were employed prior to August 7, 2021, who are not in receipt of a notice of termination or non-reappointment and had a satisfactory annual evaluation for AY 2021-2022, shall receive a one-time, nonrecurring payment of three thousand dollars ($3,000).
B. 2022-2023 Salary Increases. Effective August 7, 2022, all eligible employees who were employed prior to August 7, 2021, who are anticipated to continue employment during the full 2022-2023 academic year (AY), and are not in receipt of a notice of termination or non- reappointment and had a satisfactory evaluation for AY 2021-2022, shall receive a recurring increase to their base salary of two and one-half percent (2.50%).
C. 2023-2024: The parties have agreed to go back to the table to negotiate a potential salary increase for 2023-2024.
D. Additional salary-related initiatives for 2021-2024: Number of winners of Excellence Award in each category of Teaching, Scholarship, and Service increased from one to two; Advisor excellence award to be restored for AY 2022-2023 (one award each for junior and senior level); and Librarian excellence award to be created for AY 2022-2023 (one award each for junior and senior level).
E. Instructor Minimum Base Salaries: Instructor I minimum base salaries adjusted to $44,900 / 9-month contract; Instructor II minimum base salaries adjusted to $51,635 / 9-month contract; and Instructor III minimum base salaries adjusted to $59,380 / 9-month contract. Minimum base salaries for Instructors on 12-month contracts will be calculated according to the formula in Article 8.9.B. NOTE: Adjusted Instructor minimum base salaries are retroactive to Aug. 7, 2021. Any Instructor I or Instructor II promoted in Spring 2022 will receive the base increase first, then 15% for promotion, then the 2.5% ATB.
Faculty Compensation. The college shall be responsible for the compensation (examples include but are not limited to salaries, stipends, or supplements) of faculty in accordance with ACCS and institutional policy. New consortia arrangements and/or contractual agreements whereby the institution pays the secondary system or high school to provide the instruction for Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit classes are prohibited as they may:
(1) lessen the institution's ability to exercise control and supervision of the instructor and
(2) increase the complexity of compliance with accreditation standards related to educational programs. Faculty may not receive dual compensation for instructional time.
Faculty Compensation. 10.1.1 Regular UMN/SPH faculty will be compensated by UMN/SPH for their teaching and travel according to accepted UMN/SPH and University of Minnesota policy.
10.1.2 UMN/SPH adjunct faculty performing as primary course instructor for a course owned by UMN/SPH and taught under the PubH designator as part of the public health curriculum, as reviewed and approved by the UMN/SPH educational policy committee, will be compensated by UMN/SPH at the rate of $2,500.00 per semester credit with either direct compensation to the adjunct faculty member, or on arrangement for a contract with the adjunct faculty’s primary academic unit or employer as determined by said academic unit or employer.
10.1.3 CVM faculty who teach courses, either on the /CVM campus or via the Internet, that are owned by /CVM and have been approved by the UMN/SPH educational policy committee for transfer to the Program, will be compensated by /CVM according to /CVM’s compensation policy. Up to a maximum of fourteen (14) /CVM semester credits may be approved by the PHP major chair and executive committee for transfer to the Program. These credit hours will not be subject to any tuition charges by UMN/SPH.
Faculty Compensation. A. The University shall provide a pool of such an amount as needed to fund promotion increases to faculty who have been promoted. The amount will be sufficient to provide base salary increases for in-unit faculty who were approved for promotion. Such increases will be effective on August 7 following promotion.