Final Submittal. When final plans are complete, please submit one (1) set of sepias and six (6) sets of prints in a 24” x 36” format so that final approval can be processed. Final drawings should include the following on a 24” x 36” format:
Final Submittal. A. A digital copy in PDF of the drawings (signed and sealed)
Final Submittal. (1) Submit, in final form, one copy of complete data fifteen (15) days prior to final inspection. Copy will be returned with comments.
Final Submittal. Submit final plans and specifications to the City staff, which incorporate technical and legal input provided by the City.
Final Submittal. Provide three (3) hard copies and a PDF version of the Final Design Services submittal. The submittal shall consist of the Final Project Design Report, Technical Memos in appendix of report, complete plans, specifications, contract documents, and opinion of probable construction cost to the City’s PM for review. The Final Design Services submittal will be made to the City when the consultant believes the plans, specifications, contract documents, and opinion of probable construction cost are 100% complete.
Final Submittal. Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of Contractor's Construction Schedule.
Final Submittal. Based on comments received on the 90% submittal, proceed to finalize the construction documents (plans and specifications). It is anticipated that the City will develop the front-end specification documents for public bid. Update the cost estimate to reflect the current design and reformat it to match bid items listed in the bid form. Submit two (2) stamped and signed paper copies and PDF electronic files of the final submittal package to the City and Building Division to backcheck and then advertise the project for public bid. Provide written responses to City and Building Division comments. Provide source files in Word and AutoCAD file format for the City’s use.
Final Submittal. Revise the Preliminary Design Documents in response to CPA comments, and furnish four (4) copies of the completed Design Development documents to CPA.
Final Submittal. This item includes all work necessary to complete the design and prepare the final project bid package.
Final Submittal. Upon completion of Project, prior to final acceptance, secure digital copy of irrigation design from the Project Manager and record As-Built information that reflects all changes made over the course of the construction project, prepared by a qualified draftsperson. As-Built Drawings shall include details, including any revisions as per actual installation. Deliver and submit to the Project Manager for review the following items: